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The Kingdoms Crime Investigation Division: Broken Bonds (Private)


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Silverthorn raised an eyebrow at Trax. "Looking good there, boss." She said sarcastically. Blade and Headshot entered and took their seats, still showing signs of depression that Kane was gone. Autumn sighed feeling their pain and took a seat. 

"We've found the location of Nergal's right hand man. He was present at the battle to make sure Slipknot and Black were defeated as planned." Mephisto said, pulling up the image of a man with short black hair, scars and a deranged look. "His name is Oblivion. He's a dishonored Equestrian Marine and has been involved in numerous terrorist activities." Kane looked hard at the man. "Wait...that's the man Silverthorn was married to, the one who always used to get drunk and beat her." Blood nodded. "He had five counts of domestic abuse and 7 counts of battery on his criminal record, so it makes sense. I'm glad you're aquatinted with him already, because you two are going to bring him here for interrogation."

"It's not your fault, Flint. It was an impossible promise that I shouldn't have asked of you." Twilight said looking at him. "Flint...I don't know if you know this, but everything you've done for me really means a lot. I've been though so much pain, but you've made it bearable." She said looking into his eyes.

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Trax stroked his beard with a slight smile, "Welcome back girls, and Doc." He added with wink to Azure. Hazel sat down with a glance at the two empty spots, "It was alright, but lets talk about the new wanted posters."

Kasey scoffed, "For me and Kane, we'll have him here sooner than you can think."

Flint leaned in a little, "I just want you to be happy, its all I ever wished for you."


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"Agreed, who in the world are all these people and what did they do to make us come after them?" Silverthorn asked. 

"Good. You must leave at once. The longer he is free the higher the risk of him getting back to Nergal is." Mephisto said to the two young men. "Guess we better head out then." Kane said turning to leave. 

Twilight was stuck staring into his eyes, completely lost for words. "Flint...I..." she tried to say, but nothing came out. Finally she grabbed Flint and pulled him close to her, kissing him passionately on the lips. She didn't know where it came from, but it had needed to come out for a while. 

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Trax sat down still stroking his beard, "A week ago, a secret Military base was attacked by Seven people. After laying waste to the entire installation, they then assassinated the High ranking General in charge, not one survivor. 533 was the final count." Hazel was struck in awe, "How... Is ... That ... Even possible...?"

Kasey followed Kane ready to head out.

Flint was surprised at first but wrapped his arms around her holding her closer.

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"There's very few with that kind of power, but they do exist." Blade said. "Do we have any leads to find these people?" Autumn asked. 

"I know where to start looking for him." Kane said as he headed for the door to the hanger. "When we first met Silverthorn, we found her beaten half to death in a warehouse outside of town. She's never told us the full story of what happened there, but she mentioned that he always goes back there for whatever reason, even today. If we don't find him there, we'll pick up his trail." 

Twilight finally broke the kiss and looked into his eyes. "Don't ever leave me, Flint." She said softly as she layed her head against his chest. 

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"Only that the designs on their masks are a reference to each of the 7 deadly Sins. The Dragon Sin of Wrath, The Goat Sin of Lust, The Boar Sin of Gluttony, The Snake Sin of Envy, The Bear Sin of Sloth, The Lion Sin of Pride, and The Fox Sin of Greed." As Trax spoke, seven hologram photos appeared around the table of each of the assassins, each wearing a white porcelain mask with an animal design on it,1000px-Anbu_under_second_hokage.png Hazel leaned back folding her arms, she didnt seem interested as she had her own agenda. "Our team has been selected to investigate two of them, Lust... And Greed." Trax swiped away the other images leaving just the two. Lust was looking at the camera and seemed to be waving in a girly manner holding a highpowered sniper rifle, Greed was looking up from the side with his gun pointed at the camera. "So a Nutcase and... A what I can only assume is probably and egotistical d***." Hazel scoffed.

Kasey nodded, "I heard you and Oakly beat him up once already, he shouldn't be too much trouble."

"I promise." Flint said holding onto her tighter, 'to both of you' he added to himself as he promised Soul he'd take care of her.

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"They could be dangerous, we better approach this with caution." Blade said as he looked over the images. "Do we know where to find them?" 

"He wasn't at the time, but any amount of time spent with people like Nergal or Slipknot could really bring out demons." Kane said. "I haven't completely gotten over what he did to one of my best friends though." He said, remember how he found Silverthorn after Oblivion had beaten her. 

Twilight kissed him again before she suddenly pushed Flint down onto the sofa and gave him a sly look before reaching over to the lamb and cutting it off. 

((Aaaaaand end scene ;) ))

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((Lol yeah))

"Well yeah Blade, they took out a whole Army Base, I would think we'd take precautions." Hazel teased, Azure stiffled a laugh. Trax wasnt phased, "Extreme precautions will be taken. Lust is a long range type, while Greeds expertise is unknown, we'll need to tread lightly."

"Right, so give him a good beating." Kasey said punching his fists together.

Oakly and Ally walked over dead bodies, a tan man crawled away bleeding from the gunshot wound in his chest, "Oh God, oh God..." Oakly kicked him over and pointed his sniper right between his eyes, "Where's your boss, Wheres Nergal."

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Blade rolled his eyes at the teasing. "Lust is long range you say? I'll have a bullet in their head before they know what hit then." Headshot said with confidence. "Not everything is that easy, Head." Silverthorn said.

"I plan on it." Kane said as he got into the driver seat of a jeep. "We'll start our search south of here. Heard he was in charge of one of Nergal's secret bases in the woods." 

A bullet went through the man's head before he could tell Oakly anything. "If you've come here looking for him, you're too late. He's long gone." A man said lowering the veil over his face. "I believe we've met before, Oakly Trax. Tell me, how is my little wh0re of an ex-wife doing?" Oblivion said with venom in his voice.

