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Killjoy rolled her eyes "as if I'd take orders from a Jedi, even if it is Lord Trax's wife. Just comes in here and starts thinking she bucking owns the place." She thought as she narrowed her eyes at Tavi through the helmet.

"Calm yourself Kill. I don't really like this sudden change either, but what can we do? It's not like our opinions matter." Thunder said telepathically. Killjoy sighed "even though they are not exactly Jedi material, I fear that these teachings of being a pu$$ will follow them. Especially one that used to be in the high council."

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The two guards at the door behind Killjoy and Thunder started chuckling, "You guys are youngins, Queen Octavia is no saint and shes always been with us since the creation of this Empire. Her mission in the Jedi order was to turn any who had trouble in the Jedi to Trax. She seems soft, well, there is this 'brand new' concept called Acting." One of them said being a smartass with them. "Right, so get used to the fact that Tavi should be treated just like Emperor Trax." The other one said as they chuckle a bit more.

"Oh this, nothing, just keeping it locked away is the best option. Such evil should not be allowed to flourish." Trax said levitating it into a safe box behind him, "The real reason your here is because I want you to join my Empire, serve as Knights of the Fallen Empire, bring balance to the force." His face went serious which made even Oak and Kasey go grim and serious, "All you have to do, is kneel."

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Kane was silent for a moment at the idea of joining the Fallen. Just moments ago he was destroying himself wanting to murder Oak, now he felt remorse for how he felt. He no longer believed Soul was murdered, he now knew that it was all part of his plan to give him a better life. He looked at Autumn as the two of them nuzzled each other. Finally Kane kneeled to the ground, Silverthorn and Autumn did the same. "We serve you, Lord Trax."

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((Lol fixed it so they were speaking just to remind them about Tavi's status.))

Hazel got to a knee, she glanced over go Oak who nodded his head, she looked up to Trax and noticed he'd turned around with his cape swishing as he did. "My Sons will show you to your quarters, you are dismissed." Trax spoke sternly, Oak and Kasey bowed respectively and went down to them, "Come on, we got one room with beds for all of you." Kasey said to them. Oak took the lead as they headed out. Tavi folded her arms, "Something on your mind?" She asked looking at Killjoy, Traxs head turned slightly to hear in.

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Before they left, Kane and Autumn shared a kiss, something they always had to do in secret, but now had the freedom to do. They caught up with the others as Kane stopped Oak. "Oak...I'm sorry about everything. I'm sorry about all that I said and trying to kill you." He said sincerely.

Hidden in the shadows, two pairs of eyes watched the young knights carefully before turning their gaze on Trax. "We must get back to Lord Nergal." One said as they disappeared into the shadows again.

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(( lol I'm gonna let that slide cause I'm curious to see how that goes. But I'm getting jittery about Traxs first fight scene, he's gonna be confronted by the Jedi Council, its gonna be glorious!))

Oak just hugged him, "You had evey reason, and its I who should be apologizing to you, I hurt you bad for doing what I did." He let go turned around, the slightest glimmer of a tears shown in his eye, Hazel watched him go on ahead, she could see the hurt in his eyes. Betraying a brother and killing a dear friend, maybe it was bothering him more than she thought. 'We have forgiven you Oak, now its time to forgive yourself.'

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((I hope Trax can recover afterwards then, because Nergal's going to put a hurting on them. Lol))

Kane sighed. "I think I made him feel this way. Now I see how my rage has hurt others." Silverthorn cautiously looked at Kasey and for some reason found herself taking a small step closer to him.

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((Oh he'll be fine, its Nergal who should be cautious.))

"Relax buddy, you didnt do anything to him, we all have our demons. Best you can do is be there for him." Kasey said patting his back, "I know what it feels like to be in a dark place, its lonely and unforgiving, and I never want to experience that again. Thinking I had killed my only brother, my only friend since birth, you dodged a bullet my friend. Be greatful you didnt have to go through that alone." He said hinting to Autumn, "My father helped a bit but theres only so much he could do."

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They reached their rooms and Kane stretched. "Well, it's been an interesting time to say the least, I need some sleep." He said with a yawn. Silverthorn came up beside Kasey and looked at him. "Hey, sorry for punching you earlier. I guess since we're on the same side we should get along, you know?"

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Kasey rubbed the back of his head nervously, "Hey no prob, don't worry about it, I already forgot about that whole thing. I guess I'll be going then, bout time for my regular workout anyways, be seeing you." He said with a grin before dipping his head in goodbye and heading down the hall. Hazel glanced inside the room seeing three beds, they already knew about Kanes and Autumns relationship before hand, clever. Oak didnt say a word just started heading down the hall, Hazel watched him go itching to follow but was reluctant to, he seemed so.... Distant.

