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The Arabian Exhibit (Sponsored)

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Some things glittered in gold better than others and few things showed off the brilliance of gold like Saddle Arabian letterhead on a banner, the exquisite curves and signage attractive beyond belief. The banner itself was made from the finest sequins available from a fine land, fluttering in the breeze warmly and gently. Let nopony think that Saddle Arabia was doing anything less than its gentle finest to showcase everything other than their fondly held, meritocratic based dissertations on the strengths and weaknesses of Equestria. This was a friendship expo, not a debate on governance and quality. That didn't mean their banners weren't any less splendid or that they had subdued their excitement to showcase some of the finer elements of Saddle Arabian society.

The banner led into an area with three large booths set up, two on either side of their immediate entrance and a larger one with a wide area behind it. The first one, the one on the left, was staffed by two absurdly handsome specimens of Arabian stallions. Tall, well-breed, well-groomed, sturdy looking and barrel chested fellows with pleasant eyes and kind smiles were dressed in some of the finest stallion wear produced in a nation renown for art. One beckoned to an amazing collection of works on Arabian history and philosophy, with some of the finest and most historic fiction nearest the top for ease of perusal. Whether you wanted to know the musings of the greatest philosophers in their history, read about the great events and times in their history, or please yourself with their stories, this handsome stallion offered you unquestionably wonderful choices. The second stallion at this booth dazzled as he cooked, the aroma of Arabian delights and delicacies holding powerful sway over the nostrils of anypony who wandered near.

The second booth, the one on the right, was held down by two awe-inspiringly beautiful specimens of Arabian marehood. They wore the most elegant and well-designed dresses of their homeland, created by the best designers for the best mares. Both were tall and well mannered, both of them with nearly accentless voices that spoke with learned desire for friends and to share what they loved most about their homeland. The first of these mares had before her volumes of works on mathematics and science, with the occasional humor book thrown in to lighten the mental load. Saddle Arabia had been well known for its legacy of science and mathematical prowess and every volume on display spoke to this; the humor of an Arabian was less well known, so those humor books were a curious and intriguing lot. Well versed in these subjects, the first mare could hardly stop herself from instead directing attention to the second mare. She played a native wind instrument gentle, softly, producing a melodic and pleasing sound that wormed your attention away over time and eventually spellbinding you with its wondrous beauty.

The third booth was the largest by far if only because it required that space to showcase what it had. Pedal planes and other inventions and ingenious inventions littered both the booth and the area behind it, and behind them, a small collection of mares and stallions engaged in great acts of athleticism. Books about Arabian political governance and systems as well as culture littered the front of the booth, and behind it was a single stallion with elderly movements but youthful eyes begging for questions to be answered about Saddle Arabia.

The Arabian Exhibit was open.


Bask was well aware of how powerful and influential Equestria was but he couldn't help but be a little amazed at how well orchestrated this event was. It spoke in a general sense of direction and organization that had bedeviled Equestria's efforts to honestly honor itself among the more efficient nations of all time. It was a nation generally regarded in Saddle Arabia as absolutely lovely and loving in equal measures but also haphazard and often wasting much of it's vast potential. But today- today was good, and the legendary racing stallion was pleased to see that everything was going according to plan.

It didn't take long for the first guest of the exhibit to make himself more than known, a loud proclamation of YEAH reverberating around the booth. Several of the mares giggled at his excitement and Bask smiled, more than happy to make a new friend and share the athletic pursuits of Horsekind. Yes, Arabians were taller, longer, stronger, faster, and more enduring than Equestrians- but Equestrians could fly, cast spells, and heal faster. In the grand reckoning it was a fair exchange. One day Bask was sure that Equestria would overtaken Saddle Arabia in the pursuit of effectiveness and technology, but it would not be this day. And on this day they shared what made them different and special with Equestrians to, perhaps ironically enough, hasten that day's arrival.

“A mighty bellow for a mighty stallion, no doubt. My name is Bask of Saddle Arabia! What is your name, my most masculine pegasus?” Bask asked politely, nodding to an aide who trotted on over and gave Bulk a cup of some fine Saddle Arabian Jallab with crushed ice and raisins.


Sports- the language of nations! You could have a different manner of speech. Your accent could be different. Your culture, absolutely foreign. But sports were universal in their ability to be understood. The physical nature of the beast had no barriers but effort and all creatures worthy of their place knew the value of effort. It was why he had made sure that sporting, athletic feats were part of the Saddle Arabian feat. They were sturdy, enduring, brilliantly physical creatures with a gift for creation, all of which enabled them to create and prop up some of the most popular sports in the world. It would be his pleasure to help his loud friend to a greater understanding of the Saddle Arabian gifts.

“Plenty! Long distance racing is a favorite. I myself ran the Saddle Arabian Circuit in my youth. Won it twice- a race across the entirety of Saddle Arabia. Quite a thrill. But I am sure you are more familiar with wrestling or even Hoofball! We invented Hoofball several hundred years ago. You look like somepony who has played a bit, am I right?” He said, noticing that Bulk had enjoyed the drink. Good! Saddle Arabian drinks deserved to be shared. “Of course, there are always other options. How acrobatic are you, good stallion?” Bask asked, nodding to one of his compatriots who started moving things out of the way.


