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The Kingdoms Crime Investigation Division: Broken Bonds (Private)


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Headshot blocked every one of her strikes with his knives before kicked her back and slashing at her quickly. 

Silverthorn got to her feet and looked at Azure. "What the hell kind of weapon did you make that can do that?" She asked.

Blade bashed Pride with the hilt of one of his swords before he brought the other one around and sliced Pride's shoulder, the blood spattering on his face. 

The figure slowly got to his feet, he stood at least seven feet tall and a muscular physic was even visible under the robe. He slowly turned, his face still hidden except a red eye. "Seven deadly sins, yet you've always ran from your own, thinking they would never catch up to you." He said with a haunting voice, his face coming into view revealing that the left half of his face was cybernetic. His removed his hood from his head with his mechanical arms and looked at them with a haunting visage. "How can you claim to be sin when you challenge the devil himself." He said evilly.

((Is Kasey going to betray Kane or does he just happen to know Envy?))

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Azure threw the weapon aside as it started to smoke, "Honestly, its supposed to do something else, but acting as a giant air gun works too, only good for one use though." Hazel went to the hole in the wall, "Come on, lets go get this Guy and bring him to justice." She said getting a rope from her closet.

Lust caught Heads wrist and twisted it causing him to drop his blade, she tripped him over and got on top of him taking his other blade and raising it high. But when she brought it down, it stabbed into the ground infront of Heads gave causing it to act as a mirror for him to see her. Lust threw her mask aside showing her beautiful tan face and gorgeous emerald green eyes, they were watered over as she wept, "I thought... I found... Someone I could be with you know? Someone who understands what its like to look at things from a distance, to feel those moments of silence before you take the first shot. Headshot..." She looked into the reflection of the blade, into Headshots eyes, "I... Was falling in love with you..." Suddenly Lust was hit over the head and she fell over unconscious, Kaveck stood over them with his arm in a sling and a police baton in his other hand, "You alright?"

Pride glanced at his wound then at Blade, "Now you've gone and done it." He said coldly, He sidestepped as Flint tried to come from behind, Pride took Flints arms and forced him to spew his fire burning whatever blood was on the ground then pushed Flint back slicing off his mechanic arms. Pride whirled around throwing the bottom half of his cane at Blade, it hit him but attached to him by spikes which tasered him down into unconsciousness. Pride stood over him as he faded out, "Well done Blade, you just cut our plans short." Flint managed to get up but Pride was gone, along with Blade, and any evidence to Prides identity.

"Huh, that's certainly... Something I didnt see coming." Wrath said scratching his chin, "Ah well, besides, theres another Demon we serve." Wrath charged Nergal with his hammer, Sloth and Gluttony flanked around Nergals sides.

((He's supposed to but ends up being too loyal to Kane instead. We've already met Envy, and yeah, Kasey does know him.))

Hazel slid down the hill to a weary Greed, "You're under arrest Greed," She grabbed his mask and started to pull, "Justice comes to those who break the La-" She stepped back dropping his mask on the ground, her eyes were wide with horror but her heart lurched with surprise. "For what its worth,... I'm sorry..." Oakly breathed out before he slumped over passing out from exhaustion. Hazel dropped to her knees, "Oakly?... You're, Greed?"

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"Yeah...thanks." Headshot said as he got to his knees. He looked at Lust's unconscious body and a feeling came over him. She was very beautiful, but for some reason he felt like he had feelings similar to her. He gently lifted her head and put it in his lap. "I'm sorry..."

Blade slipped in and out of consciousness as he suddenly found himself being taken away. 

Nergal held both his hands up as purple lightning came from his mechanical arms. The pain was too immense and terrible for any of them to handle. He stopped after they all were on the ground charred and immobile from the attack. "Weak..." 

Silverthorn and Autumn stopped just behind Hazel and stared in shock when they saw Oakly. 

Kane jumped and kicked Envy in the jaw knocking him back before deliver a hook to the face and pointing his pistol at him. "That was a foolish mistake friend." 

