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Tavi's eyes went wide in shock but had a glint of happiness. The room went dead silent as Oakly turned back to Kane glaring at him with peircing blue eyes, Hazel moved around to face him in disbelief. Images of her tragic expeirence flashed through Hazels eyes as she looked at Oakly, or Oak. "No, no no no you.... You Monster!" Hazel stumbled back in Autumn and hugged her tightly in fear. Oak glanced around as some of the Masters stood up grabbing their sabbers, he took a deep breath in, he then looked at Kane with a sly smirk. "Nice work, Kane." Oak threw his arms out unleashing a 360 degree force wave blowing everyone and shattering the windows in the tower. Oak ran to the elevator and pressed the down button, he met Kanes glare, "Catch me if you can." He said before the doors closed and the elevator went down. Master Ark hopped up onto his chair and pointed with his staff, "Escape, he cannot!" At those words a fire lit inside Hazels eyes, "He wont." She sped forward to the other elevator and opened the doors.

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Kane followed Hazel onto the elevator as the doors shut and the elevator began to descend. Kane gripped his lightsaber hilt tightly. "I don't believe it....my best friend betrayed us all."

Silverthorn and Autumn got back to their feet as they noticed Master Soul looking distraught at one of his apprentices turning on them. "Oakly....why did it come to this?"

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"I cant.... I actually started having feelings for him.... He killed Ocano!" Hazel gripped her saber as she thought about how Oak cut down her first Master.

Oak walked out the door acting casual, then he heard the elevator beep behind him, "Crap that was fast." He turned to tun but felt a force wave hit him forward over the railing, Oak landed from the 50 foot drop with ease and threw off his cloak and armor, he felt the lightweight instantly. Drawing his blue saber he stood ready for them, "Its too late, they've already locked this temple down, and called the Sentinels. This is gonna be interesting," He looked seeing Hazel glaring down at him with a dark stare, "very interesting."

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Kane landed before Oakly and drew his saber. "Why, Oakly? Why pretend all this time, why build bridges that you're just going to burn?" Kane said angrily. "For buck's sake, you're my best friend man!"

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Oak bit back his guilt, Kanes words stung him like the burn of his own lightsaber, "You want the truth Kane? You gotta beat me first!" Oak lunged forward swinging his saber at Kane and parrying with him, Oak then retrieved his other saber and lit up the Orange saber behind him parrying with Hazel. Oak held them both back, he noticed other Jedi arround them lighting up their sabers as the news spread around, Oakly's real identity was Oak Trax. The Slayer of countless Jedi. By now the Council Masters were down from the tower and looks down on the battle, their sabers lit ready to capture Oak at all costs. Tavi stood with her purple saber at the ready, but was reluctant to join the fight.

In the darkness of the Fallen throne, a pair of lightning blue eyes opened, "Welcome back to the living, My Son."

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((Oaks going to get captured, he escapes himself and meets up with Kasey and the gang afterwards. Hey Metal, does Soul wanna die by one student protecting the other? Since you were already planning his death, if you dont already have something planned.))

Oak deflected his angry strikes easily, "Your anger overwhelmes you, so much rage is blinding you." Oak jumped over Kane and picked him up in a force choke and smashed him into the wall holding him there, Oak then parryed with Hazel as she tried to suprise him but was suprised herself. Oak looked at her, his peircing blue eyes seemed to freeze her still, "Suprised? You should be, I never went full out in front of any of you, not even Master Soul. Four years I trained under Master Soul, but unknown to him, I was honing my already mastered skills. I'll prove it." Oak force pushed Hazel back across the floor then turned to Kane force pushing him through the wall. Oak looked up to the Council Masters, "Come on! Enough sending the Knights, I want a Jedi Master down here, let me show you what I can really do." He ended coldly pointing his orange saber up at the Masters. Master Tavi second guessed herself and turned away, "What insolence, he's not even worth it." She faked sternly. Sylis turned to Soul, "He was your student Soul, your call."

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((I was going to introduce another Sith Lord later that kills him, but I guess we can do it this way.))

