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The Kingdoms Crime Investigation Division: Broken Bonds (Private)


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The Next day...

Trax sat at the table awaiting for the reports from his team as they all sat in their respective places around the table. Hazel finished hers and slid it to Trax before holding Oaklys hand as he was already finished. Flint sat with his eyes fixated on Kane, worried about the boys thoughts. 

Trax was tapping his pen when he paused, Oakly glanced up making eye contact with his father before looking back down at his hand holding Hazels. At that moment, several Agents of the KCI walked in and surrounded the room, next walked in Kaveck and Stryker, with more seniority than Blade but les than Trax and Flint. They went to stand right behind Oakly, "Oakly Trax, your under arrest for the muders of Todd and Becky Feather." The words were like a static shock that ceased everyones breathing in the room. Hazels eyes were wide with horror, like her entire world was gone and she was alone with no one. Azure was shocked beyond belief while Flint kept looking from Oakly to Trax with a questionable face. Oakly closed his as he felt Hazels hand leave his, he looked up to his Dad but only got a stare telling him he was on his own now. Kaveck placed a hand on Oaklys chair, "Come quietly." He said calmly, but there was a sense of warning behind it. Trax sighed, if there was one thing his son never appreciated, it was being told he couldnt do it. Oakly grinned sarcastically, he looked up at Kane as his eyes turned purple and his pupils forming into slits. "I only want one person arresting me." In an instant, time slowed down as Oakly kicked back knocking back Kaveck and Stryker, the other Agents went to pull out their weapons but Oakly slipped out several electrical spikes from inside his sleeves and threw them in a perfect spread nailing each of the agents in the chest sending them down. Stryker got back up and pulled his gun buy Oakly was faster and kicked him back, Kaveck swung but Oakly dodged and landed two hits to Kavecks arm and neck sending down. Oakly knew the team would attempt to capture him, his father and Flint proving harder obstacles than the others. Oakly glanced at everyone with apologetic eyes with lastly looking at Hazel who was still glazed over in horror. Oakly looked at away, his face hidden, a second later he dropped a smoke pellet which clouded the room quickly. Trax flipped a switch turning on the vents, the smoke cleared and Oakly was gone. Kaveck stood up move his shoulder, he glanced at Trax before leading his team out to give chase. Trax exhaled through his nose, "He's underestimated them."

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Silverthorn and Autumn immediately went to Hazel and held her, knowing she must be absolutely devastated to know her lover was her parents' murderer. Kane stared in shock at where Oakly was. He caught a glimpse of his eyes as he began to escape, and knowing his best and closest friend was a murderer was painful to her. In rage he threw the chair he was sitting in to the side and went over to Trax. "What the hell was that?! Did you know this? Did you know your son killed people and did nothing?!" He shouted with flames in his eyes and venom in his voice. Blade stood between them trying to hold Kane back from Trax. "He was my best god damn friend, he meant the world to me, and he was a criminal and you didn't even care?!" He continued to shout.

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"He is my Son, but Oakly is also one of free will. I have no control over his actions." Trax replied simply. 

Outside Oakly lead Kaveck and Strykers team on a chase around the KCI.

Flint placed a hand on Kanes shoulder, "Kane please, you cant blame Trax for Oaklys actions."

Oakly took down two other agents in a fist fight before squaring back off Kaveck and his team.

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Kane violently swatted Flint's hand away from him. "Don't touch me you homewrecking piece of s***!" He shouted coldly before looking back to Trax. "You're a liar! You knew about him and you knew this would happen! First you deny me peace and steal my vengeance on Slipknot, and now you let everybody find out the hard way that our friend was a murderer?! No wonder Bloodmoon left you, you're a lying, selfish, manipulative coward! You let people die and you let chaos reign because of your backwards morals! I don't know who to trust anymore! You're f****** scum Trax! You're no better than Slipknot is!" Everybody in the room was shocked and afraid at Kane's rage. Kane ripped his KCI badge off his shirt and threw it down on the table in front of Trax. "I'm done with you! You hear me?! I'M DONE WITH YOU. Next time I see you, I hope you're in a body bag!" He shouted before heading to the door and kicking it until it broke and fell down and storming out. Autumn got up and ran after him. Blade and Headshot looked at each other in shock. 

((Get rekt, Trax))

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((Lol hurtful man))

Flint felt like the worst man in world at that moment, he had failed Kane and broke his promise to Twilight, how could he even look her in the eye now? Trax remained silent taking it all in, knowing he was in the wrong, but there was nothing he could do or say, everything had lined up to this point. "Sometimes all you can do is sit back and accept, that the world is not always perfect, just like Us." He quoted aloud.

