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Part of Silverthorn wanted to smack Kasey as hard as she could, yet another part enjoyed the attention and she blushed again. Kane slowly woke up and got to his feet. "What the hell happened?"

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Kasey stood up, "Good your finally awake." Hazel went to the bars, "Kane, listen to me, do not do anything rash." She told him quickly. Oak suddenly walked into view of the cell, his peircing blue eyes instantly meeting Kanes.

((Lol do they not notice Hazels not in the cell with them?))

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Hazel sqeaked and twittled her fingers nervously, "Um... Well... You... See... Uh... I... Ummmm..." She blushed nervously backing up into Oak, he grinned and put his arm around her as she froze up as shock went up her spine, "What, she never told you? Its this little called having a cru-" He stopped in a shock of pain as Hazel grabbed low, he let out a wince before falling to the ground holding his privates, he moaned in pain. Hazel glanced wide eyes at her hand in suprise but then shook her head clean, "I guess my type is bad boys, being raised by Jedi, go figure. As for why I'm not in the cell with you, well I guess they trusted me not to kill them once I was awake." She said glancing at Kasey who nodded his head side to side in agreement, he chuckled a little at Oak rolling in pain on the floor. Kasey looked back up, "Well hey if it helps I was gonna put you in my room, but Oak assured me that you'd probably try to kill me when you awoke." He leaned against the bars closer to Silver, "Offer still stands Sweetness, just FYI." He said smoothly with a grin. Hazel put on a look of annoyance and folded her arms, "You can hit him."

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Killjoy walked in, she was wearing a skin tight suit that is usually worn under armor. Killjoy had a habit of wearing it around instead of normal attire. The suit formed around her perfect curves and abnormally large breasts. "hey, I heard we got visitors...only one of them is behind bars..." she said with a yawn "I was trying to sleep, but everyone is so loud." her eyes squinted as her eyes still felt a little heavy. 

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Silverthorn growled and punched Kasey in the jaw through the bars. She shook the soreness out of her hand and looked at Kasey on the ground. "I'll think about it." She said. Kane glared harder at Oak. "You never told us why we're here."

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"yeah why are they here? I was never told about anything..." Killjoy said with a frown "then again no one ever tells me anything." She looked at Kane "and why is he the only one who actually seems angry to be here?"

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Oak stood shakily still holding his privates, "Father wouldn't say why, I was actually surprised when I heard Uncle Drop was bringing them in." He said grumpily looking crossly at Hazel who huffed and looked away. This whole day was weird to him, when he and Kasey got here Trax was waiting for them with open arms praising them like an acute father, Oak was used to the cold and silent Trax before he quote on quote died. Kasey stood up rubbing his jaw, "Fiesty this one." He winked at Silver with a smile. Oak looked at Kane steadily then grinned, "You gonna behave yourself so we dont have to put you in cuffs?" He asked slyly tapping his belt where he had Kanes saber as well as his own, he only had the orange one now since the blue was lost in his fight with the Sentinels. Hazel had Silvers and Autumns on her belt, she looked at Silver and Autumn with pleading eyes not to do anything rash, escaping from this ship would be more trouble than its worth.

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Kane shook with anger and wanted nothing more than to tear Oak open, but he was able to keep his head. He looked down to the floor and gripped the bars so tightly that it bruised his fingers, still shaking with rage. It was all he could do. Autumn put her arms around him trying to soothe him, but it did little good. Silverthorn glared at Kasey angrily.

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"Maybe it'd be better if you two werent the ones escorting them." Tavi's voice came from down the hall as she walked towards. Kasey and Oak shyed away, "Yes Mom." They bowed respectivly and walked away heading to The Throne room. Hazel couldnt help but sigh in relief that Tavi was alright, but she was a little taken back by the fact that Tavi seemed more at ease here than any of them. "Master Tavi, you seem...." Tavi put a finger to her lips, "Long story, for now," she looked at Kane, Autumn and Silver, "I need you all to play nice. My..., again I'll explain later, Husband would like to speak with you." Tavi turned to Killjoy, "Killjoy right? I need you to escort them to the throne room, they are to be considered guests of Traxs." Hazel was starring wide eyed at Tavi with her mouth dropped in shock.