Soul looked at Oakly with a glare before drawing a blue lightsaber and jumping before him. "Oakly.....I poured all of my skill and wisdom into you. If you are to go down this path, show me how it payed off, my apprentice."

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Oak felt a wave of fear flow over him, this man had cared for him when he begged the Jedi Council to take him in, in truth he didnt want to face Soul. Oak put on a serious face, "And then some.... Master." Oak leaped and spun slashing around with his orange and blue sabers.

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Soul parried with Oak's strike as he easily blocked his attacks and grabbed him in the force and thrashed him against the ground before force pushing him away and yanking him back to swing his saber at him again.

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Soul blocked the next slashes before spinning around to kick him in the face, knocking him back. "Something tells me you never showed me your full potential." Soul said accusingly, holding his saber to block the next strike.

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Oak wiped blood from his lip, he grinned feeling challenged, "Nope, lets say we change that!" Oak lunged at Soul spinning with both sabers in a swirling slash of blue and orange, his foot work and precision suddenly enhanced as if skipping from novice to master in a couple seconds. Hazel sat up as over 2 dozen Jedi Sentinels came in and surrounded Oak and Soul forming a large perimeter, Hazel stood up with a grim look, "The Jedi Sentinels, Oaks chances of escape are near impossible now." The Jedi Sentinels were the police force of the Jedi, and when all your suspects are Jedi, its a requirement to master the lightsaber. As the perimeter was established, the Sentinels held out there lightsabers and lit them up, the yellow blades glowed brightly around Oak and Soul.

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Soul was taken aback at the sudden increase in Oak's skill. He jumped into him and elbowed him in the face before roundhouse kicking him in the jaw and slashing him with his saber in another volley of blue lights from his lightsaber.

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Oak bent backwards dodging around the slashes, he twisted around jabbing his elbow into Souls back then tripped him over on his back, Oak back up and took a stance holding out his blue saber with his orange behind him. "Whats wrong Soul? Cant take the heat?"

Hazal starred in awe, she had beaten Oakly... Oak, multiple times in sparring. But this, its like he was a new person, the person who spent years of harsh training killing Jedi and Sith with decades of experience. She had watched as this man take her Former Master away at such a young age, and yet.... Her feelings hadnt changed.

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"What life! I dont agree with your ideology, your precious Jedi code, none of it. Five years ago I left my Father and Brother under special circumstances, spent one year recovering from a bad injury, then joined the Jedi Order. I had skills that needed to be sharpened, honed, and I'm not a fan of the Sith. You were there when I came in, the Council only accepted me because of you, you offered to take me under your wing even when you already had an apprentice. I thank you for that, I really do. I wore a fake rebreather mask to hide my identity, I knew that I'd be arrested onsight once I stepped foot inside the Temple as myself. New name, new fake face, and sob story about how I had lost my way as a Force wielder. Yeah, I made some friends, and I doubt I'm still considered a friend now. You trained your padawan well, Kane learned and exposed me. Guess it was only a matter of time. Balance, there is only balance, the Force needs to be balanced. The Jedi, The Sith. There is no light or dark, there is only the force. There is no good without evil, but evil must not be allowed to flourish. I am a Fallen, a keeper of balance. Long live the Eternal Emperor Nameless Trax, the First Gray Jedi." Oak charged forward at Soul slashing with his sabers in a whirlwind of orange and blue.


Tavi's eyes flew wide open at the mention of that name, tears welled up in her eyes.


Hazel starred in a daze, feelings overwhelmed her, her mind spinning.

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Soul parried the strike and sighed. "Then I have failed you, Oakly. I will do what I must, but I will not harbor hate towards you. If I live, I will kill you. If I die, you are forgiven." Soul said as he forced Oak back and slashed at him again.

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In one fluid motion Oak deflected Souls saber and ran both his sabers through Souls stomach. Oak bit back the pang of betrayal he felt, he whispered into Souls ear, "I never wanted to kill you, but I cant let you kill me." Oak stepped back his head turned not able to look at him.