Oakly stood bracing as he was shot with a taser gun, he growled as he felt the electricity surge through him. Two other agents shot their tasers as well, Oakly looked up into the sky and let out a roar of agony.

Hazel finally broke into tears and wailed as Oaklys cry reached them, it seemed to echo in the room. 

Oakly finally fell to his knees as they stopped the tasers, Kaveck walked up to him, "Your the reason You're Grandfather had to retire early because of you, the KCI's best, and you ruined him. Not to mention you killed innocent civilians, and of the woman you supposedly love. You really are a Monster." Kaveck pulled back his right fist and decked him, knockin him out.

Hazel burried her face into Silvers shoulder as she wailed in tears, her world had crashed down on her.


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((Hey man, sometimes you hit your breaking point.)) 

Silverthorn teared up herself as she gently stroked Hazel's hair. An angry scowl began to form. "That son of a b!tch. I'll kill him." She said to herself, angry about Oakly. 

Kane walked a hundred or so yards away from the KCI headquarters and fell to his knees. The anger died down from his outburst and the emotional release took a toll on him. She began to softly weep over everything that took place. Suddenly a hand fell on his shoulder, and he turned to see Mephisto kneeling down to him with the other Bloodmoon leaders behind him. "Now you see why we left them long ago. Your place is not with them, bickering and arguing over irrelevant topics and drama. Your place is on the frontlines taking the fight to all who threaten Equestria." He helped Kane back to his feet as he calmed down. "Join us, Kane. Become the man your father was, and I promise you we will destroy Nergal and end this threat once and for all." 

Twight suddenly entered the room in a panic. "I heard there was some kind of prisoner escape, and somebody said something about Kane." She looked to Flint hoping he had an answer. "Where is Kane? Is he safe?" 

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Flint looked down clenching his fists tightly to the point they starting shaking, finally his hands relaxed and he looked up to Twilight as Tavi came in behind her, "Oakly had been arrested for the murder of Todd and Becky Feather. Kane... Kane has resigned from the KCI, its only a matter of time before the Bloodmoon find him." He said reluctantly, every word was like coughing up his own blood.

Atop a roof, two cloaked figures watched diligently. Both scenes visual to them. One man, convicted of a crime, now alone. Another man, pushed to limits beyond him, into the ranks of something he thought was better for him. "Go, befriend Kane." The female ordered, the man nodded and leaped down from the rooftop. The female watched as Oakly was carried away unconscious, "Fear not my child, a mother always protects her cub." She said holding up her sniper rifle on her shoulder, the rifle she used to knock Slipknot off Oakly the day before.

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Twilight put a hand over her mouth as she turned away from him, tears forming in her eyes. "He's going to get himself killed..." She said quietly trying to hold back her sadness but failing.

Kane was silent for a moment before looking to Mephisto. "Yes...I will join you. I will try my best to be the man my father was." Mephisto smiled and put an arm around Kane. "And you will, my boy. You will do great things as he did." Just before they began to leave, Autumn appeared near them. "Kane!" She called to him. Kane turned and walked towards her and embracing her. "Kane, please don't do this...there is another way." Kane sighed and looked her in the eyes. "No there isn't. I can't stand KCI anymore. It's all about lies and deceit and inaction. Bloodmoon is actually trying to do good." Autumn felt herself tearing up. "Autumn, come with me..." Kane said. "Kane, you know I can't do that. This is my home. This is my life." She went quiet to hold back a sob. "You're my life...and if something happens to you I won't be able to live without you..." Kane began to tear up himself as he held her close to him. "I promise you nothing will happen, and I will come back to you. I promise on my fathers grave I will come back to you." Autumn cried softly into his chest as she held onto him. "I love you..." She said softly. Kane lifted her head and kissed her before pulling away. "I love you, forever and always. Take care of yourself." He said as he turned to follow the others. He looked back one more time before he and the other Bloodmoon members were out of sight. Autumn fell to her knees and began to cry with her face buried in her hands, her heart shattered into a million pieces. 

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Flint attempted to reach out to Twilight but held himself back. "Sir, the leave papers were approved." Azure spoke up as glanced from his laptop. Trax nodded, Flint looked at him confused, "Leave papers?" Trax stood up, "Everyone gets a month of paid leave. The Princessess decided it'd be best for all of us to have a break. Silver, when you can, take Hazel and Autumn down to the lobby. There are some guests here for Hazel, it's important." He told her before walking out, he made eye contact with Tavi before she rushed to Twilights side. 

Oakly blinked his eyes open with blurry vision as he was tossed into the back of a prison truck, the doors slamming shut on him. 

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Silverthorn nodded as she kept holding onto Hazel. Autumn soon returned, her eyes stained with running mascara from crying. 

Kane took one look back at the KCI headquarters before the chopper carrying the Bloodmoon flew into the distance.

