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"Y-yeah... I think we should." Dawn replied, turning around and heading back to the cave. He coughed a few more times and turned away, spitting yet another droplet of blood on the ground. He hoped that Brave wouldn't notice... "I think your powers should be back by now. After all, it's been a few hours since it sizzled out." He said, glancing back toward the cave. His eyes briefly fell on Dulset, before he quickly averted them.

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Midnight nodded a silent but powerful thank you to Darky before she picked up the meat in her teeth and walked out of the cave passing everypony else.

"I won't stray to far, just enough where you cannot see me," Midnight spoke through her teeth as she walked a good few paces before pulling out a small playing plate thing with her hooves and setting the meat down on top of it.

Midnight but into it and smiled to herself as she tasted the blood that literally oozed out of it. She smelt it too but it was probably Dawn, coughing his insides into outsides.

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Dawn's heart skipped a beat when Brave mentioned the smell of copper, and he immediately shook his head in response. "Must be Midnight and her food..." He said quickly. "I would also like to know that, but we can't keep ignoring Dulset. We shouldn't leave without getting her fed first." He added, coughing once more.

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"Well, I don't uave any chickens with me..." Darky admited, then sighed. And I doubt we will find one in the forest at all." He added. "Maybe when we exit, we might find one. As soon as I find it I will.bring it to you." Darky said to Dulset.

"If you feel weak to walk, I can carry you." He offered.

Luna didn't liked the idea that much, but as long as he had his armor on and remained focused, he would be fine.

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Midnight picked up Dulset's moaning through her ears and she rolled her eyes, she had half of the meat left which was a rather large part of an animal.

Picking the plate up that she was eating off of, she walked over to Dulset and placed it in front of her. "Stop moaning and eat," Midnight didn't mind living on little food, they'd be reaching Canterlot soon so it didn't really matter, she'd gone longer.

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Darky chuckled a little at her reaction. His horn glowed and gave the meat back to Midnight. "Well, more food for you." He said smiling to her, then turned to Dulset.


"I promise that when we get out, I will get you a chicken to eat." he said to her, then got his things ready, as well as Luna.


"I'm ready to go." he said

"Me to." Luna said as she walked to his side, giving him a soft nuzzle to his mane.

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Midnight shrugged the food off not wanting to delay everypony.

"Suit yourself, that's a cow," she shrugged as she lifted her saddel bags into a more suitable position before walking off ahead of everypony else and grabbing her main the process.

"My lord how are we supposed to work with this!"

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(That sounded... funny xD)

Darky shrugged and allowed her to get on his back, careing her on his back. He still had his armor on, but there were a pair of oppenings near his neck, big enough for a hoof.

Luna was walking beside him, not paying much attention to Dulset.

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(Oh my... >.>)


As Dawn walked with the others, his stomach suddenly growled. "Wow..." When he first woke up, he was not hungry at all. Now it seemed hunger just suddenly decided to sneak up on him. "You all right, there?" He asked Dulset, ignoring the blush that suddenly flushed through his cheeks.

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Dulset turns to Dawn and offers a small smile.
"Yes, I'm alright. I don't normally ever go hiking on an empty stomach. You don't look too good yourself, you know. I'm surprised you haven't been offered a ride from one of these ponies..."

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Darky chuckled and Luna let out a small giggle after Brave said that.

"That is a good way to see it." Luna said smiling.

"And, physical activity will keep him up and rady for anything." Darky added. "Of course, we are all ready to help him if nedded."

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"Yeah, excercise is important. Especially with how sick I am." He said with a chuckle, and smiled atwhat Darky said. "Thanks, guys." He replied, taking a bite out of the power bar. He grimaced a bit at the taste, before forcing himself to swallow. "Jeez, Brave... You definitely weren't lying about the taste."

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