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Killjoy just shrugged "welp..." she took out a pack of cigarettes, took one out of the pack and lit it. "time to buck up buttercup." she took a drag and exhaled the smoke.

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Moonshield took out his own cigarettes and lit one. "Well, I'm assuming we're all good at this game, and it's not like we die often anyways. Just do what you normally do and we should make it."

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"It's not that simple anymore kid...ever killed someone before?" Killjoy asked looking at Moon "ever see someone's eyes right before they take that last breath as the cold hand of death takes them? Ever see the look they give you when you kill them, that look of every emotion you can think of all pouring out of their expression on their face. The ones that have so many regrets, the ones who finally realize what they are and what they're doing. Then the ones who think of their families before they die. If you think you can get through this experience without taking a life...then you are going to be greatly disappointed. Just be ready...and what ever you, no matter what is going through your mind, it's kill or be killed now...don't ever hesitate the pull that trigger." she said taking another drag before looking back at Reaper "Now let's go, I need to hunt down the Oak kid and get my pay."

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"Don't talk to me like I'm naive to the idea of taking a life. If you ask me, this is a good opportunity for natural selection to take place. Let those not fit to live die off." Moon responded, taking a drag.

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Killjoy glared at Moon and pointed a gun at him "don't...EVER...talk like that in front of me again. You are naive if you think it is that easy, and if it is that easy for you to kill someone for the first time, then I'll put a bullet in your godd@mn head...fore you would be a monster unworthy of the life you were given. It's that sort of reasoning that made this whole experience. To kill at such a young age is something no one needs to go through, if you think it's alright, then you are even more f**ked up than I am." she said coldly before finally holstering her weapons and walking passed Reaper "Lets go."

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((He's 22, he's not that young.))

"Who the buck said I've never killed before? I was tied to a chair and forced to watch my mother and sister get raped and murdered. I made them suffer when I finally got my chance, and I'm glad I did it. I removed scum from the earth. Don't talk to me like you know anything about me. Why don't you go ahead and pull that trigger. You'd be doing me a favor. Everything's nothing but sh!t. I've seen firsthand how worthless the human race is. I don't care if I die and I don't care who I take down with me. Go ahead. Shoot me." Moonshield said, glaring at Killjoy.

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Killjoy looked back "What about us? What about everyone else who had to deal with the same sh|t as you, they may be thinking the same as you are. Though you would never know since you believe the human race is sh|t so why bother learning about it when you can just shoot them like a mindless fool. You got your revenge so you are no longer killing out of revenge, you will be killing for the hell of it." her eyes pierced the air "When I was back in SAO, I had to endure a lot... I've also seen and felt the pain of humans at their worst. I've crawled through the filth to survive at first. It was only by luck that I became what I was. Out of hatred, I murdered so many people, It wasn't out of revenge, it was because I now had the power to end someone's life. The feeling to be able to decide who lives or dies was like a drug, it was bliss, I was in bliss when the blood touched my skin, the warm crimson fluid. The metallic aroma was like perfume, death was my game and I loved it..." she looked away from Moon "you say you want to wipe the scum off the earth....I did too." she continued walking.

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Reaper sighed, "This is a different game from SAO, its no longer about beating the game, only Survival. Now enough with the childish antics, neither of you are right anyways, no one is. Its all a matter of opinion. Now if your both done behaving like children, can we move to a safer location, please?" As soon as he finished speaking, screens appeared in front of Killjoy and Moon asking for acceptance of deposits, 500,000 each from the 1 million credit bounty.

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"says the person who is falling behind." Killjoy said as she noticed the screen "took you long enough..." she mumbled as she pushed accept and watched the credits go into her inventory. She took the cigarette out of her mouth and flicked it off somewhere. "now lets go before I die of old age."

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Reaper sighed again, "The things I do for Him..." He turned and walked on, stopping at the door to the outside he paused for a second then stepped out, immediately a shot rang out as the air trail of the bullet whizzed past Reaper at the waist. Reaper glanced back at them, "Luckily thats the building we want to go to, Run for it." He said pulling the pin on a smoke grenade and tossing it infront of the building releasing a cloud of smoke. The sniper was on the top floor of a 60 story building, "Damn, I missed him, there!" He said as he fired again, Reaper exploded from the smoke running towards the building, the bullet whizzed past him hitting the ground behind him.