((Where do we go from here?))

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((Keep going on with Hazel, Silver and Autumn till they meet their Guests, Oaklys prison transfer ends up getting "ambushed", and Oakly is presumed Dead.))

Down in the lobby, a Woman in a grey suit with glass and a dark violet tie waited patiently with four large men dressed in black and white suits with ear comms and dark shades. They waited for Hazel and her friends.

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Upon seeing Hazel, all four of the guards dropped to a knee, the woman bowed gracefully like she was wearing a dress. "Your Royal Highness, it is an honor to see you again after many years." She spoke with a formal scandian accent, she lookex up at Hazel, "Please, allow us to take you to your Presidential Hotel suit." Hazel blinked in complete surprise, "Huh?"

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"My name is Maple Shade, Royal Advisor and Diplomat for Scandinavia. Princess Hazel is the next in line for the Crown, you have all been invited to join her on her trip back to Scandinavia." Maple explained. "Did not see that coming." Azure said as he stepped up next to them, "Hey, Trax said for me to come with ya since I have nothing else to do." 

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Silverthorn looked at Autumn again in confusion. "Of course, we'll do anything for Hazel." Autumn said smiling. "So...Hazel has been a princess this whole time?" Silverthorn asked. "Why did we never know about this?" 

Twilight sat on her balcony looking into the distance. She couldn't help but think about what Kane could be doing with Bloodmoon right now. 

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"Many years ago after Her Highnesses birth, our Kingdom became unsafe by those who wish to control it for their own gain. So it was decided that the Heirs to the Throne would be sent away to other Lands and be raised there until they were needed. Todd and Becky were her Guardians, charged with taking care of her, protecting her. Unfortunately, a few years back we got reports of their deaths, it was horrible to say the least." Maple explained, Hazel didnt what to feel anymore, if her parents werent her real parents, then who are her real parents. Maple saw Hazel having a hard time, "Your Highness, I know its alot to understand, which is why we're taking you back to Scandanavia. Sir Trax already has everything situated as well as your bags previously packed." Azure sighed, so thats why Trax had everyone pack a bag like they were to be away for a month, figures. Maple held out a hand to Hazel, "As the Equastrians say, 'You're chariot awaits'!" She tried to say in their accent. 

((Just gonna leave it at that, their all gonna come back from the month trip into the KCI HQ where they'll pause to watch the Wanted Board be updated with Seven new  faces.))

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((So we're skipping a month ahead? In that time Bloodmoon will have already begun searching for Nergal and making moves against him, and Twilight has calmed down enough to talk to Flint again.))

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((Right, Kasey will have already joined the Bloodmoon and befriended Kane, they had a rough start since Kasey is Oaklys long dead brother. Also the League of Assassins will also be making themselves noticed when seven of their members assassinate a high ranking Equastrian General and destroy an entire military installation.))

Azure walked back into the KCI with Silver and Autumn, he paused as he noticed the place was busier than normal, and that the most wanted board was being updated. "Wow, we must have missed something while we were away." Hazel walked up behind them in a silent mood, she was told that she had three more years in the KCI before her country would need her to take the Throne. Three years to find out why Oakly killed her foster parents, first, she had to find out more about Oaklys sudden death after they left for her home country. Her attention was grabbex as she noticed the photos of the new most wanted, were people in Masks, "Masks? Thats a new one."

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((Is the League of Assassins the group that Trax and Oakly are in? Because I was thinking about having Bloodmoon begin to monitor them believing that they are terrorist and possibly strike them, and if Kasey is in Bloodmoon I don't know how he would feel about attacking his dad's organization.)) 

"Tell me about it. Creepy." Silverthorn said looking over the posters. 

Kane was knelt in a dark room, holding Slipknot's katana above his head. Mephisto slowly stepped out and took the katana from him. "You have been reborn under the Bloodmoon. You recognize that the true path to justice comes at a price. Blood for blood. Will you accept your position in our order, and go to whatever extreme is necessary to stop evil?" Kane nodded. "Yes, I will." Mephisto took the katana and cut Kane across the cheek under his eye, the mark of every Bloodmoon member. Kane grit his teeth as the blood dropped down his face. "Rise." Mephisto said handing the katana back to Kane. "Welcome to the family. Your training is complete. Now, down to business." 

Twilight stood in front of Flints door, taking a deep breath before knocking. 

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((The Leagues been keeping tabs on them. Kasey is really an Assassin for the League, he was charged with befriending Kane in and reporting to the League about the Bloodmoon. He starts to have second thoughts later on. Also later, the others will find out that Oakly and Trax are part of the new most wanted, and that Trax purposfully planned for everything to fall in place: He kills Slipknot so Kane will back out and join Bloodmoon, arranged for the Scandians to take Hazel and the others out of the country, and knew Oakly would find his own way. All so that no one would be around when group of Assassins make their move. I think we should just say that Flint took Blade and Headshot out on a long fishing trip.))