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"To be fair, they aren't my strongest Assassins, but they can get a job done. Of course, maybe I put too much faith in them for this." A man stepped from the shadows, Wrath managed to get to a knee, but the dark Man shook his head at him. "We haven't met Nergal, I am known as the Demons Head, Leader of League of Assassins. My real name is a bit of a mystery you see, only a select few know. Hmmm, ah, you may call me Shaytahn. So, how goes the Evil doing?" Shaytahn was a man of average hight, he had long black hair which covered half his face, he wore scaled leather armor with a black cape. He carried a menacing sword on his belt, with gauntlets that held many surprises. His glowing amber eyes, seemed almost inhuman as they were slit like a reptiles.

Envy stayed down unmoving, suddenly the area flashed and a little device shut down revealing a different arrangement. The man was actually a Guard of Nergals who was already dead, Kasey looked around, "It was a set up." Behind them came clapping as Envy stood with his rigle across his back, "Well done, and although I'd love to chat, I believe you two are going to miss you're chance at Nergal. Better hurry." He said before stepping back off a cliff, Kasey hurried over to look but Envy was gone. 

Flint moved his new arms around as he stood behind the glass of an interrogation room, the one know as Lust sat in corner on the floor with her head rested on her knees, her emerald eyes starring at the wall, empty of feeling. "Her real name is Tahlia Nava, Arabian by birth, 26 years old with a bad history of being raised in a warzone. She's linked to hundreds of assassinations during her youth before she dropped off the radar 8 years ago. Father and Mother were killed when she was five, the local militia took her in and trained her as a sniper, apparently even her own allies feared her. She's said nothing since she awoke." Flint turned around to look at the room behind him, through the glass he could feel Oaklys intent stare right at him. "No need explaining that mess, but for good sakes sombody tell him to stop staring!"

"Quite starring you brat!" Flints angry voice came over the intercom in Oaklys room, he simply turned his head down and leaned back balancing in his chair. They were in a mess now, but he didn't care.

Flint sighed, "To add to injury, Blade has been abducted by their leader, Pride. Leaving us a man down, I'm gonna ask you three to be careful. We're only team available and although our connections to them, they are still criminals. We must do our jobs in upholding the Law. Silver, Autumn, you have Oakly. Hazel is benched since she is directly linked to his crime. Head, you and I have have Tahlia, you up for it?"

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"Evil is but a point of view, my friend." Nergal said turning to Shaytahn. "The point of view of others is that I'm an evil man who seeks to destroy their homes and slaughter their people. I don't see my actions that way. I see it as a purification. They call me a terrorist, but I am a savior. This land has become week, and with an iron fist I intend to make it strong again." 

"You heard him, come on!" Kane said turning to head for the compound. 

Head looked through the glass at Tahlia, a feeling of guilt coming over him. There was something about her that didn't feel right. "Actually Flint, you might want to let me handle this myself." 

Autumn and Silverthorn opened the door and entered the room with Oakly in it. Silverthorn went straight up to Oakly and slapped him in the face as hard as she could, the sound being heard through the glass of the interrogation room. "Don't you ever, EVER hurt Hazel again, you hear me you little b@stard?!" She said with anger before taking a seat. Autumn sighed. "Silverthorn, don't do that please. You're only making it worse."

Blade slowly woke in an unknown place. His vision was still blurry as he began to slowly come around.

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Shaytahn narrowed his eyes as he heard Nergal speak, "Interesting, maybe I was too rash on all this. Wrath, Sloth, Gluttony, return home, the Leagues business here is done." He told them sternly, "Till we meet again someday Nergal, for now I think you have other company who would like you're attention." He said turning around and heading off into the shadows with his three weary Assassins.

Flint nodded to him, "I'll be in here then watching, good luck."

Oakly held his face to the side, "If its any consolation, I was holding back my punches on you, but I still deserved that." He gave his shoulders a shake as his hands were cuffed to the bar on the table. "So, what would you like to know? Kanes doing just fine if you were wondering, and He does miss all this to some degree." He rambled sarcastically.

"Take it slow Lad, I used a bit of a high voltage so you'll limbs will feel numb for awhile." Pride said to as he sat in a chair across the room. The room was somewhat small but was tidy and organized, designed like a fancy office, Blades face was washed of any blood and Prides wound was practically nonexistent. "You understand why I had to take you, Correct?"

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As soon as they left Kane was standing before Nergal. He glared at him with fire in his eyes. Before he could speak Nergal suddenly drew a pistol and shot Kane in the chest. "I'd love to stay and chat, son of Soulscream, but that's enough fighting for one day. Give my regards to your father." He said and was suddenly gone. Kane writhed in agony on the ground as he bled everywhere. 

