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She walks cautiously, apparently averse to getting mud on her hooves.

"Well, there's a den of timberwolves that go out at night to prowl, there's a type of tree that tries to grab you with its vines, but it's pretty easy to recognize, and..."

Midnight lands with a *splut*.

"...you just jumped into quicksand."

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"So the usual stuff that's anyone to deal with" brave said with a vary annoyed face as he pulled a branch off the ground to help midnight

(i swear if i get some sleep with in the hour i will be a vary happy pony)

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In his weakened condition, Dawn was no better off than everypony else. Of course, his heart still pounded unnecessarily fast every time he stole a glance at Dulset, or so much as thought about her beautiful voice... The young rock star shook his head when he saw Midnight land in a patch of quicksand. "Does that answer your question?" He said in a rather smart-alecky tone, before moving next to Brave to help him extend the reach of the branch. He quickly turned away and coughed a few times. "Sorry..."

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"We're only like, five minutes away from the lake, if we were going to turn in so quickly we should have just stayed there for the night. I'd certainly prefer sleeping there, do you want to go back?"

Nag nag nag...

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the anyoance on braves face increesed

"i would rather go sleep with the timberwolves then back track" he told the kelpie "we've wasted enough time today without going backwards"

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"I have to agree, with him. It would be usless to go back." Darjy said as he kept searching. He found a cave after a moment.

"I'm going to explore that cave, give me a moment." He said as he walked towards it.

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"then grab some moss" brave said flatly as they got midnight out

"got anymore fruit i want to hit her" he whispered to midnight with a face that was slowly turning to angry dawn being the only one close enough to hear

"I'll go help darky" he said passing everypony

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Dawn rolled his eyes at Brave. "Come on, she does have a point..." He said, turning back to Dulset to find her smirking at him, and the blush returned to his cheeks. "Heh... Uh... Y-you'll get used to them, I'm sure..." He said.

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dawn knew braves attitude was more out of then pain he was in and how tired he was. so when dawn said that she wasn't that bad brave whispered to dawn it was mainly because he was tired more then her personality, although it didn't help.


"So whats in the cave" brave said to darky as he approached the mouth of it

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going into the cave brave almost used his light spell but quickly stopped himself before doing so. so instead he let his eyes adjust witch wasn't that long

as soon as he could see he saw what looked like the remenets of a previous group. some trash here and there and some twigs and logs that would be used on the fire pit near the middle of the whole cave


"well it dosnt seam dangerous so far" brave said to himself checking the pit to see how long its been sence use


(at least a few weeks maybe a month)


"and it dosnt look like its been used in a wile" brave said to darky his voice slightly echoing "anything on your side of the cave?"

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Midnight huffed as she slipped into the sinking sand. "Ok, not too hard to handle, I have Timberwolves who are my pets at home," Midnight grabbed the brunch with her teeth and the boys managed to pull her out.

"Ok," Midnight breathed out as they entered the cave, it was going to be super wierd sleeping at night, she'd rather of slept during the day and got someone to carry her but she'd knew it would've been a burden.

She noticed the dirt and rubbish lying around from former campers as dturned straight to the Kelpie. "Had a meal recently?" She asked with a tone meaning she really wasn't in the mood.

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"There is nothing but remains of an old camp here to." Darky said as he serched the cave. "Looks safe." He said as he walked deeper until he reached the end. There was nothing but rocks. He walked back with Brave. "Lets tell the others is safe." He said.

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"He's got the right idea." Dawn said hoarsely, walking into the cave and looking at the passed out unicorn. He glanced around the cave, finding nothing but trash and rocks. "We should probably get some rest, and get an early start in the morning."

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brave sat up strait at the sound of somepony entering

"wha-whos there? oh its just you dawn." he said laying back down. then after a huge yawn he started to mumble until it became small snoring again and the only thing that was audible from that was something about somepony guarding the entrance

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Darky noticed that Brave was sleeping. He sighed and called everypony else to the cave after seeing Dawn walkig into it, as well as Midnight.

Once everypony was there, Darky started working in some beds for them so they didn't had to be on the floor.

He did them with a bunch of leaves and wooden sticks for all of them, including Dulset.

Once ready he used his magic to put Brave in one, then laid in one with Luna above him.

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"I'll keep watch you bozos, if I collapse tomorrow, somepony can carry me," she smirked before looking at Dulset who had a bed and everything made for her.

"Well I'm so sorry dear," she laced it with sarcasm as she re-assembled her armour and placed the sword by herself as she stood by the front of the cave, ready to protect.

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When darky lifted brave he had almost woken the unicorn up but all brave did was stop lightly snoring for a few seconds.

once he was laid down he went back to what ever he was dreaming and his ears flicking a leaf, that had been tossed in the air, away

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Dawn sighed and looked at the bed that Darky made. "It's not entirely her fault. She was only trying to survive." He said, coughing a few more times. He climbed into the makeshift bed, trying his best to relax. He hoped that he would be able to get some sleep, and not kept up the entire night coughing.

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Dakry and Luna soom fell asleep to.

The next morning, Celestia brought down the moon and up the son since Luna was busy with this little quest.

Darky woke up after a moment that happened and went made a camofire inside the cave. He grabbed some food from his saddlebag for all of them, includig some meat for Midnight, then started cooking for all of them.

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