"Guess we better go meet up with the others in the conference room." Hazel said gripping her bag closer as she walked for the stairs.

Kasey watched a ways away silently applauding for his friend, they'd had a rough start since he was Oaklys twin but they had resolved their differences and became a good oiled machine for the Bloodmoon.

"Hold on one moment... Hello?" Flint asked as he opened the door,  he stood shirtless rubbing a towl on his head. His robotic arms glistening from being cleaned.

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((So has Trax basically been a bad guy this whole time? How would that play out with Flint since him, Trax and Soul were all old friends and now if Trax turns on KCI what happens then?))

"I hope nothing huge happened while we were away." Autumn said as she and Silverthorn followed Hazel."

The other Bloodmoon leaders entered and Mephisto pulled up Nergal's file. "Our old friend is back and better than ever. He was supplying Slipknot with the funds to run his organization, but it turns out it was just a distraction while his own organization gained strength in the shadows. Any day now he will be at full strength and make his move." Moonshield pulled up images of a temple in the mountains. "While that was going on, we found out the League of Assassins has been making moves as well. We don't know what they're up to, but we will be monitoring it. I have a feeling they're up to something shady."

Twilight blushed and put a hand over her mouth stunned silent for a moment. She cleared her throat before finally speaking. "H-Hello Flint. If it's ok, I would like to talk to you." 

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((The League is basically like secret police of the world, they just do it in a darker sense. The Attack on the base and assassination of the general was more a show of strength. They believe in keeping balance, so sense they took out a big "goodguy", now they have to take out a big "badguy" to keep things in balance. Much like Soul and the Bloodmoon, its Trax and the League. Trax means well in the end.))

Hazel glanced around at the hustle and bustle of Agents, "Seems like something has."

Kasey walked up to them, he glanced at the images but didnt seem phased, "The League of Assassins? I thought they were a myth."

Flints face was bright red as he closed the door then opened it back up putting on a shirt, "Uh um Come in, please." He stuttered holding the door open for her.

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((Gotcha, I thought the League was evil for some reason.))

Silverthorn looked over at the board where the wanted posters usually were. "Good lord..." She said in surprise when she saw that there were more than usual. 

"They're real, my friend. And I woundnt trust them with my life." Moonshield said crossing his arms. "If they attempt any kind of terrorist activity or unprovoked attacks we'll be ready. You may have a chance to put your old boss in his place, Kane." Kane remained silent, diligently looking over the information before him. "Nergal is more important. If we waste time with the League then we'll let Nergal slip through our fingers." Mephisto smiled at Kane's words. "I have heard a voice of reason like that since Soul died. You really are your fathers son, Kane." 

Twilight entered and shut the door behind her. She took a quick look around his room before her eyes landed on him. "Look, I just wanted to apologize. I haven't treated you very well this past month. I was just upset over Kane. I don't blame you for him leaving. When he puts his mind to something there's not a lot you can do to stop him. He gets it from his father."

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"Guess our work will be kicked up right off the back." Azure said with a slight groan. Hazel glanced back at them before pushing in the door to the conference room, "OH. My. God." She said as she stared at Trax, in the month they'd been gone, he'd grown a thick grey beard which covered half his face. Azure stuck his head in and smiled throwing a thumbs up, "Nice."

Kasey patted Kanes back encouragingly, "He's something else, so, what's out next mission?"

Flints room was clean and tidy with not a mess to be seen, even the wall of robotic spare arms was squared away and in order. "And from his mother too, I've heard the stories about your years in Ponyville." He started with slight smile, "Its alright Twilight, I wanted to talk to you for so long but I couldn't bring myself to do it, I'd broken a promise I made to you."

Deep in the jungles of a far off rainforest, two cloaked figures walked towards a guarded compound, the first figure raised a hand and waved it right, instantly the second figure sped off in that direction vanishing amongst the trees. The first figure began walking again approaching the front gate. The guards there held up their rifles, "Halt, whats your business here?" One asked in a grizzly tone. "What," the figure began in a female tone, she then let her cloak fall off. Ally stood wearing a skin tight leather outfit with a low V front showing her cleavage, "Cant a girl get some business way out here?" Suddenly two silenced sniper rounds peirced through the two guards dropping them instantly. "A littler early there champ." She said through her com piece. Back in a forest tree, through the scope of a sniper rifle, Oakly pulled his face back with an emotionless expression. "Excuse if I dont want to watch my Mom be hit on by two men, I like my lunch where it is, in my stomach."

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