Headshot entered the room and sat in one of the chairs. For a few moments he didn't say anything and the room was completely silent. "Tahlia..." He finally said breaking the silence. "It's a lovely name." 

Autumn felt a wave of relief wash over her, but she didn't show it. She raised an eyebrow at Oakly's statement. "Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure Kane wants you dead. How could you know anything about his well-being without being filled with lead?" 

Blade slowly got to his feet and looked at Pride. "Not really. Care to enlighten me?" 

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"Kane!" Kasey took out gauze and aplied it to Kanes wound, "Hang in there buddy, you're gonna be alright."  As he spoke, the amber eyes of a shadowed figure opened behind Kasey, "Interesting Indeed." The figure said as Kane slipped out of consciousness.

Tahlia couldnt help but surpress a smile, but she remained silent as she sat in the corner.

Oakly scoffed, "I have my methods."

"Well beside the fact I couldn't let you go with my blood on your face, I need you for something, something that effects everyone you care about." Pride explained.

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Kane felt himself lose consciousness from the wound. Before his vision faded he saw the figure standing behind Kasey.

Headshot sighed. "For what it's worth, I'm sorry about everything. The truth is I'm just...confused. You're part of a group of criminals that we had to take down, and when we first met you flirted with me. We had never met before and yet you seemed so in love with me. I assumed it was all just a trick to get me to let my guard down so you could kill me, so when you attacked us I treated you like any other enemy." He got up and walked over to her, kneeling to eye level. "I don't know you, Tahlia. Like I said, I'm confused to why you like me so much. Perhaps you can explain it to me?" 

"I would like to know. He may have left with Bloodmoon but he's still my love, and I would like to know how a man he wants dead knows all about him." Autumn said sternly. "Furthermore I would like to know why you're hanging out with these freaks with masks."

Blade rolled his eyes. "You need me of all people. That's funny. You shouldn't have kidnapped somebody important." He said with a hint of annoyance in his voice. 


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Tahlia curled up more, "When I get a target, I study them, over and over till I know them better than myself. I have files on all of you, but you stood out among them, not as a target, but a Person. I never had much of a childhood, it was always who my next kill would be, the next time I look through a scope and end someones life with one shot. When I saw you were trained in Marksmanship, I felt a connection, so I studied you more than the others. It was a few weeks ago when I first saw you, at a coffee shop, you got mad at the server because they were charging you more than usual." She giggled, "You're cute when you're frustrated."

Flint pressed the mute button and looked at the tech guys in the booth with him, "Beat it." He said with a curt nod out the door, they obeyed with hurry.

"Like I said, I have my ways. As for the new crowd, I didnt really have a choice in the matter." Oakly told her simply.

"Tell me Blade, why did you join the KCI? Of course I could always read it from your file," Pride began as held up a folder with Blades photo on the front, "But I like to hear things from the source."

At Traxs home, Tavi was cooking with their daughter Viola when a quite but hearable alarm went off, Tavi stabbed the she was holding into the cutting board. "I never thought the day would come, lets go Hun."


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Headshot turned red at Tahlia teasing him but he kept his composure. "So you became attracted to me because you studied me enough that you developed feelings? I have to say, I'm a little flattered."

"You had a choice when you murdered Hazel's parents, why should I believe you have no choice now?" Silverthorn asked harshly.

Blade was silent for a moment before speaking. "I wanted to serve. I wanted to do something with my life. I didn't have much growing up, and I wanted a new family and purpose. Over the years, it's become harder for me to keep the passion I once had." He said with a sigh. Blade had been part of KCI longer than most others, even longer than Kaveck or Stryker and almost as long as Soul and Trax, but he was never given much credit and his accomplishments were often overlooked despite being an excellent agent. He usually shrugged it off and never complained, but at times he felt like he wasn't appreciated for all that he did and never got the opportunities others got. 

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Tahlia smiled but quickly went grim, "Whats going to happen to me now?"

Oaklys hands balled into fist squeezing tightly as he was reminded of his past, "As I said, I didn't have a choice." He told her with a hint of anger.

"You're a well trained Man Blade, with a heart to protect those who cannot protect themselves. What if I told you I know a way for you to become even greater, resources and means to change the not only Equestria, but the entire world. Sometimes the greatest recognition, is no recognition at all." Pride told him.

