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The Write Stuff - Conversations of Princess Twilight Sparkle


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The Write Stuff - Conversations of Princess Twilight Sparkle


Hello! If you are reading this, you have found my magical journal inside the new Library in my castle. Don't worry, I haven't lost it. In fact I placed this journal here so that ponies and other species like you can talk to me even when I'm not in Ponyville. The life of a Princess of Friendship is busy, but whatever you write here I promise I will respond to as soon as I can. 


I just realized though, there may be some ponies that haven't heard of me. My official title is Princess Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Friendship and Keeper of Harmony. You can just call me Twilight Sparkle if you wish. I'm a fan of the pomp and circumstance of long titles. 




Yep, that's me. You probably did see me around Ponyville at some time, usually with my best friends. 



And there's a picture of me with my friends! You know, if given the choice between being a Princess and having friends, I'd gladly keep my friends. It wasn't always like that though. Friendship wasn't something I thought much about until meeting them. Then again I wasn't always a Princess either.




Not the most flattering picture, but you get the idea. I used to be a unicorn like some you see in town, studying magic with Princess Celestia. 



It wasn't until the Princess sent me to Ponyville that I met my soon to be best friends! Since then we traveled all around Equestria and faced many obstacles in order to spread harmony. It was only recently though when an unfinished spell I was studying went awry and affected my friends (don't worry it was fixed) that I was destined to be something else: a Princess. At first I didn't know what being a Princess meant, but now I think I know the responsibilities better. 


Phew, lots happened in my life now that I think about it! Well that was just a little summary. I'm sure I can fill this whole book with the events in my life, but that's not what this journal is about. It's about you getting to know me. 


So feel free to share your experience meeting me, or ask me a question about me. Who knows, maybe we'll learn something about each other in the process! 


Oh there are a few rules about writing in this journal:


  1. Please keep writing in the journal for both foals and adults to read.
  2. The journal is not meant to compare me to other ponies like my friends or Princesses. It's to get to know me rather than be a competition. 
  3. Make sure to read other's writings so as not to ask the same question over again. 

And above all, have fun! 


Image credits belong to the MLP Vector Club.


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Greeting, fairest Princess Twiley!  It is thy "friend"-PRINCESS LUNA OF THE MOOOOOOO~N!  *Ehem, sorry.*  Would you mind sharing a few of your favourite spells with some of your friends?  *Hint hint*  *HINT*


In greatest earnest to receive your answer,

Her Royal Highness Princess Luna (Or Lyi, the super curious Canterlite).

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Oh, Princess... I mean Luna! I didn't expect you to reply to me this way, but I suppose that if everypony can use this so can Princesses. 




Hmm... my favorite spells...


That's very hard to answer as I've studied many spells. I suppose that my most useful spell, other than my telekinesis, is teleportation. It's very useful covering short distances in a fast amount of time. I must admit that I haven't been using it much now that I have wings, so I should teleport more. Use it or lose it I was taught.


But the most powerful of magic I enjoy using, although I don't need to use it often, is the Fail-Safe Spell. I used it before I first met Discord as a way to purge all the chaotic magic going on around Ponyville. It's a great spell to cleanse an area of magic, but it does take a lot out of me. Again, not needed that often thankfully. 


Now that I think of it, the best magic was one I had to do was raising the sun and lowering the moon when you, Princess Celestia, and Princess Cadence gave me your magic before Tirek came. It was a stressful time I know, and I wasn't very good moving the sun and moon, but for years I watched them rise and set wondering what it would be like to do that even once. It took lots of energy and focus, but knowing that I was actually moving them, with the help of your magic of course, made all the difference. 


So I hope that answers your question Luna, and I look forward to conversing in the future with you.


Twilight Sparkle 

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Hello everypony! I know it's kind of late to post something here, but I have really good news! 




So this is Princess Cadence, one of my best friends and former foal-sitter, and Shining Armor, my BBBFF (Big Brother Best Friend Forever). And guess what? They're having a foal! Well technically Cadence is, but you get the picture. But oh my gosh I'm going to be an aunt! I can barely think straight writing this! 


Makes me wonder though what pony type the foal will be. If Shining Armor has the dominant pony traits, then it will be a unicorn, but if Cadence had the dominant traits it could be a Pegasus as that was what Cadence was before becoming a Princess or an Alicorn as that's what Cadence is now. Perhaps I should ask Princess Celestia or Luna about Alicorns and their offspring.


That's all for now. I'm looking forward to any questions you want to ask me or if you just want to talk. Now I need to get to bed before I do this again.




Long story short, never fall asleep in a bush. 


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  • 4 weeks later...







I've been thinking about a recent episode i had with my friends. Long story short, I was involved in a massive overhaul of the library in order to increase productivity, only to realize that of all creatures Discord spent time having fun with them! And strangest of all, my friends liked being around him! I admit I was a little... jealous of him and not too happy that he convinced them that I needed time to myself. But there was something else that I'm thinking about. 


As a filly studying under Princess Celestia, I really didn't care about friends as I should have, preferring to stick to my studies. It wasn't that something bad happened with a friend, just that they were low on the priority list. I know, crazy that a Princess of Friendship had no friends, right? Flash forward to recently when I tried reconnecting with my former friends, including one named Moon Dancer. This was a big moment for me as I saw the effects of me ignoring a friend. I thought I was a changed pony, that my years spent with my friends in Ponyville made me give up my old ways of ignoring them. 


Except it didn't. I instead focused on the library rather than spending time with them! Maybe old habits are hard to break or maybe it's in my nature to need some time alone. There are ponies like Pinkie Pie who are extroverted, spending time with as many ponies as possible. Then there are ponies like Fluttershy who are introverted, preferring some alone time. No pony is purely one way or the other, so maybe it's just that while I like time with friends there are times that I need to do things on my own. I just don't want to go back to that time when I shut myself out from the world and buried myself in my books for days. 


I'm not being too hard on myself, am I? 


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