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Getting to know life. (Ask to join)


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Honey Bee decided that it was time to explore. He slowly stood up and made his way over to the kitchen, taking in all the sights of this place.

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"Somethig small also." Golden replied to Seven, then followed Honey Bee to the kitchen.

As Honey looked around she started making food for Seven and herself, and asked herself what would Honey eat.

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Honey Bee, the curious little thing he is, started looking in cabinets and began taking things out from where they were. He was very excited about everything he saw.

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Golden was making food, but heard what Seven said. "Yep. It is." She said smiling. "You get to work with pretty gems and sometimes with famous ponies. I had made works for the princesses themselves." She said, then noticed what was Honey Bee was doing, then put what he took out back in their place. "Sorry little one, but dont play with them." She said to him as she cooked.

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Golden finished cooking. "Well, I have a friend that just happens to be in love with one of the Princesses." Golden started saing smiling as she turned to see Seven. "And well. I took advantage of that to make some... buiseness with them." She added, then gently hugged Honey. He was just too adorable.

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Golden smiled after seeing Seven do that. It was sort of silly. Her horn glowed and levitated the food to the table, letting it in the table so she and Seven could it. She then lead Honey to the table with them and sat him beside her.

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(Sorry. Had to get groceries.)

Honey Bee looked at Seven as he was eating. He looked on the table and saw no food in front of him. He looked at Seven's plate and pointed at it then to his mouth.

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Golden turned to Honey and noticed what he did. Her horn glowed and placed some food in a plate infront of him, smiling. As all that happened, the storm started raging outside, but the jewelry was well protected and ready for it.

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Honey Bee looked down at his plate. The food no longer was interesting, but the plate was. He picked it up and looked it all around. Then he took a bite out of it, shattering it to bits with his metallic teeth.

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Golden looked at Honey, then sighed. It was too late to stop him from eating the plate. "No Honey, the plate not." She said in a caring but a bit firm voice to her little bot. "You don't eat the plate, you eat the food." She added in the same tone of voice.

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(Ah, its alright. It happens.)

Honey Bee looked up to her and looked like he felt bad. He 'spat' out the plate bits back onto the table and hung his head low. "Belo...."

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"Is alright dear, but don't do it again." Golden said to Honey, almost sounding like a real mother. She turned to Seven as soon as they finished eating and smiled. "Lets go up." She said standing up and taking the dishes to the kitchen to wash them later.

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Honey bee let out a loud whooshing noise as steam escaped his nostrils. Black oil dripped from his mouth and fell onto the floor. Honey Bee had the face of sickness and looked up at Golden.

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