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The Kingdoms Crime Investigation Division: Broken Bonds (Private)


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"Way ahead of you." Oakly said holding up a communicator, the red light beeped 'GO' in morse code.

Trax rode shotgun as Flint drove the SUV, Blade and Kane were in the back. Behind them was Hazel, Silver, Autumn, and Headshot driving. Azure was back at HQ watching through a dozen cameras from streetlights and ATMs. 

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Slipknot looked into the distance with a grim look on his face. "We have company."

"Head, if you wreck that thing with my girlfriend in it I'll kill you." Kane said over the com. "Everybody focus, we're heading into the belly of the beast and cutting off the head today." Blade said with determination. "For Soul." 

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Black glared to the side before raising his hand and blasting out a cloud of cold ice, Oakly shoved Devil to the side as he moved away just before cloud turned their hiding spot to thick ice. "I believe they're already here. Guess you were right to be paranoid, we were being tracked." He said coldly. Oakly glared back at him, "Your under arrest you traitorous bastàrd." He cursed before whipping out his dual glocks, Black aimed his hand and released his cold cloud at him, Oakly fired two shots before ducking for cover. The two bullets dropped to the ground frozen solid. 

"Thats shots fired, step on it Flint." Trax said as he heard the gunfire through the comms, Flint nodded and floored the pedal.

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Slipknot's men surrounded Devil and Oakly with their weapons pointed right at them. "Sorry boys, looks like this is it for you." He said evilly. Before any of his men could open fire, two of them took a bullet through the head and dropped dead. Suddenly Moonshield came up behind one and cut it's throat as the Bloodmoon began to open fire on Slipknot's soldiers. 

Blade saw the heavy gunfire breaking out in the distance. "We're just in time for the party." 

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Oakly made a mad dash for Black and Slipknot, he jumped up kicking off Blacks arms as they were up and crossed to block then punching Slipknot.

Trax cocked back his colt, "Nice and easy." He said as they neared the guarded entrance, Flint turned the wheel hard and hit the brakes going into a drift. Trax stepped out of the SUV as it drifted around, as he walked forward he began firing at the guards taking them out with pristine precision, the back of the SUV drifting by the back of his left within just inches. "Team two flank around left, Team One, with me." Trax said over the comm as he approached the building reloading his weapon. Flint got out of the SUV rolling back his sleeves, his robotic arms lit up bright orange some places. Hazel was rubbing her eyes still astonished at Trax, "That was.... Awesome."

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Slipknot caught Oakly's punch in his hand and gave him a sadistic look before flipping him over onto the ground on his back. He stood on Oakly's throat as he cocked his pistol. "You're too late to stop us, child. Your cowardly father didn't stop us, and neither will you."

Silver, Autumn and Headshot got out of the van and took cover, firing back at Slipknot's men along with the Bloodmoon and their men. Blade and Kane followed Trax and Flint. "We have to disable the bomb before they have a chance to use it." Blade said. 

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"Oakly knows to secure the bomb, so lets give him the window he needs." Trax told them.

Suddenly two bullets wizzed over Oakly, one planting into Slipknots left arm while the other hit him square in the chest on his vest, enough to only knock him back in some boxes. Oakly got up and glanced out the too window from where the shots came, he narrowed his eyes before dashing off to secure the bomb. 

Black waved his hands around freezing the Bloodmoon goons stiff, he paused feeling a great heat, "There you are," As he spoke, the warehouse doors blew open from a blast of fire. A shadow loomed over the debris, as Flint walked in with strong figure. Black grit his teeth in a grin, "Flint Dragneal, you'll regret what you did to my arms. Freeze you Damñ Pyro!" He yelled unleashing his cold cloud from his robotic arms, Flint raised his own hands spewing out an inferno that met the cold cloud evenly matching it, and soon gaining an upper hand.

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Slipknot grit his teeth as he struggled to get back on his feet, fighting through the bullet wounds like they were minor injuries. He ran after Oakly with surprising speed, stepping in front of him and tripped him before he reached the bomb. He grabbed Oakly by the throat and threw him against the wall before drawing a long katana. "You have great strength, boy. But can you fight like a man?" He said challenging him. 

The heat from Flint's fire melted the ice trapping the Bloodmoon nearby. "Didn't know this would be an elemental battle." Devil said as he threw a grenade at oncoming terrorist once his arm was free.

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Oakly grinned and looked Slipknot in the eye, at that moment, Oaklys eyes turned purple with his pupils turning small and slit like a demons. "I prefer the term, ...Monster!" Quick as lightning, Oakly hit the inside of Slipknots elbow with two fingers causing it to go limp, then Oakly kicked the katana away from himself and proceeded to take three hidden knives off his body and plant every one of them in side, right leg, and right arm. Oakly dropped backwards onto his hands then pushed back up planting both feet into Slipknots chest and pushed up launching him high into the air hitting one of the rafters above. Oakly got a running start before leaping up and double kicking Slipknot again on the way down sending him flying across the warehouse into several of his men and some crates. Oakly recovered wiping blood from his lip, his eyes returned to their normal ocean blue color as he made his way to the bomb.

