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As Killjoy was unconscious after the tazing words started to come out through her mumbling. "no...why is this happening?" a long pause after each sentence, as if she was telling bits and pieces of a story "don't..." her tone was showing feeling, like she was scared. Suddenly her tone went dark "just kill them...all of them..." her voice full of hatred and anger, it was obvious she was someone whose tasted blood before. Her body twitched here and there "I don't care about the age......they bleed the same."

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"Oh for love the love of-, wake her up, the tasing must have knocked her out." Oakly said to Moonshield as he quickly closed the door so her mumbling wouldnt travel through the halls of the building and alert everyone inside. "Whatever the buck she's talking about she sounds like she belongs in an insane asylum."

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"We can discuss childhood tragedies at a later date, our minds should be on the mission at hand, and nothing else." Oakly said glancing around at the buildings, they were not in a safe place for this.

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Killjoy opened her eyes, but they were blank as if she went over a horrible past. "I'm up..." she said coldly before standing up "let's just get this over with."

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"Yes, nothing would please me more at this moment." Oakly said spinning around and opening the door, "Pick her up and lets go." He said before tossing her the key so she would be ready once the money was transferred.

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Oakly lead them into the building, at first it seemed empty but any with high enough hearing and good sight in low light places could notice there were multiple players tracking them on behalf of Cocheck. "Ignore them, their under Cochecks personal bodyguard, they wont give us any trouble." He said calmly, his hands swayed at his side but his fingers were out like her was counting with them, counting the number of players under Cochecks Guard.

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Moonshield looked around at the guards and raised an eyebrow. "These guys look fun." He said, noticing how amateur they looked, and assumed they were played by lowly players.

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"Fun or not, we'll have to get through all of them after we spring into action." Killjoy said quietly observing the guards. They were setup pretty well for lower level players, Cocheck had to be middling to get the funding for all this. "Just keep your guard up."

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"13." Oakly said as they were met by a large man with a metal gas mask that blew out steam, Oakly had look directly up to face him, "Make that 14, a very large 14." He added as the big man let them by to enter the room. In the middle sat a very overjoyed man with a tophat, "Ah Oakly My friend, I was suspicious of you at first for being a new player, but boy do you live up to your Word. Nice to see you again Killjoy, looking pretty as ever." Cocheck said licking his lips. Five other guys stood around Cocheck, all were holding SMG type weapons, behind them the other 14 men came in stocked with either a shotgun of SMG type. They came prepared for close quarters. Oakly tapped his photon sword twice for Moonshield to prepare, "I assume my payment is ready?" He asked coldly. Cocheck swiped down and his screen appeared, a deposit screen appeared in front of Oakly in the amount of 1 million credits, Oakly held his hand up to accept but the same time pressed the button to unlock Killjoys cuffs, once she was close to him its go time. "You are true to your word as well Cocheck, I hope you will msg me again for future business. Moon, 20, give her to him." He said adding in the total number of enemies in the room then accepting the payment, Cocheck didnt have any plan to turn on Oakly, the guards were only for his safety when he does his thing to Killjoy. Cocheck grinned widely, his eyes sparkled with vengeance.

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"You think you can handle this shrimp d|ck? I bet this the only way you could ever get a woman's attention you lonely little f♡ck." Killjoy said glaring up at Cocheck.

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Cocheck scoffed, "Im going to enjoy this more than I should." He said raising his hand up. Oakly looked at Killjoy through the reflection in Cochecks belt buckle, he gave a slight a nod.

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Killjoy immediately freed her hands and pulled out her pistols before jumping into the air going in for a spin kick, as she spun, she was able to put two bullets into the four guards behind Cocheck before her foot slammed into Cocheck's face knocking down into the floor. Killjoy quickly spun around and shooting both pistols simultaneously at the armored guys face to knock him down to give the others time.

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Oakly leaped and twisted sideways as a volly of buckshot passed under him, he took out his photon sword and streamed towards the enemy players deflecting bullets and cutting them down. The big man took out a huge blunderbust and fired at Him, but Oakly jumped just in time to fly right over the rounds and sliced through the big mans sternum. Oakly stood up retracting his photon sword, the entire room was alit with pixels as the players all died and went back to their safezones. Cocheck sat up and looked fearfully around, he saw all his guard gone and just Killjoy, Oakly, and Moonshield. "Hey hey hey listen, we can talk this out right? I mean come on, really? What was I gonna do to ya in a virtual world?" He said quickly, his tone filled with fear.

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Killjoy pistol whipped Cocheck across the face. "You could have done everything, this new VR technology let's you have the illusion of feeling. That pain now pulsing through your head. How many girls did use to take advantage of that illusion?" She said in her usual monotone, but anger was clearly seen.

Suddenly the entire world went sstaticy and fuzzy before clearing up and showing a giant screen in the sky "hello all! Sweet people of GGO, I have news for all you!" A voice said as the screen showed a dark figure. "By this time, I've..."updated" all the servers and with this update, you all are trapped in the game, call it SAO 2.0! This is your life now, so make the most of it. If you die here, you die IRL so be careful kiddos out there. I'll let you all break into the new life, I'll see you all later, toodles!" And like that the screen was gone.

Killjoy dropped her guns and fell to her knees, her eyes wide in shock as her body shook "no...not again."

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((So it is in league with SAO in a sense, well if I knew that I would have put that into Oakly's background.))

"Its not possible....." Oakly whispered, his hand tightened around his photon sword. "No I can't go through this again!" He yelled suddenly before he whisked out the room. Cocheck shivered and reached for his sidearm, "You lie! Screw you all!" He screamed before putting the gun to his head and firing a single round, instead of the usual KO, Cocheck seemed to flicker before he burst into pixels. No Dead Player sign came up, nothing happened.

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((Okay, then Oakly will meet back up with them again, he's going to see his employer about wether its true or not, cause he was in SAO but doesnt have the same experience as Killjoy to call for PTSD. ))

The door behind them opened and out stepped a 6'2" man dressed in an urban camo cloak, he held a silenced and high leveled sniper rifle in his hands at the low-ready. A mask in the shape of a wolf covered his face, "Dont shoot, Im only here to help, I have a fast way to the nearest safety zone." He told them calmly, his voice sounded slightly familiar but more grown up, and a sense of leadership also lingered from his tone.

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((Well it's not technically PTSD, it's more like she was completely desensitized from what she had to do in SAO. Kinda like Kirito's plight but a lot worse. Like Oakly and Moon have experience fighting but never really killed anyone, I would like that to be an effect. While Killjoy however was a cold blooded killer from the start. Would be an interesting tension in drama between the three.))

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((Sure, Oakly's gonna kill for the first time here in a bit when he meets back up with Killjoy and Moonshield, their going to get attacked by the man from before who blew up the trucks following them. He gonna hunt down Killjoy and Moon but Oakly comes in and kills him. For now, The Mysterious Man who just showed up is offering them a safe and quick route back to the safezone.))

((Also Guardian Academy needs some attention))

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Killjoy shot up and aimed her pistols at the steanger. Now that she was back into another SAO incident, she wasn't about to trust anyone "if I had a dollar for every time a man wearing a strange mask asked me to follow him, I'd be a reach girl, even richer if I got extra for killing those masked men..." she started to slowly side step, she was ready to shoot at the slightest movement the stranger made.

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