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The Kingdoms Crime Investigation Division: Broken Bonds (Private)


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Hazel headed off to meet up with them.

Lust vaulted over a vent, "Come on boys, I like a man who can keep up." She teased playfully.

Atop a higher rooftop, a man sat on the edge watching through the eyeholes of his white porcelain mask, which was painted like a fox. 

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"More girls? Honey you know I dont like sharing." Lust jumped and swung around on a pole kicking Silverthorn back into a vent denting it in, Lust dropped and leg swiped Autumn taking a knife and pinning down Autumn clothing next to her neck. She kicked up and bar and threw it smacking into Blades head, Lust sped up to Headshot getting close to his face, "So handsome, I see your good at Longrange weapons, wanna show me how good of a shot you are sometime? In private?"

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Headshot stepped back and looked at her awkwardly. "Well, I definitely see why they call you Lust." He said rubbing the back of his head. "So why exactly are you trying to flirt with people trying to take you out?"

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"Take me out? Are you asking me on a date?" Lust teased tipping up his chin, her hand then went to the side catching Hazels foot as she tried kick Lust, the force sent a little wind blowing past Headshots face. "Excuse us Miss but cant you see this man is trying to ask a girl out?" Lust said looking at Hazel from the side, Hazel was a little surprised by Lusts strength and reflexes, Lust tossed Hazel aside and looked back at Headshot. Her eyes shaped like she was smiling innocently.

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"No! That's not what I meant! You're...ugh!" Headshot said with frustration, a small blush on his face. "No, you're wanted for crimes against Equestria." He said pointing his sidearm at her. 

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Lusts sighed, "I guess our relationship will have to be one of those kinds then, a tale of two houses both alike in their mission. A true Romeo and Juliet love story, except ours will involve alot of ****, **** **** ****!" Hazel gasped, "You have a mother, and you just said all that?" Lust ignored her, "And later maybe a nice cabin in the mountains with mmm, three children. One boy, two girls?"

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Headshot began to blush harder and sweat profusely. There was no way he was going to betray his friends and his duty over some girl flirting with him, but Lust was, for whatever reason, making it hard for him. Suddenly a shock ran through Lust's body as Blade has tazed her from behind knocking her out cold. "Enough of that." He said in disgust.

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Suddenly a quick karate chop to the neck sent Blade down out cold, "Took the words right out of my mouth." The man stood wearing light recon armor with a hood over his head, his white mask painted like a fox. Hazel glared at him, "The Fox Sin of Greed, should have known you'd stick to eachother like glue, well it just makes our job easier, we'll take you both in!" She charged Greed head on swing with her knuckle duster forming around her fist, Greed sidestepped directing the hit with his hand letting her hit the wall behind him, much to his surprise the concrete wall shattered. "Whoah now, someones a little peeved. I think you should ...relax this one out." Greed snatched away Hazels knockout spray and gave her a quick does knocking her out ontop of Blade. Greed glanced at the other three, "So, can I leave with my friend or are we gonna make things... Complicated." The sound of a gun loading made Greed look up and see Trax aiming a .45 at his face, "Call it a draw, you take yours and we'll take ours. Seeing as your full of Surprises." He said warningly, Greed narrowed his eyes at Trax, he then shrugged, "Fine with me, Old Man." He said before scooping up Lust and jumping down from sight. Trax hopped down to help Autumn and Silver up, "Are two alright?" 

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"We're fine, but she got away." Autumn said as she got to her feet. Blade groaned as he got off the ground and looked at Headshot. He smacked him hard in the back of the head. "What was that for?!" Headshot said rubbing his head. "For letting the enemy seduce you." Blade said with annoyance. 

In the Bloodmoon's lair, Oblivion was tied to a chair in a dark room. Suddenly a single light came on as Kane, Kasey, Mephisto, Moonshield and Bloodline entered the room. "Glad you could join us, Oblivion. I do love a good interrogation." Moonshield said, walking up and punching Oblivion hard in the face. Oblivion breathed heavily from the pain. "You'll get nothing from me..."

Twilight opened the door to Flint's room and looked around. Since they were now seeing each other she could make herself at home in his room. "Flint? Are you here?" 

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On the desk was a note addressed to Twilight, 'Hello my Dear, I regret to say that I was assigned a mission last minute, just a simple search for a missing team. Be back tomorrow, Love you tons.' At the bottom was Flints signature with a burnt heart shape in paper.

