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Gun Gale Online (Private)


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Killjoy huffed and kicked Oakly hard on the shoulder making him jerk the wheel right, as he did so, an RPG whizzed passed the vehicle and hit the ground. "how about you watch the road instead of me..." she said looking through the back window "I can't believe I accepted this job."

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A hummvee pulled up beside them and began to shoot at them. Moonshield pulled out a pistol and shot them, causing the hummvee to spin out of control and crash. "And drive faster perhaps?"

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"Jeez, no one wants to have any fun." Oakly said as his cat ears flattened in annoyance, he pressed the gas and they sped up considerably, the other enemy trucks started falling behind. Suddenly the whole area around the enemy trucks exploded mysteriously. Oaklys blue slit eye became visible under his mask as he looked in his side mirror at the explosions behind them, 'Hes helping? Why?', Oakly thought as he sped up faster to get away

A player crawled out a jeep, "What the devil was that? Who set off-" He froze in horror as Man appeared in the smoke, his red eyes glowed like a demons, the player barely got out a split second scream before he was bombarded with explosives.

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((hmm guys, this is fun and all, but there needs to be a sense of seriousness. It's kinda boring and anti climactic when you know it's just a game. SO, I got an idea. How about we put some of season one into this RP where someone hacks the entire game and all it's servers to where it is impossible to logout, and if you die in the game, you die for real. It will be a second VR disaster. It would add the sincerity of pulling the trigger. I'd say after the mission, the Hacker shows himself and announces the new "update". What you guys think?))

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((Now now Trax, you can't be the puppet master for every RP, I would usually let you, but I kinda got some plans for the whole hacker thing.))

Killjoy just looked at Oakly "so someone you don't like, should we be concerned, I don't wish for this mission to be ruined. I never like being in the middle of a two lovers fighting, it's really awkward." She said in her usual calm tone.

((Just in case you were wondering, yes, there is a reason why Killjoy is like that.))

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Oakly stepped on the brakes hard, the momentum carried Killjoy smack into drivers window, he stepped on the gas fast enough to send her back flat against the back seat. Oakly got to a steady pace, "Oopps." He said icily.

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Moonshield flew off the gun and landed on the hood of the vehicle. He climbed back inside the vehicle before it started to move again. "Think you could avoid that, sh1thead?"

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"Oakly is just a little flustered by the mention of his little friend. It's ok, I don't judge of course." Killjoy said still keeping calm even after getting her face slammed into the windshield. "A little immature though, you know there is no shame in getting dumped."

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Oakly kept his composure and starred straight ahead, "Do yourselfs a favor and dont get involved with the wrong people, cause once you're in, theres never a last job." As he spoke they passed a sign saying Welcome to Mombasa, only Mombasa was crossed out and underneath said, The Snipers Nest.

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Killjoy's eyes grew dark "wrong crowd...something I know all too well. Do YOURSELF a favor...don't ever give me life choice advice when you know nothing about me." Her tone finally changed, it was now angry and stern.

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"No need to get stuffy we all have our demons, dont go turning it into a childish competition." Oakly told her as turned right on a road entering the city. Its high and spaced out buildings gave excellent vantage points for snipers and amushes, luckily for them, Cocheck wasn't completely stupid and chose the only safe spot in the whole city for the exchange.

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"I am not making this a compitition, I just hate people who think they know what they are talking about." Killjoy said calming down "let's just get this over with..."

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Oakly scoffed, "Say that when you look into a mirror sometime..." He glanced back seeing Moonshield in his seatbelt, and then slammed the brakes just hard enough for Killjoy ram into the passenger seat and fall onto the floor of the vehicle. "*cough* touchy brakes, should get them fixed." He said opening the door and hopping out, he flipped out his bow and glanced around, "Clear, Lets go, Cocheck will be inside." The building they were stopped at was only three stories but this was the only building to have a bottom floor in the entire city.

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Killjoy got out, suddenly her foot slammed into the side of Oakly's face sending him into the ground "whoops, touchy feet...jack@ss..." she said walking forward. Slowly a red damage mark the shape of a boot print formed on Oakly's cheek.

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Oakly stood and brushed himslef off, he turned around with an evil smile and gleaming eyes, he pressed a button on his arm. Suddenly Killjoys cuffs suddenly tased her down to the ground, "Actually, not making an excuse for that, its just funny." He said laughing a little, "Alright, seriously, time to get down to business. Moonshield, pick her up and lets go." He ordered playing the part.

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"My Employer is very generous with his bonuses, just sayin'." Oakly said back to them before opening the door inside.

Through the eye of a scope, it watched Moonshield pick up Killjoy, it then centered on Oakly and pausing to watch him. Then the it moved and inferred was clicked on, it glanced around counting over 20 individual signatures inside. Then the scope moved up as the wielder picked up and moved.

Oakly puased for a second glancing up at the large building over a mile out, he narrowed his eyes then looked back into the building waiting for Moonshield.

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