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Silverthorn found herself blushing as playing with her hair as Kasey left. She then look at Hazel with a glare. "D@mmit Hazel, why did you say anything about Kasey when we were sparing!" She said, not wanting to admit Hazel was right about her falling for the Fallen Jedi.

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Hazel waved her hands innocently, "I meant it as a joke honestly, he was the only Fallen I knew by name so I just went with it, honest. Trust me I'm just as suprised as you are, about all of this." She claimed nervously to defend herself.

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Kane and Autumn were already passed out in each other's arms in one of the beds. Silverthorn sighed before smiling slightly. "I'm just teasing, Hazel. I guess if you're still into Oakly that's possible now too."

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Killjoy just glared at Tavi for a second before turning around and walking out. Thunder looked at Killjoy and then to Tavi, then back to Killjoy before following Killjoy out. Thunder punched one of the guards into the wall for the smartass remarks, he looked at the other one with the same threat as they passed.

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Tavi looked at Trax to which he nodded, "Discipline comes in steps, but those who decide to disrespect my wife have no excuse. You were gone for awhile but you had your mission, they just have to adapt to change. Fortunately for me, they dont like lectures." Tavi looked at him weirdly, "So what punishments do you have these days?" Trax put a hand to his chin and thought with a grin.

Hazel looked down the hall as Oak turned a corner, "Yeah...."

1 hour later, Thunder and Killjoy were called to the main hanger and given cleaning supplies, hundreds of ships sat before them. "I remember when he sent us to the Pits, so many Manitcores there." The Hanger captain said before leaving them.

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Nergal sat alone in darkness as he meditated on his dark powers. He sensed something in the force that he found intriguing. "Master Soulscream's apprentice has left the Jedi....and joined the Fallen. Interesting."

Kane woke up with a gasp from a nightmare. He carefully got out of bed to not awake Autumn and walked to a nearby window. He breathed deeply and stared into space.

Nergal smirked evilly. "Interesting indeed."

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A soldier ran up to Trax and got to a knee quickly, "Emperor Trax, we're tracking two fleets of Sith starships around the planet, from the archives they match the Sith Warlord Darth Nergals insignia." He reported between breaths. "Actually its Sith Lord Nergal now, update the archives. I've already felt the shift in the Dark Side, it seems there is a new Apprentice now, and Malacath is dead." He said briefly before pressing a button, "Captain, prepare my personal fighter with a jumper and have it ready at these coordinates. And prepare to take the ship back home, I will join you as soon as I can." He said before typing a grid in to the Nav computer. "Yes My Lord, ... Shall I?-" "Yes." Trax interrupted the Captain before he could finish. Trax turned around and startes off down the isle, the soldier stayed at a knee but watched him go in suspense.

Oak paused in the shower, "The ships moving?"

Kasey stopped in his meditation, "Moving?"

Hazel looked up from her touch pad, "Hey, we're moving."

Tavi felt the ship moving but didnt waver from brushing her hair, then she froze mid stroke, instantly she ran to the window looking out in horror. "Trax!"

Trax walked on a nearby mesa top with his hands behind his back, "I'm sorry Darling but this is the only way for you to escape freely." He said stopping in the center of the mesa he closed his eyes, he focused on the Force around him making loose rocks suddenly float up around him. 'This should get his attention, of course he wont be the only one, meaning I'll have them to deal with as well.'

Sylis and the other members paused as they all sensed the same thing, the three new council members in the center both looked at each other sensing it as well. Master Ark stood up with a grim expression, "Waste time, we must not. A chance to bring down the Fallen, we have." Master Clear Sky nodded her agreement, "We can all feel its Him, its time we brought down at least one of our enemies, Nameless Trax will be brought to justice!"

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Kane felt the movement of the ship and looked out the window. Autumn quickly woke up and looked around. "Are we...moving?"

Nergal stood up from his seat and saw the Fallen ship in the distance. "Nameless Trax....what a surprise."

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Tavi burst into the bridge, "Turn this ship around dammît my Husband is down there!" The Captain turned around, "Im sorry you're Majesty, but these our his orders, I'm only doing as he commanded." Tavi rushed up to him grabbing his collar and lighting up her saber holding it close to his neck, her eyes were dark with anger and hurt. The Captain was sweating nervously, the rumors about her explosive anger were true, he couldn't remember facing death so closely before. The crew around them froze as the room became tense fast. Tavi gritted her teeth tightening her grip on his collar, suddenly her lightsaber withdrew and she dropped the Captain down, the room filled with sighs of relief. Tavi turned around and walked to the door, she balled up her fist and punched the door, her force strengthened punch annihilated the heavy metal door. Tavi shook her hand before walking away, the Captain dusted himself off and swallowed feeling extremely lucky, "Alright, take us home." He said clearing his throat.