"Do not fret Blade, even the best can fall to a pretty face." Trax began as he helped Silverthorn to her feet and nodded for her to get Hazel as she'll be out for awhile, "Or in Headshots case, a pretty mask." He added as a slight tease.

Kasey landed a hard right hook into Oblivions side, "Oh but we're just getting started, answer the questions truthfully and the pain will cease."

Flint drove a landrover across a wide expanse of plains, the GPS marker on his map told him he had seven more miles till his destination.

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Twilight smiled at the affectionate note before sighing and sitting on Flint's couch. "Come on, why now? This is important!" She groaned. 

Headshot scowled and crossed his arms, his face still red. "Guess we better go after them." Silverthorn said. 

Oblivion spat blood onto Kasey and smirked. "I have a question for you first. What's it like to be Trax's b@stard child?" He taunted. 

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Trax shook his head, "We will, but for now we rest." He held up a tracking device, "They'll be there when we go round 2."

Kasey wipped out a knife from his sleeve and stuck in Oblivions hand and through the arm rest, "I feel pretty bucking great actually. Maybe I should give Silver a call, you know, talk and chat... Maybe more. I mean a girl packing heat, thats pretty hot. Pretty sure she's single right Kane?"

Flint stopped his car in front of a torn down shed, rusty bullet casings and blast ditchs littered the surrounding area. "This place, these coordinates, they're ... Familiar......"

Decades ago....

Jungle Canopy, Operation: TREE STORM, Equestrian Black Ops: Team Zero

12 Equestian Black Ops Operatives posted themselves in the trees next to a dirt road. A young Trax crouched with Youn Flint and Young Soul. "Drop, whats your status?" Trax asked through the comms, Drop was looking through his rifles scope at the horizon of the road, "All quiet, keep posted." He replied simply. Flint nudged Soul, "So man, heard you and the Princess hit off quite well at the Equestian Ball." 

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Oblivion grit his teeth and struggled to hold back a groan of pain. He thrashed in the chair he was tied to as the knife penetrated his hand. "She sure is, Kasey. Recently single, in fact. Such a shame she got that divorce." Kane said getting closer to Oblivion and grabbing his throat choking him. "But can you blame anybody for leaving somebody who BEATS. THEM. EVERY. SINGLE. DAY?!" He shouted, giving him a hard punch for every word. Oblivion spat up more blood and breathed heavily. "What...do you want from...me?" 

"Yeah, you could say that. I think she really likes me man." Soul said, smiling as he remembered his night with Twilight. "Oh come on, Soul. You and the princess? Quit fantasizing. She's out of your league." A young Slipknot said nearby. Soul rolled his eyes. 

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Trax smirk and decided to play along, "Hey boys, whatya think, should we bet on Soul getting the Princess?" He asked aloud. "Yeah!" "Go for it man!" "I got 100 on Soul failing!" The others said playfully, "Give her the D!" Dropshots voice came from afar as he was the furtherst away. Flint chuckled, "I'll tell you what, whoever makes it back without a scratch, gets to take her on a date." He said innocently with a big smile and holding out a fist to Soul to fist bump.

*gun fire and shouting, explosions*

Flint lay on the ground with both arms blown off, his cries of agony drowned out by the gunfire, Trax an Soul knealt next to him applying first aid. The rest of the team covered them with suppressing fire. "Hang in there Flint, come on!"

Flint was being loaded on a gurney with IV's onto a chopper. Soul, Dropshot, and Slipknot where chosen as the ones to head back to Equestria with Flint. Trax and the other 7 other team members were to stay for another mission. Trax fist bumped with Soul, "Take of Flint for us, you three get some rest back home, and keep those seats at the bar open for us." 

"Your bosses location would nice." Kasey said jiggling the knife in Oblivions hand, "Maybe a nice suit and tie date, is Silver the type?" He asked non-chalantly to Kane.

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"Godspeed brother." Soul said fist bumping Trax. The chopper slowly lifted off and into the sky. Soul looked over to Slipknot and noticed something about him. His face looked like something had snapped inside of him. 

A month after the incident with Flint, Soul and Twilight eventually started dating. One day Soul was on his way to visit her when he was suddenly attacked by a group of men. They wore the exact same gear as the enemy they had been fighting. Soul made quick work of them, but was horrified to discover Slipknot was behind the attack. He had joined a terrorist organization led by a man named Nergal. He left Soul a warning in his room, stating that he would kill him for "taking her from me." 

Oblivion thrashed in pain harder as he could barely contain his agony. "It's a good start, but you know what they say. Lady in the streets, freak in the sheets." Oblivion shook as he glared at them. "I will tell you nothing..."

