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"You speak of Laughing Coffin? The Murder Guild from SAO, I know what you had to go through in that death game, its something no child should have been put through. Please Killjoy, I can help you both get to safety faster than your vehicle." The man said again, only the name Reaper came up in the player identifier. "As a fellow SAO survivor, you can trust me."

((Reason is, he's killed and seen plenty IRL before the SAO incident, so thats why.))

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((wait is he making the assumption that Killjoy was part of laughing coffin? Its close, but wrong. Plus we got too many SAO survivors. I'd like it to be like one or two of the characters to be SAO survivors.))

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((got it))


Killjoy still kept her guns raised "Laughing coffin were just a bunch of amateurs. I had a history in SAO, you could say I was thought of as a myth, a legend of sorts. You were in that game, does Crimson Orchestra or Lady of Death ring any bells in your head at all." she said still not quite trusting this stranger. "I honestly don't care if you survived that wretched game or not, for all I know you might still have that itch."

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"Indeed I have, I knew who you were the moment I saw you. We've actually met in SAO, though I don't expect you to remember me, not all myths made headlines as you did. Now, will you let me get you both to safety, there are over 10 times more people in this game than the last." Reaper said still holding his sniper rifle down.

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Killjoy glared at Reaper "You like to be modest then, you know well that you were talked about. I know about the Reaper of SAO. Though when we met, you were a mere Newby trying to get from A to B tagging around with higher level players, not a bad way to get XP. Though I'm surprised you aren't holding a grudge against me for killing all your friends. You put your starting stats into stealth to hide when things got rough...smart move. Now look at you, famous throughout the gaming world and all grown up with I guess some skill to back it up." She said with her usual monotone as she just kept looking at Reaper "turn around and start walking, we'll be behind you. Any sudden moves or suspicion you are planning to kill us, well you know how that song and dance goes."

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((Hes like 32, he would've been 28 when the SAO incident happened IF, you go back 4 years to the start. And I kinda feel like I was just insulted through all that more than anything. I feel like the "Famous throughout the Gaming world" part was a courtesy Apology for calling him a coward. Shes like what 16, 17 now? Reaper was a shadow to those not in the spotlight like The Lady of Death, yes true, but thats only because he didnt want any attention on him for reasons yet to be explained. Yes I like my stealth, but when it comes to a fight, you can bet he's leading the charge. You basically just called him a leach, again I feel insulted. You basically just wrote a back story to my own character. So my questions are, how long ago did the SAO incident happen? How old is Killjoy? And is she gonna be like that the whole time? Also can we just say they met once at a Raid meeting on floor 15, then they just only heard about each other's reps through gossips?))

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((Insults were not my intent, I only wrote the back story of their meeting. It doesn't matter how old you are, a Newby is a newby. You know it's not uncommon practice in MMOs for lower level characters to hang around and go on raids with higher level, it's a smart way to get XP and level up quick, being a coward has nothing to do with it. It's more like a smart thing to do and hiding from Killjoy is nothing to be ashamed of, she was already high level while Reaper was just getting started. I wrote that back story to give them tension. Plus the whole "famous throughout the gaming world" thing is said because no one in the real world would know who he is. Killjoy is like 29-30ish and the incident was like 4-5 years ago so they were in their mid twenties. Though through Killjoy's back story, she was already a huge gamer so it only makes since that she would have a higher level before the Reaper. Think of it as a Rival thing.))

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((There is no Rival between them, I would prefer not. Oakly is 17, I thought we all were Teens, maybe not. Yeah he was new to the gaming world, No he did not do the Leach Method, he was strictly a Solo player during SAO. He Learned by doing and built himself up off hardwork and dedication to his own cause. Hey Metal, how old is MoonShield?))

Reaper ignored her and turned to Moon, "Are you alright? If you need time I can make time for you to let this settle in."

((Lol Metal is so confused I bet))

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((Well just let that be their meeting, let's just say that Reaper tried that method and after Killjoy made that scene, he figured that the whole groups wasn't working for him and so started the hard work thing. They don't have to be rivals but let Reaper have some sorta grudge. I can change all that shiz if really want though, just trying to get some tension for the story.))

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((There will be tension, but none with Reaper, he has no grudge with Killjoy. He didnt try the method, they met once at a raid meeting on floor 15 of some other low level. Putting my foot down for this one.))

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((And people say I'm stubborn. Ok, so let's take this from the top!))

Killjoy glared at Reaper "it's hard to forget a face after hearing that later the man who I first thought was useless to be the great Reaper." She said in her usual monotone. "So let's just go on the slight chance that aren't trying to trick us, turn around and start walking, you know how this song and dance goes. Move suddenly and I'll kill you." She looked at Moon. "Let us go."

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((Think of it as being inside of Call of duty, Fallout, and a little mix of Halo, all that as a Virtual MMORPG. Now your stuck in it, and of you die, you also die IRL(In Real Life).))

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((I get what it's basically about and how the story is going, but I just don't know how I'm going to play it. I guess I'll try and stick it out. I don't know what to do right now though. And Moonshield is 22.))

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"Indeed, by now the other snipers in this area are set up again, not everyone will be slow to this new update. Especially those who are pushed off the edge. Follow me." Reaper told them before heading out the door.

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