The Fallen Ship turned its bow into empty space, its engines lit up and suddenly it jumped into lightspeed.

Trax placed his hands finger to finger channeling a spark of lightning. "Smile, and Wait for the flash." He slid his foot back and thrust his hands forward into the sky summoning forth an incredible amount of lightning streaming into the sky and past the atmsphere hitting Nergals ship specifically. It didnt do much but knock out their electricity for a short time.

"Lord Nergal, we cant give chase at the moment, some of our navigation systems are down, we cant guide ourselves in Lightspeed." A crewman aboard Nergals ship reported.

Trax dropped to a knee almost out of breath, "Damñ that was alot, looks like I wont be able to use the Force for awhile...." He stood up cracking his neck side to side, using the force lightning with such power drained of his ability to use the force. Only one other being could ever do what he just did and live through it, and he was the Sith Lord Master. Trax cracked his back then sensed something coming his way, "Ah, guess they're arriving first then." He said seeing the Jedi ship in the distance.

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Nergal looked out the window where the Fallen ship once was, and could see the Jedi ship approaching. "Clever, Trax. But it won't save you." He said turning away. "Get us out of here. Let the Jedi vultures have their prey. We will get our chance soon enough."

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"Yes My Lord, closest friendly system is Locked in, we should be okay for the jump. Jumping to Lightspeed now." The crewman said shortly before their ship jumped. Most of Nergals ships jumped as well but a few were engaged by Equestrian starships and were being torn apart by heavy fire.

Trax stood firm as the 13 Jedi Council Members approached him drawing their sabers at the ready, "Nameless Trax, for your crimes against the Jedi Order, you are hereby under arrest. This is your last chance to come quietly." Sylis announced as they surrounded him in a circle. Trax glanced around seeing familiar faces, he gently spread put his arms causing all the Jedi to light up there sabers and take battle stances, suddenly Traxs shining silver armor unlatched and fell off and fell to the ground. Every piece of his armor hit the ground hard and cracking it with suprising weight, this made the Jedi uneasy, Sylis went grim and tightened his grip on his saber. Trax wore a simple gray jedi style robe with black mixed lining. Lastly a long white short sleeved collared jacket formed from pixels on him, it flowed in the wind swiftly with black ancient lettering on the back. Trax used what little force he had to retrieve his two sabers from his belt, he lit them revealing two black blades. The Council gasped in shock, the elusive black Crystals have only ever been mentioned in the archives from thousands of years ago, to be seen in person for the first time was almost unbelievable. Trax took a stance hold both his sabers backwards, "Apologies old friends, but I have to much on my plate, maybe another time." He said with a grim tone. Sylis narrowed his eyes, "So be it."

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Autumn and Silverthorn found soon found Tavi on the ship. "Master Tavi, what happened? Where did Trax go?" Kane remained in the window, looking in the distance. It seemed like he was frozen there.

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Tavi bit back her anger, "My Husband chose to create a diversion for our escape, he is still back on Equestria. We're heading to the Fallens home planet, Crystalline, also home to the Crystal Ponies of the Crystal Empire. Trax is long time good friends with its rulers, hes helped defend their plant from many Sith attacks for the past 20 years. We'll continue on from there." She told them calming herself down. Hazel came up to them hearing everything.

"You saw it too then?" Oak asked Kane as he and Kasey came up beside him looking out the window as they traveled in lightspeed.

Right, left, above, behind, in front, Traxs eyes darted around as he moved like a leaf in the wind dodging sabers swiftly. His speed and strength were almost unrealistic due to his training of wearing weighted armor so heavy. He parried with Sylis and Ark, he then pushed off deflecting multiple strikes from others. Sylis could see the formor Jedi had increased in skill since they last fought 26 years ago, but he also noticed Trax was holding back, he was fighting defensively. Was he stalling for something? What was he planning? Sylis knew he was incapable of using the force after using so much to produce force lightning with such power, he only knew of one other man who could do that and survive. Trax smirked sensing Sylis's conflicting thoughts, just a little longer and he would be able to use his force. Time slowed as he bent backwards under a saber swing, he saw three more closing in around him, he closed his left eye. *Screen goes black and sounds of sabers clashing*

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