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Headshot got up and returned to the table. "That depends on how much you're willing to tell me. Best case scenario they'd throw you in jail, but now that I know what kind of person you really are, I can pull some strings." He said, looking back to her. "I do like to treat a lady fairly after all." 

"Why not? Who's making you do this?" Silverthorn said getting close to his face.

"I appreciate the offer, but if it means abandoning KCI and the life I've created, I can't. I took an oath. I will gladly remain the silent hero and spend the rest of my career as a nobody if my honor stays in tact." Blade said. 

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Tahlia chuckled, "Please, I wont even make it to the jail, The Demon sees all, he will find me. I'll be back out before by nightfall."

Oakly looked her straight in the eye without turning his head, "The Demon, I'm sorry but my actions are set, I cannot change now. But, I will tell you why. As you know Hazel is Royalty to another country, her 'Parents', were actually her bodyguards. I was ordered to kill them to prove my loyalty, at first I was hesitant, but when Hazel was mentioned I knew they'd hurt her or worse. They're deaths are framed in my mind, first thing I see when I wake up, and the last thing I see before I fall asleep. I know I'm a monster, I dont need to be told again."

Pride swirled around his glass, "Good to see Flint has another to help him, well since your cleaned up, I should get you back to the KCI. Oh, and keep in mind this, I'll be asking all of your teammates the same thing. Black." Suddenly Black stepped out from behind the tall chair, "Greetings Blade, long time no see, right?" He said before shooting Blade with a sleeper dart.

A blanket was pulled off Kanes face as he lay on a stone table, his wound covered but still in danger, Kasey attempting to free himself from Envy's choke hold, "Stop! Dont do this to him!" He shouted pleadingly. A dark shape moved over Kane, two amber eyes starring down at him, "Are you ready to be reborn again?" Was all he asked before the table was kicked over and Kane was plunged into a pool of water. 

((Everyone has their own dream while submerged in the pool.))

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"What if you don't have to go back?" Headshot said. "You could have a better life than serving him. I can have all of this fixed and you'd be free. You could stay here with us." He gently set his hand on Tahlia's and looked a ther. "With me." 

"Who is this demon?" Autumn said looking at Oakly intently. "Are you talking about Nergal?" 

Blade was shocked to see Black was alive somebody as he fell to the ground unconscious. 

((What is the dream about? Do I control that or do you have something for it?))

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Flint shook his head, "Headshot..."

Tahlia shook her head, "Head, I killed over a couple dozens of Equestrian Soldiers, something like that cant just go away."

"No, but he's just as cruel." Oakly told her.

((Its whatever you want him to see. For little bit he'll be under a trance when he wakes up, Shaytahn will tell him to attack Kasey.))

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Headshot was silent for a moment, still holding onto her hand gently. "There's always Bloodmoon..."

Autumn and Silverthorn looked at each other. "Where is he? What is he planning?" 

Kane found himself in a grey, hazzy place with nothing around him for miles. He cautiously walked forward looking for a way out of the place he was. He saw a figure just ahead and approached it, but stopped in shock when he saw that it was Soul. "Father!" He called to him, but Soul slowly turned to him with anger in his eyes. "Kane...what have you done?" Kane was taken aback by Soul's hostility. "Father, I..." Soul walked forward with anger burning in his eyes. "What have you done?!" He shouted at Kane before grabbing him and throwing him down. Kane fell in a black void before landing on a stone floor in the streets of Canterlot. He looked up to see the KCI headquarters in flames along with the castle. He ran inside to find that it was crawling with Nergal's men, and other men who resembled demons. He then saw the bodies of his friends scattered around him. "No..." He suddenly heard a scream in the distance and ran to it. He stopped when he saw a man standing over Twilight's dead body. "No...no no no this isn't real!" Kane said starting to panic. The figure then turned to look at Kane. He suddenly grabbed Autumn who was nearby and cut her throat. "NO!!!!!" Kane shouted in horror as he fell to his knees. The figure approached him and removed his hood. Kane's eyes widened in shock when he saw that he was looking at himself. His evil self then took a gun and shot Kane in the chest. Kane felt himself falling through a black void of nothingness. He felt his life leaving his body. Suddenly there was a roaring fire in the void as a figure covered in flames caught Kane and set him down gently. Kane felt the life returning to his body as a peaceful world formed around him, all his friends and family alive and well. Kane looked up at the figure who had saved him, but was stunned by who it was. "Flint..."