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Autumn and Silverthorn looked at each other in shock. "Oak and Kasey called you mom? Trax is your husband?" Autumn said, still completely in awe. Kane sighed and kept staring at the floor. "I should be angry, but at this point I've just gone numb."

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A couple legionnaires walked by, "Welcome back my Queen, its an honor to see you again." One said kindly and respectively. Hazels head moved fast as she glanced from the soldiers to Tavi, "Wait what? Queen? Married? Kasey and Oak, Sons? Mom?" Tavi waved to them kindly, "As to you too." She looked back at Hazel, "He served on the detail protecting me when I was pregnant, good guy. As for calling me Mom, I think you need to marry Oak first." She simply. Hazels head exploded as she stood in a dazed trance, "I dont know whats real anymore..." Tavi smirked, "What? You think you and Kane were the only ones good with keeping your love hidden? Please, I vanished for nine months, gave birth, then came back to the Order without The Council knowing. Helł they gave me a seat on the council the next year, and I still made time to see my sons grow and be in their life. Though I guess I do owe Soul alot of credit, without him it would have been alot harder, I'll never forget him as long as I live."

Meanwhile in the throne room.... Oak and Kasey stood with faint smiles trying hard to contain their laughter as they looked at their father. Trax stood with an annoyed face with a red hand print on his left cheek, "Laugh, ....and I kill you." He warned seriously. The guards at the door glanced at each other, "He's joking right?" "Have you ever known Emperor Trax, The Blue eyed Reaper, to joke?" "Thats Fair."

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Kane banged his head on the bars. "Are we going to talk to Trax about why we're here or what?" Silverthorn looked at Kane and then back to Tavi. "I gotta say, Master Tavi, knowing now that you have two kids, you are one good looking MILF." Autumn smacked Silverthorn's ass hard and gave her a "did you serious just say that right now" look. "Ow! What? I'm just saying, Autumn...."

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Killjoy and Thunder walked in now in their armor with their hands on the hits of their weapons. They separated and stood on either side of the door awaiting for the Jedi to come forth

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Tavi walked in first leading the small group down the narrow catwalk leading to the center of the large viewing window room, on the island platform was a revoling silver throne chair. A man with silver armor and cape, he stood a little taller than Oak and Kasey and was well built even hidden under his armor, his short gray hair and beard shined silver from the lighting. Oak and Kasey stood off to the side with hands behind their backs, their peircing blue eyes matching Traxs like a mirror, Kaseys left robotic eye glowed a bright blue to match his normal eye color. Hazel felt her belt move and suddenly Silver and Autumns lightsabers flew off and flew into Traxs hands, he examined them then levitated them back to Silver and Autumn, "Oak. They are our guests, and should be treated so." He said with a solid and noble tone. Oak stiffened when being called on, he dipped his head and threw Kane his lightsaber obediently. Hazel leaned to Silver, "I've never seen Oak so intimidated by anyone before like this." She whispered softly. Suddenly Tavi zipped over to Kasey and Oak putting her arms around them and holding them tight, "Oh my baby boys! You two are so handsome just like your father, I love your eyes!" She fonded over them, they tried to squirm out but to no avial. Trax smirked and chuckled, "Greetings young Jedi, my Name is Nameless Trax, Emperor of the Knights of The Fallen Empire. Would you mind introducing yourselves?"

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Kane looked down at his lightsaber hilt, the temptation to murder all the Fallen in the room right then and there was strong. He was torn because of their kindness and because he remembered Tavi's words about vengeance. Finally he sighed and attached the hilt to his belt. "Jedi Knight Hurricane Lightning, but you can call me Kane. I was Master Soulscream's first apprentice." Autumn was impressed by Kane's restraint. "I'm Jedi Knight Autumn Rain, in your wife's apprentice." She said, still finding it weird call Tavi a wife. "And I'm Jedi Knight Silverthorn Fallenstar, I was Master Soul's third apprentice."

