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Suddenly they were both thrown to the wall by a powerful force, Hazel couldnt move, "If you value your lifes, you'll sit tight and deal with it, I'd rather not come back there and kill you all." A male voice came over the intercome before they were dropped to the floor. "I sense a powerful force wielder on board, its almost as powerful as Master Tavi." Hazel said as she stood up, the other doors were locked down with extra doors and blast doors.

"You sense it too, there must be a powerful Sith aboard, we'll have to tread carefully." Oakly said as they came upon an elevater door, he pressed the door release and looked inside seeing the elevator was too far down, "Come on, we can scale it down inside." He said as he hopped down.

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Silverthorn gave up on trying to open the doors and drew her saber from the door panting. "I can't get through these doors. We have to find a way out."

Kane jumped down after him, scaling down the walls. "If there is a powerful Sith Lord here, we should try and avoid him. I'd prefer to get out of here without running into somebody that powerful."

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"Agreed." Oakly said as he stopped at a door, he peaked through the crack and saw a couple Sith Acolytes standing guard, Oakly motioned for Kane to get to the other side as held his lightsaber up against the door preparing to light it.

"Or you could sit that beautiful @ss down and be patient like the good Jedi I know you are." The voice came from behind her as the doors opened and a ray shield formed, there leaning against the wall was a tall handsome and fit man dressed in white lined with gold. His left arm, Shoulder, and left eye were robotic. Hazel recognized him instantly, "Kasey Trax, no wonder I sensed a powerful force wielder on board, let me guess your brothers piloting the ship?" Suddenly she held in mid air choking as Kasey grimmaced in anger, "Dont ever mention him again, he's dead now, and I killed him." He said before dropping her, Hazel was suprised by the news, "He's dead, but that cant be, I can.... I can still feel him..."

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Kane went to the other side of the door and gripped the hilt of his lightsaber. He nodded back to Oakly signaling he was prepared to enter.

Silverthorn grit her teeth and lunged at Kasey with his lightsaber drawn, preparing to strike him. Autumn attempted to stop her so they could concentrate and be focused but she couldn't.

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Oakly nodded and lit up his saber through the door and impaling the Acolyte through the chest killing him instantly.

Kasey yawned and waved his hand force throwing Silver back, "Dont let your emotions get in the way sweetheart, thats not how the Jedi are. Besides, your saber cant go through rayshields darling." Hazel went to Silver to help her up.

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Kane sliced through and acolyte before force pushing another into the wall and stabbing another.

Silverthorn glared at Kasey as Hazel helped her up. "You have no business here, Fallen. This is between us and the Sith and you will not interfere." Autumn said, pointing her lightsaber at Kasey.

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That's where you are wrong" a woman's voice echoed through the darkness as Killjoy stepped out "we go where we please...kill, take, keep what we must."

"Jedi and Sith alike...we just make sure you two play together and get along." Thunder said stepping out besides Killjoy. Killjoy looked at Kasey "auto pilot is engaged...we should be making our entrance soon." She said looking back at the two "so...do we kill them?" She asked.

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Oakly rolled through the next set of doors throwing his lightsaber like a boomerang, its slashed through two droidd before it returned to him and he sheathed it back on his belt. They were in the generator room where three large conduits with rotary power cupplings around each, Oakly went up to the center console, "Keep me coverd while I configure this entire ship to loose its power."

"No, they'll be good for a distraction, lets get prepared for our entrance. Its going to be quite bumpy." Kasey said winking at the girls before closing the blast doors and cutting them off. Kasey turned to Killjoy and Thunder, "From our intelligence, Lord Malacath is the one in possesion of the ancient saber, no doubt he'll have a couple Magna Guards with him. Malacath is too powerful for just one of us alone, do not try to engage him alone, only death awaits you. We cant let him escape either, I can hold him off long enough for you two to take care of his Magna Gaurds. Clear on the plan?" He finished as he sat back and strapped himself in, not a second later the collison alarm started to sound.

Hazels shoulders drooped, "I have a bad feeling about this."

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Silverthorn suddenly found herself blushing at Kasey winking at them and turned away growling, shaking the feeling off, wondering what the hell came over her. "We have to get out of here." Autumn said, approached the closed doors again and thinking.