Hazel kneeled with Silver behind a barrier as they exchanged fire with Slipknots men.

Black and Flint cut off their ice and fire to glare at another before Flint dove forward, Black attempted to freeze him but Flint moved too quickly and caught Blacks arms, Flint released his flames upon them. Black felt fear bubble inside him, he quickly jumped up and kicked off Flint doing a backflip in the air, he landed swiftly before dodging behind a melting container to avoid Flints inferno.

Trax walked in holding his weapon out to the side and headshot a charger goon, "This is the KCI, surrender or be killed." He said coldly, of course none of Slipknots  listened and fired upon him. Trax stood perfectly still as the bullets wizzed past him with only a couple scratching his arms, "So be it." Trax then whipped out a second 1911 and unloaded all 33 rounds into into 17 of Slipknots men and dwindling the enemies numbers.

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Slipknot groaned in agonizing pain from Oakly's assault as he weakly reached into his bag and injected a syringe with some kind of strange liquid into his arm. His wounds suddenly began to slowly heal as he glared at Oakly running for the bomb. 

A bullet suddenly flew past Hazel's head and slammed into Silverthorn's shoulder. She cried out in pain as she fell for he ground clutching the wound. "Silverthorn!" Autumn cried as she saw her friend go down. Standing nearby was the terrorist that shot Silverthorn, but unlike the others he was masked. "A taste of what's coming...my dear." He said before running off. 

Two of Slipknot's men came up behind Trax attempting to kill him from behind. Right when they got close Mephisto decapitated one of them with a large knife and shot the other point blank in the forehead. "Might want to watch your back next time, old friend." 

Kane heard the sounds of fighting coming from inside the warehouse. He knew that Slipknot had to be in there. He took out a pistol from his jacket, Soul's Bloodmoon pistol, and made his way for the warehouse.


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Oakly slid in behind the bomb and ripped off the plate to the consol, "Really wish I'd payed more attention in that EOD class." He said nervously as he fiddled with the wires. 

Hazel ripped off some of her shirt to tie around Silvers wound, "Can you still shoot?"

Trax aimed behind him killing another, "Dont get cocky, we need to cover Oakly as he defuses the bomb."


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A bullet suddenly ripped through Oakly's hand as another hit him in the shoulder. Slipknot glared at him sadistically with a pistol drawn. "You worthless maggot, I'll kill you." Suddenly he felt a tap on his shoulder. As he turned, he was suddenly hit in the face with brass knuckles, sending him to the ground in a bloody heap. Kane stood over Slipknot and looked to Oakly. "I'll take care of him, keep diffusing the bomb." He said. Slipknot stood weakly and enraged. "You're going to pay for killing my father." Kane said coldly drawing a long knife. Slipknot smirked evilly as he drew his katana. "You worthless little scum, you're going to die like your pathetic father." Kane grit his teeth and charged Slipknot, clashing with him. 

Silverthorn grit her teeth as she fought through the pain to weakly raise her pistol and fire one shot, sending it into some fuel barrels causing them to explode and obliterate many of Slipknot's men. "That answer your question?" Autumn called as she kept firing. 

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Hazel smirked, "Indeed it does."

Oakly wrapped up his hand with cloth from his personal med kit, "Damñ BS be keeping me from an uninjured mission." He mumbled grumbily to himself.

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A tear ran down Silverthorn's cheek as she grit her teeth through the pain. "Hazel...it was him. He was the one who shot me. He's finally come to kill me." She said with fear, something she rarely ever showed. 

Slipknot bashed Kane in the face knocking him back before slashing him with his katana. Kane dropped to a knee before gritting his teeth and standing back up punching Slipknot again with the brass knuckles and slashing him with the knife. 

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Hazel shook Silver, "Snap out of girl, now isnt the time to have flashbacks." She knew about Her old boyfriend from years ago that was abusive to her, she'd helped through the ordeal with Autumn resulting in Kane and Oakly getting into a brawl with the man and chasing him off.

Oakly began defusing the bomb when the timer suddenly beeped on, the entire warehouse paused, the fighting ceasing all together. Oakly paused and looked up, then down, "Welp, that's not good." He said as he continued on. Flint and Black exchanged a glance before Black ran off. Knowing that Black was the one who built the bomb, and was now running away, some of Slipknots men even started to flee. "Whats the time?" Trax asked as he ringed the neck of the goon He was holding, "You dont wanna know." Oakly replied. "Oakly!" Trax yelled deeply, "30 mins." Oakly said simply, "Black sure does like his stalling wires.

