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Getting to know life. (Ask to join)


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"bos..." It looked inside the box out of curiosity. It reached its hoof inside to try and grab whatever was inside. "Bossss" again, it sounded really determined to learn a new word.

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Golden smiled after seeing what was inside. She took out all of them and saw the broken one. "Oh dear, it is broken." She said sighing. "I will have to fix it." She added, then turned to thr machine and smiled. "Box." She said, then turned to Seven and smiled. "Thank you for bringing the box." She said to him.

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The bots ears perked up at the sound of Seven's voice. It looked up at him, then its ears flopped down, as if it was nervous or something. It pointed to him slowly, a small gush of steam escaped its joints as it moved. "Beh?"

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Seven gave the automation a reassuring nod, noticing it's nervousness. "Your welcome, its what I do" He said turning his attention to the unicorn. "My names Seven, so what is this? is it some kind of worker bot or something" He asked. He also took of the steam erupted form the robot's body.

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The automaton looks shyly away from Seven and instead looks at the jewelry Golden had. It reached to try and grab it. The bot seemed to take an interest in shiny objects and just wouldn't leave the jewelry alone.

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Golden sighed after seeing the bot.do that. "My name is Golden Beryl." She said to Seven. "I own this plave and... I don't know exactly what this is. I found it in the rain not so long ago." She added, gently moving away the jewels except the one he had.

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The automaton made a pouty face. She its gaze fell apon seven and it saw him getting closer, it looked scared and moved behind Golden. "neh..."

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The bot slowly did the same with her, as if it felt safe in her embrace. "Hhhh... Hhallb..." It tryed repeating the word 'help' and looked at Seven, as if looking for his approval.

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Seven was a bit demoralized by the bot. "Friend" He said pointing to himself. then then opened up the head. "yes, most of the gears are perfect, but some need to be replaced or cleaned" he mumbled to himself. He turned to Golden. "Do you have pocket watches you don't sell anymore?" he asked as he took of his eye slugger and used it to clean of some of the gears.

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The bot sat patiently waiting for Seven. It made some sort of giggling sounds and he cleaned the gears in his head. It was like having someone repairs it was funny.

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Seven couldn't help but chuckle as the bot made its giggling noise. He took one of the hand watches and opened it. Then he took some gears form it and put inside the bot and close it. "There that will do for now" he said smiling. "Do you have a name for it?" he asked golden while he cleaned his eye slugger

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The automaton scooted away from Seven so it could be a good look at him. It's glowing green eyes were so lifelike, it wasn't funny. It looked up at Seven with curiosity and wonder. "fff... Fwen?"

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Golden smiled after seeing him act like that. "Friend." She said to the bot smiling so it could repeat, thrn turned.ti Seven. "Well. When I found it a recording started and its cretor said that his name was Honey Bee VX... 22... how about just Honey Bee?" She said smiling to the bot to see if it liked it.

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It just glanced at the two of them and tilts its head. It really doesn't know what's going on, but it smiled anyways and pointed back at Seven. "Fwenn!"

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Honey Bee looks down to try and look at his mouth as he spoke. "Fffww... Ffwwweenn... Ffwend?" He looked at Seven and pointed. "Fwend!"

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