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Killjoy and Thunder shut the door and stood on each side with their hands behind their backs as they watched the Jedi. They showed complete discipline like elite soldiers. Deep down, Killjoy was hoping something would go wrong so she beat somebody.

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"I'm Hazel Feather, your wifes second apprentice." Hazel said dipping her head showing unconsiously without thinking. Trax looked over them with careful eyes, "Soul... I am sorry for your loss, he was a dear friend of mine and Tavi's. Even when we were on different sides he still helped me no matter. I also know that his death causes some discord between some of us." He glanced at Oak who just crossed his arms and frowned, "I've already said my apologies, nothing else I can do." Trax raised an eye brow, "Which is why I am letting them have a four on one sparring match against you." Oak flinched in surprise, Kasey chuckled and Tavi smiled a little. Hazel scratched her head awkwardly, "This isnt gonna go well."

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"You kidnapped us and brought us here for a sparing match?" Kane said with confusion raising an eyebrow. Autumn put her face on her hand. "Great...just what he needed. A chance to beat Oak senseless..."

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"Kidnapped is such a strong word, I'd say more saved really. The real reason I brought you all here is because I want extend an invitation to join me. I chose you four in particular because of who you're Masters were, and because I have seen who you really are. None of are you are Jedi material, and I mean that in a good way, and I know you've all questioned the Order at least once." Trax explained, "At least think about it." Oak and Hazel met eyes for a second, a glimmer of joy flashing in their eyes. Kasey folded his arms and glanced at Silver giving her a wink.

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Silverthorn blushed at Kasey's continued attempted to flirt with her. She tried to look away and not acknowledge the attraction to him. Kane looked at Trax with a glaring look. "You do understand if I'm not so excited about the idea of joining those who killed the man I considered a father, right?"

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Trax nodded, "Thats fair." Oak snorted in disgust, "I beat Soul in fair combat, it was never my intent to kill him, but he would have killed me if I had'nt. I was defending myself, you can't stand there and tell you wouldn't have done the same." He sighed and looked more apologetic, "Though I can't blame you for being angry, it me years to forgive Kasey for attacking me and almost killing me." His tone was more serious and understanding. Kasey slumped his shoulders and frowned, "Can we just forget about that, its not my favorite part of our family history. How long is it gonna be till you stop bringing it up, I felt horrible about it, honestly." He said solemnly. Oak narrowed his eyes in annoyance, "When the scar on my chest goes away." Kasey lit up with hope, "Ah sweet- ah wait a second, I see what you did there.... Dîck." He looked at Oak crossly, Oak smirked in a smart@ss way. Tavi hit them both over the head, "Behave." She said sternly. Oak and Kasey frowned and looked down, "Yes Mom." They both said in sync. Trax looked back to the four Jedi, "Then let me ask you something, would Soul want you to live on with hate you feel for Oak? What about Autumn, are you gonna let your hunger for vengeance ruin what you have with her? Did I mention that as a Gray Jedi, you can get married, and have children." He said tossing Tavi her ring which she put on proudly and blowing a kiss back to him. Hazel blushed glancing at Oak to which he blushed and looked away.

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Kane was silent before sighing deeply. "You're right...we don't belong with the Jedi. Even Master Soul knew it. I think he even trained me to feel that way." He looked at Oak, this time with sorrow instead of hate. "You took the closest thing I had to a father away from me....but I guess it was all part of his plan. I'm sorry Oak, I'm sorry to all of you." He said hanging his head. Autumn came up to him and put her arms around him.

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"oh sweet Celestia, I think I might have to cry myself to sleep tonight due to all this tear jerking words. Honestly, I think I might barf on everyone with all this lovey dovey crap!" Killjoy said  acting like she's pulling her hair out.

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"Cut it Killjoy." Tavi ordered sternly. Oak shook his head, "No need to apologize Kane, your feelings are normal, it just shows your human." Oak said to him. Trax smiled in delight, "All things considered, I think this went well. No more need to sparr then so I'll dive right into it." He said pulling out the ancient sith saber.

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