Kane felt a new presence coming over him, this time it felt like three instead of one. "Might want to double time it, I think we're going to have company."

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Oakly froze up as he entered in the last key, "No, it cant be, not now." He shook his head clear and pressed the enter key, "Lets go, I sense we're going to have a new enemy besides the Sith to face." He said taking off for the exit.

"Its too late Autumn, the collosion alarms have sounded, we need to brace for impact. My question is, what are we about to hit?" Hazel said as she searched around for a place to take shelter.

"Boss look!" Scorch exclaimed as he pointed into the sky at an incoming ship heading straight for the Sith cruiser. "What the hełł is that?" Sev asked, "Looks to be a Fallen Cargo ship." Fixer said as he looked through his nods, "Maintain security Delta, we need to be ready for the Generals return." Boss told them sternly, "Yes Sir!" They said together.

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"Out of the frying pan..." Kane said to himself as he followed Oakly. "Why are the Fallen here? They have nothing to gain here."

"I think we're about to find out." Silverthorn said as they got closer to the Sith ship. "And I don't think it's going to end well."

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If Oaklys suspicions were correct about Malacath being on board, he knew exactly why, his father had sent his brother to collect the ancient saber. He kept quiet, careful not to alert Kane to too much knowledge about how the fallen operated, he'd worked hard to avoid confrontation with them until now. He knew he'd have to face his brother again, and sooner or later, his father. "Beats me, they've always been brash in the past." He said monotonously.

"Anything with the Fallen involved never ends well..." Hazel said solemnly remembering her horrifying encounter with Oak nearly ten years ago.

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Killjoy and Thunder strapped in "it'll be easy, ancient Saber or not, we'll kick this Sith b!tch's ass" Killjoy said as Thunder nodded in agreement "we will have the ancient Saber by the end of the operation no doubt." He said.

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Kasey smirked, "Brace yourselves."


"Here it comes!" Hazel shouted as she braced herself.


Oakly stopped them and closed his eyes, he focused on the incoming ship, waiting for it to crash.


The Cargo ship smashed into the hull of the Sith cruiser, it stuck in half way hanging down from the ceiling of the hanger bay. Malacath stood up enraged, "Activate the alarms and my Magna Guards now!"


"Your not gonna believe this, but I can sense the girls now too. THE CARGO SHIP!" Oakly took off down the hallway.


Kasey coughed a little but cut a hole in the cockpit window, he leaped down from the 50 foot drop and force pushed away the battle droids that approached him. "Lets move you two."


The back half of the cargo ship had spilled out its contents into a hallway above the hanger, Hazel coughed and moaned from her pain she sat up, "Autumn? Silver? Where are you?"

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Kane got back to his feet as he saw the damage from the colliding ships and quickly followed after Oakly. He tried to hide his worry about Autumn and the others. "Sh1t just got real..."

Silverthorn got to her feet and shook the debris out of her hair and rubbed her head. "Ahh.....that really sucked, but I'm alright." She said groaning. Autumn soon appeared nearby with a few scars. "We're ok Hazel. What about you?"

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Hazel checked her person but didnt seeing anything major than a couple scraps, "Im good," she glanced around at the hallway, "This looks like a Sith cruiser, battleship class from the design. Wait, you dont think we're on the same ship as Oakly and Kane?" As if to answer her question, Oakly rounded the corner down from them, "Hazel!" He called out. Hazel blushed a bit but waved to him, suddenly she heard creaking sounds as the ships structure began to cumble, Hazel acted quickly grabbing Silver and Autumn with her force and throwing them away from the ship toward Oakly and Kane. Just as they were clear Hazel went to stand but the ceiling above her collapsed on top of her, the ship fell down and the hallway was closed off by an automatic blast door with a ray shield to reinforce it. Oakly was frozen in horror, "HAZEL!" He ran to the shielded door banging on it, "HAZEL! DAMN IT, OPEN UP YOU BAŚTARDS, I WONT LET YOU TAKE HER FROM ME!" He continued to punch the door repeatedly to no effect. He went his knees with his fists still against the shielded door, "Give her back... I loved her... I- I... Hazel..." He said softly, his helmet started to leak as his tears welled up inside.