The poor stallion managed to confuse himself. He started off on the right track, discussing hoofball the way any Saddle Arabian would understand. He drifted off once he told himself that it was indeed another sport that was being discussed, a mater which struck Bask odd. Hoofball was Equestria's most popular sport, was it not? Was there another sport that had taken the name? Was- oh. Yes. That Unyasan thing with the kicking. Bask chuckled as he noticed Bulk get increasingly disinterested in the idea of sport as the image of hoofball perfection left his mind. Well, he covered it well. Sports were sport and what mattered less was the exact rules and more the spirit. Still, he wasn't about to let this stallion go long without the truth. That wouldn't be sporting, would it?

“No, no. You had it right the first put, good stallion. We invented the hoofball you are familiar with- well done, by the way. That other hoofball is an Unyasan invention, I do believe. Anyway- would you like something to remember this trip by? I do not claim to have a position for somepony of your size. But let's see if your strength can match your wits, and your wits worthy of a shiny golden hoofball!” Bask smiled, trotting mightily on over to a set of weights made out of a shimmering metal that changed color. “So, you say you like to lift- show us!” Bask smiled, allowing Bulk to go to it if he desired to do so.


Bask smiled broadly as the muscled pegasus relished the opportunity to perform some feats of strength. Pegasi of Equestria weren't known for their feats of strength, but rather their feats of athleticism. Here the world turned upon a new experience, watching a pegasus go ahead and try to conquer the Saddle Arabian weight lifting trials. Most ponies would have a terribly difficult time doing so, the weights long nd heavy and balanced for horses and not ponies. The spotter was a stronger than average Arabian weightlifter on the off chance an Equestrian overreached his or her physical limits. With a pegasus of such muscle structure that was considered less than likely. Even if he didn't conquer it, he should at least be able to keep safe. And that was an important element.


The pegasus started, his muscles bulging and popping out dramatically as the heavy weights were moved through sincere and great effort. Saddle Arabian weights were unique in as much as they changed ever so slightly, betraying some methods of weightlighting. The bars flexed but with the flex went significant weight, meaning you had to flex your core to keep it up. For most this was a major problem. For a pony like Bulk? Perhaps. “This is not made out of the normal metal an Equestrian might be used to it. It is made out of a heavyweight, durable, and flexible material. It can also do something else, something you might find strange- it can try and bond to your hooves, either relieving you and helping you do more, or if it dislikes you- weakening you. A Saddle Arabian must there not only be incredibly strong and able to adapt to the large and changing weights, but must do so with grace and effect. It shouldn't effect you too much, but tell me- do you feel it?”

The stallion was very strong, his core more than capable of handling shifting weights. This was good: It spoke to a greater sense of physical capacity that was a fanciful pastime for the  ponies of Equestria. Their idealism was charming and friendship was indeed a powerful magic, evidenced by not only the strength of this event but the wondrous nature of their nation. But Arabians were stronger, faster, and probably smarter- not that Bask would say anything so untoward here.He had bigger fish to fry and display before the day was done.


Especially not after the fine display by Bulk Biceps. He had completed one full rep with the Arabian weights. Not a bad day by any account. And he looked like he could do more, but they didn't have time for such matters. No, they had many to attend to before the end of the day. But this stallion deserved a reward. "Good work, good stallion. Maybe you should ask your local weight and health instructors to get some Arabian weights? For now though, you should go to that booth there-" he pointed to the booth with the Arabian mares who smiled back, "because they might have something for you."


Lasira was a mare who knew her way around the bodies of the weary. In her home of Saddlelon, she wore many hats. A masseuse, yes. A scientist, yes. An author, yes. Her homeland didn't settle down and cozy up with the idea of a one trick pony. Being many things to many creatures in many ways for many causes, thatw as the sign of a truly capable mare. And by that reckoning, she was a truly capable mare. She and her sister Lirisa were standing broud shoulder to broad shoulder, sharing a friendly expression as they watched the sweating pegasus approach. They had many methods for such matters and it was always nice to share some of them with new ponies.

“Come over here and relax. My sister and I will look after you. I am sure you know how massages go- I can tell by the smoothness of your pelt,” she smiled, beckoning him to the table. “We'll give you a massage, but you'll notice something different about how you feel afterward. The lotions and oils we use are significantly different and come with some awfully unique health properties. They are made from some special deep-mountain water elements and essential oils from the coasts. Come, come! Sit!”


The mares smiled and went to work on him. He was one big muscle, but not as stressed or taut as what others showed. This was good. It meant they had to do less work, but it was a sign that he hadn't been broken by the weights as others had. And it meant that he was still in a spot where their methods would come across as pleasurable rather than painful. What aworld they lived in that such matters were of paramount concern, service mares of the highest caliber working him like a fiddle. Their hooves spread this honey smelling oil across his back and they worked his muscles in practiced, tough, expert hooves. In and out, up and down, time and time again and again. Within a few minutes they were done.

The oil they had spread on him seeped into his muscles. The muscle tissue that naturally tore itself and reformed to become stronger found itself at perfect health once more, no soreness, almost as if he hadn't done anything at all. A nice, relaxing feeling settled on his coat and pelt, a small icey numbness mixed with the tingling of his nerves as the musculature was relaxed and retaut again and again until through the application of this special oil he was as ready to do anything as he had been when he first started. No loss of stamina. Perfect condition. Both mares smiled. “This mixture is true rejuvenation. With the right method, you could do physical labor all day and never break down. Now go, go and take this book of philosophy and science and share it with all of Equestria!” The mare stated with a bit of excitement, hoofing him the Great Big Saddle Arabian Guide to What Matters. The day was drawing to a close and the Arabians were famous for far more than their oils and weights, after all.

(My Final post. Feel free to post yours before the end of the day.)


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