28 years ago.... Trax and Soul stood next to each other looking out over Canterlot from the tower, "Soul, let me ask you something, not as a fellow Jedi but as a close friend. A brother." He began calmly, "Do you think what the Jedi stand for is what this world really needs? The rules we have to abide by? The losses we take because our code prevents us from doing what he need to do, is that what we should be? Or is it something different, do we have to fall in order to rise up, even stronger than before?"

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Soul fell to his knees as he grit his teeth in pain. His vision began to fade as he looked up at Oak. "It is not my death, it is what will happen hereafter." He said a she fell to the ground. "You were a good student...." He said as he took a final breath. Kane and Silverthorn were appalled and horrified at their master's death and Kane shook violently as he urged to strike Oak down.

Soul was quiet for a moment before turning to Trax. "Make no mistake, the Jedi Order is my life. I will uphold its laws at all cost. However, you're words are true. I don't like the direction the Jedi are going." He sighed. "I will always remain loyal, but I can't say I'm completely in agreement with the ever changing code."

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Two Sentinels braced Kane holding him back and putting him cuffs, "Sorry Kane, its for your own good. You need to control yourself." One said to him.

Oak felt a little dizzy as the waves of emotions he felt washed over him, he glanced around seeing the Sentinels closing in. One Sentinel stepped forward with an azure colored mask instead the usual white, "I am Captain Azure Blade, and for the countless murders and crimes against Canterlot and the Jedi Order. You, Oak Trax, are under arrest. Drop your sabers or we will put you down by force." Azure announced steadily. Oak looked around, he was in a sea of Jedi all with their sabers drawn and ready, he was trapped for good. Oak stood up straight and held out his arms with his sabers in hand, "You me? Come and get me!"

It took 30 mins, 20 Sentinels and other Jedi sent to the infirmary, and the help of Master Sylis and Master Ark to subdue and sedate Oak. Later that day, Oak was put up in energy cuffings restricting him from using the force. His request to attend Master Souls funeral burning was declined. The Council would convene tomorrow to sentence him, tonight they and many other Jedi and close friends all stood around an alter with Souls body rested on a stack of logs.

Trax looked Soul in the eye, "You always were an honorable one Soul, I admire that about you." He glanced down then looked back at Soul with a more serious look, "What if I told you I can create another Order, one whose soul purpose is to bring and keep balance to the force. Complete balance. An Order where its not outlawed to have a family, a wife and children of your own. Our emotions wont be our downfall like the Jedi code says, our emotions will be what makes us even stronger." He inisted proudly.

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Kane hung his head as tears formed in his eyes. Silverthorn put a arm around him as she also mourned their master. "Why Oakly?" He whispered as Autumn held his hand, trying to keep their love inconspicuous.

Soul looked at Trax. "The idea is wonderful. I would love to be part of that. But as I said, I am loyal to the Jedi. No matter how far they stray, it is still my home and it is still the reason I didn't die long ago. But know this Trax..." Soul said in a serious tone. "Should you ever go down that path....I will do what I can to keep them off you. I will do my best to keep the Jedi from coming for you. No matter your beliefs, you are a great person...my brother."