Kasey stopped them and looked back, there it was again, he could feel his siblings force crying out agony. Was his brother trying to reach out to him from the afterlife?

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Killjoy and Thunder looked around "well...we're here...and there are Jedi. Just another day at work right?" Killjoy said readying her weapon as Thunder did the same.

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Kane stood in shock at Hazel's demise. Silverthorn grit her teeth in anger as she fought back tears while Autumn softly wept for her friend. Kane placed a hand on Oakly. "I'm sorry, Oak...."

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"Forget the Jedi, we're after Sith here, lets go." Kasey said pushing his thoughts away and heading off down the hallway, his mechanical eye scanned ahead directing him towards the source of power from th ancient saber. Not to his surprise, Malacath was on the move with the saber in hand, heading towards the main hanger. Kasey stopped and turned around, "Hes heading for the Hanger, we can head him off!"

Oakly hit the wall once more in desperation, "I didnt even get to tell her... How I really feel..." He said somberly. Hazel suddenly crawled out from an air duct and landed beside Silver, "Is it cruel of me if I want him to keep going?" She cooed romantically, hugging Silver tightly. Oakly froze and went red hot with embarrassment, realizing he just spilled out his true feelings for Hazel thinking she died. He stood up and cleared his throat, "Well we better get off this ship quickly, mission is complete." He began nobably trying to change the topic before it got out of hand for him.

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Silverthorn embraced Hazel in a tight hug and spun around with her in her arms, like she was seeing a little sister for the first time in a while. "I'll beat you if you scare me like that again." She said, suddenly becoming stern but still happy to see her. Kane looked around at the carnage. "Any ideas on how to get out of here?"

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"The Main Hanger is just below us, We can get out from there." Oakly suggested, Hazel looked at him funny, "Thats where all the droids are, not to mention the Fallen are that way as well. Who knows what else." Oakly didnt know how convince them to go down there, he wanted to see his brother, but they couldnt know that.

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"It's just droids, they're easy to deal with. As for the Fallen, I think they're a little busy with the Sith right now." Kane said, drawing his lightsaber. "We can take a ship of of here once we're there."

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'Thank you Kane' Oakly praised as he drew his saber, Hazel saw no reason messing with their minds, "Alright alright testosterone boys, we can use the air ducts, they're suprisingly large." She said as she dropped down from wence she had came from when escaping the collapse. Oakly smiled under his mask and slid into the air duct after her.

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Kane, Autumn and Silverthorn jumped into the air duct after them. Soon they appeared in the hangar where a large group of droids opened fire on them. Kane threw his lightsaber at them, causing it to boomerang back to him while cutting down several droids.

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Hazel twirled her double bladed saber around causing a wall of protection as she deflected the droids fire. Oakly ran in deflecting the lazer rounds till he got close enough to slash through the nearest droids. On the other side of the Hanger, the lights turned on revealing a massive army of Magna Guards armed with elctro staffs, Malacath made his way to the rear where his ship awaited him. Kasey ran out from a door near the center, he glanced at the Jedi to his left then noticed the large army of Magna Guards, "Malacath cannot escape, you two get the Magna Guards to chase you and lead them to the jedi. Dont kill the jedi, let them assist you, Magna Guards are more skilled than you'd think. Go!" Kasey told them before sprinting at the Magna army, he leaped just before making contact with then and with his enormous leap cleared the army and drew his lightsaber parrying with Malacath, "You have something I need Sith scum." He grolwed icily, Malacath grinned, "You want it? Come and get it." Malacath pushed Kasey off and ran for the hallway door on the opposite side. Kasey gave chase as his eye turned a dark yellow.

Oakly slashed down a destroyer droid then leaped an incredible distance to chase after Kasey and Malacath. "Oakly! Dang it wheres he going?" Hazel scorned, she noticed the large army of Magna Guards lit up their electro staffs and charge at the Fallen and Jedi. Magna guards were deadly droids who weilded electro staffs that packed quite a punch, they were nothing to joke about, especially when facing an army of them.

((Serioulsy they dont go down easy.))

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