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Shortly after Soul and the others left, Trax lead the rest of the team back out to a wide plains to rescue a hostage, but the whole mission was compromised. 

Trax sat with two of his teammates bleeding out in his lap, the others were scattered about dead. Tears ran down his face as Trax shook uncontrollably from the horror he'd witnessed, "Please, dont leave me..." He pleaded as the last two of his teammates faded from life, their hands fell from his and hit the ground causing silence.

Trax awoke to someone kicking his foot, he looked up half dead seeing several figures wearing black leather armor and carrying bows, one knealt down to him and flipped back his hood revealing himself as Lucifer Trax. "I'm here for you, My Son."


Kasey pulled out the knife from Oblivions hand, "Never say never buddy." He said taking the knife and stabbing it into his other hand, "Oh, welp I guess prostetics are his only way to go if he wants to fire a weapon again."

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Oblivion could no longer resist the pain and shouted in agony. "OK OK I'LL TALK! I'LL TELL YOU EVERYTHING! PLEASE STOP!" He yelled in pain. "Now we're getting somewhere." Kane said. Oblivion breathed heavily as the pain overwhelmed him. "He's in the desert...he has a hidden base...its heavily armed...he...he..." He trailed off as he was took weak to talk.

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Kasey took the knife out, "The Desert huh?"

Flint walked inside the battered building, there was dried blood splatters everywhere and rusted guns lay around. Flint took off his hat and held it over his heart. In the truck was a laptop with the mission details of this location many years ago. The Mission Trax lead without Him and Soul, the mission they heard about only a month later, their team was KIA. Trax was the only survivor but was considered MIA for another year before his return back. Their mission: Eliminate Nergal. Flint put his hat back on and went to a door hearing muffled sounds, upon opening it he saw the five man team of KCI Agents tied up, "He took part in the murder of hundreds if Soldiers, but sparred five of our Agents. Pride you are going to be a difficult one."

Back at the KCI, Trax noticed his phone buzzed and knew they'd been found, "Good."

Hazel burst into the conference room, her face contorted with rage, "Wheres that A-hole at? I'm gonna beat him into the next century!" She yelled angrily. Trax put down his book, "Well look whos finally awake."


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"He's....he's going to....to..." Oblivion weakly said before he suddenly dropped his head and he stopped moving. Kane touched in throat feeling for vital signs. "He's dead. Must have bled to death." 

Autumn and Silverthorn looked at each other before looking at Hazel. "Hazzy, sweetie, what's wrong?" Silverthorn asked. Blade and Headshot were stunned silent from the outburst.

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Kasey scoffed, "All bark and bite this one."

"Greed! That bloody bastàrd is gonna pay for knocing me out like that!" Hazel said angrily, Trax waved his hand, "We let them go with a tracer, we should be getting a ping on their location soon and ambush them." He told her simply. Hazel starred at him blankly, "He's still out there?" She then looked to the side with a devious smirk, "This time he wont know what hit him." Azure leaned over to Silver, "Shes scary when shes planning deviously."

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"At least we got some information out of him. Good work you two." Mephisto said in approval. "Now we have a direction of where we're going." 

"You can say that again." Silverthorn said, also feeling uneasy about Hazel's plan.

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"We do our best Sir." Kasey said proudly.

"Until we hear back on targets, take a break. Last night Kaveck and Strykers team got ambushed by Wrath and Gluttony, lost two Agents and two others in critical condition. Both Kaveck and Stryker, even being students under my father, were also hospitalized for grievous injuries. So take a night off to enjoy life alright." He told them. Hazel nodded realizing she should be taking this seriously, "Yes Sir."  

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"We'll have to move quickly before Nergal gets word that his right hand man is dead and begins his assault." Moonshield said as he opened up an image of the desert. 

Autumn sighed as she got up to leave. It was hard for her to enjoy anything in life without Kane. Silverthorn watched her leave, feeling sad for her friend. "Poor girl, she hasn't been herself since Kane left." 

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"So lets take her out? We can hit the town and bars, have a good time?" Hazel suggested. Trax tossed Blade the admission to his private limo, "Good idea, do it." He said before walking out of the room. Azure shut his laptop, "Sweet! This will give time to do those upgrades to all your room alarms!" He got to leave but Hazel grabbed him by the collar, "Make mine a peacful tune, or it'll be your leg that gets the 12 guage slug, not the alarm." She warned him before letting him go.

"Then lets get to it then." Kasey said punching his fist into his palm.

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