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Moonshield accepted his share of the credits and closed the window. He then immediately jumped for cover as the bullet whisked pass. "I hate snipers." He said, showing disdain for what he considered a cheap way to fight.

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Killjoy bolted towards the sniper, dipping, ducking and dodging through the gun fire, she passed Reaper and was at the building within only seconds. She ran up the stairs with lightning speed and was soon at the top of the floor. Killjoy quickly dispatched the sniper with four bullets to the back.

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Reaper whistled to get her attention, "Over here Lassie." As he and Moonshield were at the other end of the roof examining large cables that ran in all different directions. "Each of these cables run into a safezone, all we do is hook on, and slide." He said as he pointed towards the North, "Shortest distance is North."

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Killjoy twirled her M92FSs and holstered them. "then lets go North, I need to get my guns upgraded...they are bit weak, luckily we were against some lower level players. If they were our my level...I would have had-" she quieted down as she remembered, she had just killed someone...she was feeling something she had hoped she would never have to feel again. Her hands trembled as Killjoy looked at them. As she looked blood slowly formed on them and up her arms. Her breathe shook, the images slowly disappeared as she clenched her fists and closed her eyes "just go away..." she whispered as she gritted her teeth.

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Reaper glanced at Killjoy before hooking up his glider, he then handed one to Moon and tossed the other to Killjoy. "Hang on tight, its a fast ride and leads right into a safezone tunnel, watch for enemies." He told them as he flipped off the safety and he rocketed down the cable like a bullet.

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As they left Mombasa high above the ground, a convoy of trucks started to follow beneath them, the hood of the trucks had the insignia of one of the games most deadliest playerhunter factions, Diablos. Reaper looked down at them, they weren't making any attempt to shoot them down, which meant they were waiting for a right time. Reaper spun around, "Follow this line, it will lead you to the nearest city in the Artict fields. Wait for your friend there, he'll find you." He told them before unhooking his glider, he dropped down fast but his cloak seemed to flare out letting him landed softly on the ground directly in the path of the convoy. "Ram him Hombre!" One the players yelled out in a thick spanish accent. Reaper whipped put a circular disk and tossed it in front of him, just as the truck passed over it exploded pushing the truck right over him, Reaper made eye contact with the driver before he hit the ground on the other side of him. Reaper walked forward pulling out his black photon sword and side stepping the second truck with just inches between them, he ran his sword through the side of the truck killing the driver and backseat passenger. Reaper then dropped a smoke bomb that clouded the entire area below Killjoy and Moon. Nothing but surprised shouting and random gunshots sounded as a black flash swiped here and there.

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Killjoy glanced back "whatever..." she mumbled as she looked back forward. "maybe I'll never see him again...oh well, less I have to deal with..." she said coldly as she went back to her normal emotionless self.

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In an abandoned mining building just outside the Safezone of the Artic city of Freezepoint, Oakly rolled behind wall as an explosion blew from where he rolled from, his health bar almost in the red. The shots came from a large man holding a grenade launcher, behind him the status bar of a dead player hovered above a small six shooter pistol, the name Dedner was the dead player. "Dedner payed well but now I have all his money and gear, and you were foolish enough to comeback here. Now, I'm going kill you!" The man yelled psychotically, he fired two shots at Oaklys position. Oakly sucked in and dashed forward and jumping out the nearest window, the explosion and shockwave threw him out further. The man went stepped forward but heard a beeping noise, behind the broken wall where Oakly had ran from, a red beeping light paced faster. The man held out a teleporter cube and growled before teleporting away just before a large explosion demolished the buidling into rubble. 50 yards away in the deep snow, Oakly crawled slowly, his back was red and pixilated as his health bar was deep into the red zone and moving. He felt himself loosing consciousness as he looked up, he thought he saw a white cloaked female figure, he reached out weakly trying to speak but collapsed as his world went dark.

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Moonshield eventually got to the end of the line and unhooked himself quickly, landing on his feet safely. He looked back to see if the others were still coming. "Where did he go?" He asked when he noticed Reaper was gone.

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Killjoy landed on the ground "I don't know, neither do I care. He just unclipped himself. I guess he wanted a "heroic" scene by holding off the enemy while we escape." She scoffed "please..." she lit up another cigarette "all we need to worry about is getting prepared for this new life, you coming with me, or are you one of those lone wolf types?"

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