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"Well you can see that first hand then, she's first." Trax said patting Headshots back.

"Friend of yours?" Ally asked, Oakly turned towards Oblivion, "No, he's a rat that hurt a friend of mine, he's also somone who can tell us Nergals location." He added aiming his rifle at Oblivion, Ally whipped out two throwing knives, "Say no more." She said before throwing the knives at Oblivion.

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Oblivion dodged once of the knives before quickly drawing a blade and deflecting the other one. "You know, I'd love to stay and chat, but I'm a busy man. Do give Silverthorn my love, will you?" He said, his tone towards the end sounding cold. He suddenly shot both Oakly and Ally with a stun gun before running to a nearby jeep and driving away.

Kane heard the sounds of fighting in the distance after they had been driving for a while. "We should be getting close, the woods are getting thicker so I hope-" Their jeep suddenly crashed into something hard. Kane's seatbelt protected him from flying through the window. When the smoke settled and his head stopped ringing he saw that they had hit another jeep in the woods and saw a man running from it. "It's him!" Kane said, getting out and loading his gun to pursue Oblivion. 

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Oakly wasnt phased as his under armor chest plate protected him, he threw away the dart and looked at his mother shaking on the floor from the shocking pulses. "Told you, maybe next time you'll skip what looks good and go for what protects instead." He told her with annoyance, Ally barely managed to flick him off as she rolled over.

Kasey shook his head clear from the crash, he glanced in the direction the other jeep had come from before giving chase to Oblivion along side Kane, he crossed his arms whipping out four stun darts in each hand, he leaped over a log and threw them at Oblivion.

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Oblivion slid under a low hanging tree limb as the darts stuck into the wood above his head. He leaped onto a tree and threw back several grenades. Kane dodged them as they began to explode around him and took a stun gun from his belt, trying to get a shot on Oblivion as he jumped through the trees. "I don't remember him being this athletic." Kane said. 

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"Well time with someone better can be one heck of a learning experience." Kasey said as he dodged around the grenades then using a broken down tree to run up and follow from above. Kasey pulled out a flashbang and leaped to swing from a branch lobbing the flashbang in front of Oblivions face.

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Oblivion quickly jumped down a nearby cliff before the flashbang went off, dodging it's blinding light. He landed in a river onto a floating piece of wood and began to float down stream. Kane jumped after him and landed on a rock, jumping to other rocks chasing after Oblivion.

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Kasey took out a hand device and fired a small hook from it attatching to a tree branch, he then leaped off and swung around slinging himself like a bullet, "Heads up." He said before he feet first landed right into Oblivion.

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Oblivion struggled under the water to get back above. He finally popped up gasping for breath. He crawled onto the nearest bank panting. Kane stepped on his head hard. "Gotcha." Oblivion struggled but couldn't get up. "Damn you. First you're friend and his mother come after me and now I have to deal with you?" Kane raised an eyebrow. "What friend?"

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Kasey came up beside Kane tieing back his wet in a ponytail, "Yeah, what friend?" He asked sounding confused.

Oakly and Ally observed from afar, "Missions over." He said coldly turning away, Ally looked at him with intent, "Is it because of your brother, or Kane?" She asked simply, Oakly didnt slow down, "Both."

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"You're little friend that helped you attack me." Oblivion said still trying to escape. "Oakly..." Kane said with anger in his voice. "Forget him, we got what we came for." He said before knocking Oblivion out cold. "Let's get him back for interrogation." 

((Skip back to base?))

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((Yeah, the KCI is gonna meet Lust next, Headshots gonna get a little attention.))

Hazel moved quickly and quietly to cover underneath a window, she peaked over looking in at the building across from her, she saw the light from a computer screen dawn a female silhouette, "I have visual on target." She whispered over the comm. 

Trax leaned against a wall atop a nearby roof, "Copy that Princess, everyone else report in."

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"I got her in my sights." Headshot said from his perch looking through the scope of his sniper rifle. Blade was next to him looking through binoculars. 

Silverthorn and Autumn were on the street in casual clothing, following Lust not far away from her and still out of sight.

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"Hazel, the call is yours, move when ready." Trax said over the comms. Hazel nodded and jogged down a long hallway, "Yes Sir." She said before turning around and then falling into a dead sprint. Hazel reached the window and leaped out, she had gone a floor up to account for the distance between the buildings, she was able to clear the gap and crashed into the window of Lusts room. Hazel rolled upon landing and pulled out her sidearm aiming at Lusts head just behind her, "Freeze." But after a long pause, Hazel stood up and spun the chair around seeing a giant doll. "False alarm, its just a decoy, Lust isnt here."

"Ooh too bad, I was hoping to see something cool, nice jump thought. Right Fellas?" The female voice came from beside Headshot, Lust lay next to Headshot with her head on her hands as looked in same direction as them. Her white porcelain mask painted like a goat. 

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Headshot quickly got to his feet and pointed his rifle at Lust. "I don't know how you got up here, but unless you want me to put some lead in your skull you'll come quietly!" He said. Blade pointed his pistol at her.

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Lust sighed and clicked a detonator, suddenly both Headshots and Blades weapons disentegrated at the chambers, rendering them useless. "Oh come come now, is that any way to treat a lady?" Lust flipped around kicking Blade through the wall, she then cartwheeled back blowing Head a kiss, "I wouldnt want to hurt a cute face, tootles." She said with a wink before heading out the window and climbing to the roof. 

"Head, Blade, whats going on?" Hazel asked over the comm.

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"We found Lust, she disabled our weapons. She's heading east of here." Blade said over the comm. Headshot was stunned and blushed heavily. Blade rolled his eyes. "Come on, you idiot!" Blade said grabbing Head by the collar and chasing after Lust.

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