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Gun Gale Online (Private)


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Moonshield checked the time. "About half an hour." He then saw Killjoy enter. While other players were surprised, he was apathetic. He wasn't one to idolize another player, no matter how good. He then heard Oakly's plan. "Sounds like a solid plan, just hope you share that 1 million credits."

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Killjoy thought for a moment "yes, sharing of the million will due, it will help me get my pistols maxed out on upgrades and they'll be ready for this year's bullet of bullets." she said pulling up her inventory "I'm a bit short on credits..." she saw that she had only 4K on her and frowned "winner of the national tournament and these M9's bankrupt me...that and I'm horrible with money..." she sighed "well I guess it wouldn't hurt, count me in." she said reluctantly.

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Oakly leaned in, "Help me complete this mission and the next, and you can buy your own Stronghold, three times over.... and with interest." His tone was low and hushed. "Just one last thing Killjoy." He began as he reached behind his back.

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"Apologies." Suddenly Oakly flipped the table causing the drinks to burst into pixels, he kicked the table at Killjoy sending her to the ground, in seconds he was on her with cuffs. Oakly helped Killjoy up, he glanced around seeing everyone stare at them, "Bountyhunting, go back to your drinks." Oakly said sternly, "Just go with it, there is such thing as bonuses, and you can earn back your rep in the BOB tournament." He whispered to her locking the cuffs.

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Killjoy just sighed "I'm sure we could have done this without making a scene." She winced as the handcuffs were really tight "I'm guessing you're into some weird things aren't you? Only a masochist or sadist would have these this tight. I don't believe in long distant relationships you know...not anything against you...just you aren't my...type, so to speak." She said looking back at Oakly "I am flattered though." She said tauntingly.

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"Flattery is appreciated, as for 'you're' type, does she have a name?" Oakly said loosening the cuffs a little, "Grab my Coat Moonshield, we're going." He added sounding commanding to fit the part, even though he never took his coat off, he moved his eyes motioning at the exit. Staying too long would attract other Hunters, and not the deal making kind.

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"I'm not ashamed of what I like. You know this going to be a very long trip, since you made such a scene here, rumors have already spread and I'd say Hunters are on their way now." Killjoy said looking at someone who is already messaging someone. "I don't expect your plan to involve walking. I got a vehicle available."

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"Lead us to it, though I cant let you drive, gotta stick to the part of captive for now." Oakly asked as they exited the bar. A mile down the street a large Humvee rounded the corner, "Moonshield cover us!" He said rushing Killjoy but being careful not to trip her.

((No PKing in Neutral zones, just the impact?))

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((Well to make this interesting, it could be a trip from neutral zone to neutral zone. So the area in between is a kill zone.))

Killjoy sighed "f*ck the part, let's worry about acting when we actually get there." Her tone was still calm even though she was showing signs of irritation. "It's up ahead, I'll man the gun while Moon sits in back and you drive Oak." She said as a large armored vehicle came into view.

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"We cant risk it." Oakly said picking Killjoy up and slinging her over his shoulder, he reached into her pocket and found her keyes. Oakly unlocked the door to the backseat and threw her in, then quickly hopped into the driver seat starting the vehicle. "Moon! Man the gun, we gotta pass through the killzone to reach the next city!"

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Tires screeched as Oakly pressed the gas and they sped off down the street. The Mercs behind them raced after them attemtping to catch up. "As soon as we enter the killzone, give em hełł!" He yelled back to Moonshield.

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"That's an M2A1 50 caliber machine gun, fire in five rounds bursts to avoid inaccuracy due to the high recoil. Also keep the heat down, you don't want the barrel to overheat and break, if that happens, you owe me big time, that gun is expensive." Killjoy said as she peered out the back window at the mercs.

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Oakly suddenly swerved right throwing Killjoy up against the door as another hummvee drifted into the street trying to head them off, "Sorry!" He said back sped up. The City exit tunnel came into view.

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Killjoy huffed "don't make regret giving you the keys, it took me months to get the credits to pay for this thing. You break, you buy." She said leaning back in position. "You're lucky this is armored.

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"Dont worry, with the money you get from completing these next two missions, you can buy this same truck ten times over. And still have enough to spend to your hearts desire." Oakly said as they neared the exit tunnel.

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"Well I'm not paying for your f*ck up. You'll be buying another, not me. Besides, I might be buying an APC after you pay me my share." Killjoy said looking out the window and saw the mercs getting closer.

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Oakly glanced in his rearview mirror as a couple motorcycles appeared, they entered through the tunnel and a screen popped up saying they were leaving the neutral zone and entering the killzone. As soon as they exited the tunnel, Oakly spun the wheel causing them to drift around in a 360 degree spin, half way through the spin Oakly tossed out a single EMP grenade. The cycles were the first out and were struck as the grenade went off, they crashed right away causing the players to die upon impact. Oakly sped up as the other two hummvees screeched out of the tunnel.

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Moonshield squeezed the trigger as the guns five round burst immediately ripped a hummvee apart. He turned and fired five more at another hummvee. "Open season." He said to himself.

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The other hummvee swerved to dodge the line of fire but ran into a rock. "Well that guy wont be driving anymore." Oakly joked as they continued on. "Killjoys friend, my 'employer', is held up in Mombasa. He's hired a Merc Squad for the drop, that'll be where you come in Moonshield. As soon as I let Killjoy loose on Cocheck, thats your cue to eliminate his hired help." He explained, Mombasa was an abandoned city in the killzone, thought they were going to have to be careful, its also known as The Sniper Nest because of its high top building and almost perfect lines of sight.

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"Can I keep using this thing?" Moonshield asked, starting to enjoy ripping enemies apart with the gun on the vehicle. He squeezed the trigger again and immediately another vehicle was destroyed.

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