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Oaks ears twitched as he heard the sound of the rising plateform they use to acces the many prison cells in this hole, it was coming closer ... Closer... Stopped. Oak opened one eye in a small slit, his glowing blue eye shined through the darkness of his cell, he had a visitor. A cloaked figure? "Let him down, he wouldnt dare do anything now." The familiar female voice spoke from inside the cloak, the Gate Guard grunted and flipped a switch releasing Oak from his limb bindings, he dropped to a crouch and sat down getting into a meditational posture. The ray shield was deactivated and the Cloaked figure stepped inside approaching him, the shield coming back up behind her. Oak felt her presence, "So, even when I'm in prison, you still came for that date?" He asked slyly. Hazel flipped back her hood and sat down getting eye to eye with him, "Not my ideal location, especially for a very first date." She said coldly, Oak chuckled, "Why?" Her sudden question made Oak stop all at once. His face went dark, "Simple, its the first law of nature. Kill, or be killed. Soul tried to kill me, and would have, if I didnt kill him first. I was surviving, something the Jedi lack in." He said monotonously. Hazel looked at him blank faced, "And what about my old Master, Master Ocano? I know you remember him, because it was also the first time we met." She asked intently with a slight glint of emotion. Oak looked up and met her stare, she had the most beautiful hazel eyes he'd ever seen, and her dark hair how it flowed effortlessly behind her like a shadow. "It was just buisness, my job was to find and kill whatever Jedi or Sith lead the opposing side, he was my mark and that was all-" Oak was cut off before ending his answer as Hazel slapped him across the face, he still sat still but with his head turned to the right from the slap. Hazel was on all fours with her hand stretched out from slapping Oak, tears dripped from her eyes onto the hard floor, her eyes dark with hurt. "HE WAS MY MENTOR! MY FRIEND! HE WAS LIKE A FATHER TO ME AND YOU TOOK HIM AWAY! .... Buisness... Is that what your father put you and Kasey through? You were what, 15 years old when we first met? I was 13, a padawan learner, I was still new to the battle and if I saw an enemy saber wielder I was to back off and let my Master deal with it. But I saw you." She went down from her screaming to a soft and soothing tone, Oak slowly moved his head back looking into her eyes again, they were so filled with hurt and mixed emotions. "I saw you. A kid no more than a couple hears older than me weilding an orange lightsaber, the signature color of a Gray Jedi or Fallen Knight. I looked into your eyes, I was frozen by them, I felt as if they had peirced my soul. I was mesmerized by you, I couldnt move or speak, I could only meet your cold gaze and be trapped by it. Master Ocano jumped in front of me telling me to run, he yelled at me so loud yet I could t hear him, but I read his lips. And like that I felt my legs move, I turned and ran, and when I looked back....." The scene of Ocano falling to the side with a saber gash across his chest, and Young Oak standing there turning his peircing blue gaze from him to young Hazel. "... He was a skilled swordsman, and you killed him like it was second nature to you, like breathing. I felt fear, followed by hatred and a sting of vengeance. I had nightmares after that, they got so bad that I couldnt sleep alone, luckily Autumn was there for me. She slept with me for five years, and if she couldnt be there I didnt sleep. Master Tavi took over my training, Masters Clear Sky and Ark helped me with my nightmares, helped me control them.... Then I met you... I met Oakly." An image flashed of four years ago when Oakly was being introduced by Soul to Kane, Autumn, Silverthorn, and Hazel... "I felt this connection instantly, I was drawn to you, and I couldnt shake it." Hazel tilted her head to the side with a slight smile, "That night, I slept like a baby, a full night of sleep. And every night since then... Because of you... You gave me those nightmares in the first place, and then vanished them easily. I honestly dont know how I didnt realize it, who you really were, or maybe I did but was to scared to admit it to myself." She found herself inches away from him, their faces nearly touching, Oak just met her gaze back, the tension between them seemed to thicken the air around them. "Now... I ... All I can do is lov-" Oak leaned forward shutting her up with a kiss, Hazel was suprised at first but fell into it willingly.

Minutes later the Cell Lift touched down at the exit, Hazel stepped off wearing her cloak but with the hood down, "What did you see?" She asked nonchalantly, the Guard shrugged, "See? Lady all I heard was a loud smack, serves that coward right for all the jedi he's killed." Hazel nodded and kept walking, "Yeah, what he deserves..."

Back in his cell Oak grinned in the dark as he moved his tongue pushing out a small ship and holding it lightly in his teeth, "Ooh she bad, I think I'm in love."

Hazel flipped her hood up and as a smirk slid across her face.

Trax smiled proudly and shook Souls hand forearm to forearm, "Thank you, Brother."

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The funeral pyre was lit and Soul's body began to burn. Kane looked on in sadness as his eyes were still wet with tears. Silverthorn put a hand on his shoulder as she held back her own tears. The pain felt by all the Jedi in the room was immense. Kane still repeated it in his mind. "Why...?"

((How is the world set up in this RP? Is Equestria its own planet and their are other planets they can go to? Or is everything just taking place on one planet?))

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