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Slipknot grabbed Kane by the throat and squeezed hard. Kane struggled to breath as Slipknot began to force his katana down on him slowly. Just before it reached his neck Kane kneed Slipknot in the stomach and threw him off on him. Kane struggled to stand due to his wounds but still glared at Slipknot in a challenging way. "You just won't die, will you kid?" Slipknot said before suddenly drawing a pistol and shooting Kane in the shoulder, sending him falling to the ground.

Silverthorn calmed down and clutched where her wound was somewhat bandaged and began to fire back with her pistol. "I'm not letting him win." she said as she shot down more of Slipknot's men.

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Suddenly Trax rushed in taking Slipknot by the throat and slamming him into the wall, imprinting him there. Trax moved aside right away as Flint came running up, he released a small flare from his right hand then ball it into a flaming fist to which he punched Slipknot square in the chest, the force sent him crashing through the wall and through the wall of the warehouse over landing him into a mess of wooden crates. Trax and Flint walked in through the hole in the wall, "You know, they say that vengeance is a double edged sword, but for you.... I wont even feel the cut." Trax said coldly before Flint ran up taking Slipknot by the collar and used his bionic arms to chuck him high and far into a pyramid of barrels.

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Kane grit through the pain of the bullet wound and crawled to Slipknot's katana that he dropped when he was attacked. He walked over to where Slipknot landed. Slipknot stood back up, equally showing pain but seething with rage. He began to run at Trax and Flint but didn't see Kane as he slashed Slipknot across the chest before stabbing kicking him down in a bloody heap. Kane reached down and grabbed him by the throat, pulling him to eye level. "Why did you do it?! Why did you murder my father? ANSWER ME!" Kane said with rage. Slipknot surprising laughed weakly through the pain. "You realize this is exactly what he wanted, right?" 

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Trax and Flint exchanged a glance then looked back to Slipknot, "Explain yourself." Trax started, "Or suffer for it." Flint said lighting up his hands with small torch-like flames.

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Kane looked Slipknot right in the eye. "What who wanted?" He said. Slipknot coughed blood before answering. "Nergal...he's behind this. He knew it would come to this. You fell right into his trap. I didn't need Black and his nuke, it was only a means to an end. I joined with him and started this conflict to delay the inevitable. He had his own plans, but I knew it was only a matter of time. Everything I've done was just to buy him time." Slipknot coughed up more blood before smiling. "You think I'm bad? You haven't seen nothing yet. He's going to rip you apart." He looked up at Trax. "Guess you should have killed him when you had the chance, huh Traxy?" He taunted. Kane gripped Slipknot's throat and held the katana up about to strike him down. "Its time for you to die, Slipknot." He said coldly. "Sure, kill me boy. It won't bring your whelp of a father back to life..."

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His voice was silenced as a .45 Fullmetal jacket round ripped through his skull, smoke trickled out from Traxs .45 revolver, "No, but it helps ease the pain." He said coldly. Flint starred at him, memories of their Black ops days with Soul flooded his mind, Nergal. Trax looked at Kane, "The burden is not yours to bare, it will weight you down and keep you from better things." As he spoke, Hazel came up to them with Autumn and the others behind her, "Areas clear of baddies, wheres Oakly?" As she spoke Oakly came walking in whistling, "Bombs defused and permanently out of commission." He said holding up an electronics board.

((Soo kinda just thought you hinting at something so I took it down a path, Good, Bad, anything to change?)) 

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((The Bloodmoons are about to go their separate ways from the KCI, but they're going to offer Kane to join them to replace Soul. Since Trax just stole Kane's chance a revenge he's going to go with them because he wants to fight the terrorist. Of course this is going to cause a lot of pain since he'll be leaving Autumn and this is the last thing Twilight wanted.))

Kane looked at Slipknot's dead body in his hands as he dropped him and lowered the katana. He had once chance to avenge his father and find peace again, and of all people Trax just stole it from him. Autumn came up to him and held onto him. "Kane...it's over. Don't worry anymore about it, please..."

"So it's done. Slipknot is dead, and with him a threat to Equestria dies with him. But this is only the beginning." Mephisto said coming up behind them as the other Bloodmoon piled up the terrorist corpses. "No doubt this peace will not last. But now is not the time to discuss this. We have some unfinished business with you, Trax." He said, looking at first to Trax but then to Kane.

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Flint moved in front of Mephistos vision of Kane with burning green eyes, Trax holstered his .45, "We will let him decide for himself, but not now. Meet us back at the KCI,  tomorrow. I have a team coming here to clean up." He said in a serious tone. "Everyone in the vehicles, we're going home." He ordered, Hazel and Oakly embraced in hug before heading out, Flint hurried Kane and Autumn out.

((I want Kane there when Oakly is arrested, it'll be like another reason for him to leave cause he'll think he cant trust anyone at the KCI anymore. Dang, that team is gonna be broken to nothing, Hazel and Autumn are gonna broken from their bfs leaving. It'll effect Flint cause he made a promise to Twilight to keep Kane from the Bloodmoon. Traxs secret life is gonna start messing with him. A whole ****storm is about to occur))

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