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DJ PON-3's Event Final Round! (Sweet Surprise/Brawny Boulder)


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Vinyl had finished a few rounds of speed dating. They had been pleasant enough, if only being chances to kick back and get to know some new faces. Well, one of the faces she had already known, but a chance to spend a little time chatting up Inkbrand was never unwelcome. That stallion always managed to give Vinyl the good feelings, even if she tried her hardest to contain herself. She allowed herself a sly smile, thinking that perhaps he might visit her in the DJ booth tomorrow night at the rave. She smiled again, happy with the success of this event. She had made some bits and if the course of the many conversations were evidence enough some great relationships may have started as well. Tomorrow night would be a treat, seeing who ended up with who out on the dance floor.


The white unicorn leaned forward over her disks, giving the speed daters a treat of scratch infused beats through the interior of the coffee house that had been disguised as a much more hip place than it sometimes was. Vinyl knew Joe liked to keep his shop a little on the old school side which was cool, but this event had required a little extra in the vibe department. Overall it had come off as a success as far as she was concerned!


She ended her riff on an upbeat, swinging the mic around to her muzzle.


"Alright everypony! I hope you're havin' a sweet time with your dating round! Guess what? it's time for the last match up! Slide to your left and meet the pony, or griffon, or diamond dog of your dreams!" She lowered her shades and winked at a couple that looked disappointed to be ending their discussion. "And don't forget, any connections you make tonight you can use at the rave tomorrow!"


The DJ kicked up the tunes as the daters switched places and then lowered the volume so the last round could begin!

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Well this was it, the last pony or otherwise that Sweet Surprise was to meet in this fun event. She excitedly waited at the table as the announcement was made. Would she meet a new friend or a possible date? The possibilities were infinite. 


"Alright I'm ready for whoever I'm going to meet! I wonder who it can..."


She stopped as she spied a very muscular stallion approaching her. He was a little plain looking, but still very handsome to the chocolate mare.


"Well hello there," she said with a wink, "I'm Sweet Surprise. What's your name sweetie?" 

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Brawny had hardly noticed how fast time flew, wondering if things were always like this in Canterlot. He excused himself from MArtini and moved to where he was supposed to for this last round, curious to know just what would happen next. Then he saw his 'partner' and couldn't help raising his hoof to cover a furious coughing fit and his own blush, even though he was already covered in enough coal dust and dirt to make his blush let alone his natural pelt color invisible.


The mare was very attractive, pretty if you wanted to go that far, and poor Brawny Boulder had never gotten over his fear of speaking with Mares and Fillies. "G-good evenin' ma'am! I-I-I'm B-Brawny Bould-der at yer service! It's a genuine pleasure to meetcha!"

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Sweet Surprise watched as the stallion tried to cover his face with his hoof, clearly to hide his blushing. The mare never thought of herself as a pony capable to turn heads or make stallions blush but here this one was. He did seem a little shy around her which made the earth pony wonder why. The fact that he stuttered when talking to her only confirmed that maybe he was bashful talking to mares. 


"Nice to meet you too Brawny Boulder! So, do you live in Canterlot like me? I haven't seen you in my shop before. Are you in construction or something? Ooo! Maybe you work in a mine! I'd love to see one with all the sparkling gems and things!"

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He smiled as best he could and had to drop his hoof, but underneath the coal dust Brawny Boulder was still blushing. Why did he act this way around Mares you might ask? Mostly because there weren't a lot of mares back in Bareback Gulch who weren't elderly, so his interactions with them had been minimal growing up, but also because his pop had told him to consider all Mares as the most beautiful ponies one ever did see, and he did. So Sweet Surprise was no exception, and he just didn;t know what to do with himself, having to shift side to side as he responded, trying but failing to avoid stuttering.


"I-I live up in B-bareback G-g-gulch! It's ah...p-pretty far from Canterlot, a f-friend brought me here! Y-you own a shop 'round here? I'd be happy ta sh-show ya the mines if yer r-really interested, if you'd um...show me your shop!" He knew he sounded like a complete fool, but kept trying anyway because a Bareback Gulch stallion never gave up when he might have a chance.

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It was a little sad to see the stallion struggle talking to Sweet Surprise. Maybe he never went on a date before, or maybe there weren't many mares where he lived. But the earth pony wasn't going to give up talking to him! 


"Can't say I've been to where you live. Good thing your friend brought you here though as you wouldn't be having so much fun like now! My shop is only a few blocks from here actually. Maybe while you're still here visiting you can drop on by! And I'd love to check out the mines you work at too!" 

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She wants to see the mines? As in the mines way north of here back in Bareback Gulch? One of the few civilized places in Roughrider Ridge? Why he had absolutely no idea, but if it meant another chance at talking with Sweet Surpise like a regular pony rather than a stuttering fool, he would jump on  the chance. The fact that her shop wasn't far helped too, he suspected she sold some kind of either decorations or food, unsure of which and not sure if it would be impolite to ask.


"W-well ma'am, if'n yer offerin', I'd love ta see yer shop sometime, hopefully soon! I uh...can probably getchu in to see tha mines but I can't think of a reason a m-m-mare like yerself would want to, it's j-just a big buncha caves and r-rocks with some g-gems and c-c-coal!"

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