Kane burst out of the pool gasping for breath, his body shaking from the scene he just saw.

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Tahlia looked up but before she could speak, two Agents burst in taking Headshot by the arms and draggin him out, Tahlia stood to help him but the speaker turned on, "PFC Long, two kids and a Wife. Staff Sergeant Wishmaker, four kids and a Wife...." The list went on, Tahlia was frozen in horror realising what the names were for, the names of the Soldiers she and the other Sins killed. Tahlia shook her head, "No! Stop it! I cant know that! No Stop!" She screamed as she covered her ears, but the speaker only turned up more. 

On the other side of the glass, Flint sighed reluctantly as he stepped back for the Board members, "I'm sorry Headshot... It's out of my hands." He said softly. The Board wanted answers, and they were exploiting Tahlia to get them.

Oakly didnt have time to answer as two holograms of Hazels parents appeared on the table then all over the room. "What is this! Enough, make them go away! Now!" Oakly shouted with rage until he was silenced by the Fathers voice, "Oakly..." Oaklys eyes turned purple as he broke the handcuffs in one pull, he vaulted over the table and started punching the glass, but his punches grew weaker as both the Mother and Father chanted his name over and over. Oakly knelt to the floor as he felt his spirit be ripped apart slowly, "Stop this,... Please..."

Flint had to leave the room not being able to bare the scenes.

Shaytahn clapped his hands, "Good good, now, kill your enemy's brother." He ordered simply. Kasey was released by Envy, "Kane? Kane buddy come on, talk to me man, please say its still you?" 

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Headshot struggled to get away from the agents dragging him out. "This isn't right! Stop doing this to her!" Autumn and Silverthorn were confused at what was happening. "What is going on?!"

Kane breathed heavily as he got to his hands and knees outside of the pool. "He did nothing to me..." Kane struggled to say. He suddenly had an urge to attack Kasey but didn't want to. "Flint...help me..." He whispered quietly to himself. 

Inside of Flint's mind, a familiar voice seemed to whisper to him. "Help me..."

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"Its called Exploitation, we're using their consciousness against them." The Head Board Members voice came over the speaker. Oakly shivered as the voices went on and on driving him into madness.

Tahlia screamed in horror as the list of names went on, she had curled up in the corner with her hands over her ears.

Flint paused as he a voice, Kanes voice, "Kane?..."


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"You're torturing them! This isn't right!" Silverthorn yell at them as she and Autumn came out of the room.

"Please help me..." The voice said in Flint's head again. 

Kane got to his feet and glared at Kasey, clinching his fist as he tried to resist the urge to fight him.


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Two Agents grabbed Silver and Autumn, "We're doing whatever it takes to get answers, besides they're both disciple people anyways, one kills two innocent civilians and the other has killed multiple Soldiers before the Base Attack. They deserve worse." One of the board Members explained coming out of the room, "You two are excused, go get some rest."

Flint rubbed his head, "Dammït!" He said before breaking into a sprint down the hall.

Kasey shook his head, "Kane buddy come on, this isnt you, you can beat this!" Ally walked in and scream seeing the scene, she attempted to run but was stopped by Pride, "Calm down Ally, Our children must learn to Grow." She started to settled down but was still tearing up. Wrath, Envy, Sloth, and Gluttony bowed their respects to Shaytahn before heading out to rescue their comrads.

Oakly hit the glass wall again weakly, "You bloody idiots, my Leader isnt the one you should be after... Nergal, take down Nergal!" 

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"You're no better than they are by torturing them! This is madness!" Silverthorn shouted louder at the board members. Headshot broke away from one of the board members holding him back and elbowed him in the face. "I won't let you hurt her!" He shouted as he drew his pistol. "HEADSHOT DONT!!" Autumn called, but it was too late. Headshot fired five shots into the Board Leader's chest before a guard tackled him to the ground. Autumn and Silverthorn looked on in horror. 

"I'm sorry...I don't want this..." Kane said as he delivered a hard punch to Kasey's face knocking him down. He tried to fight the urges but they wouldn't stop.

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Kasey wiped off blood from his mouth, "Alright Kane, its time to wake you up!" He ran at him leaping high with a kick to the head.

Silverthorn and Autumn were placed under Guard in the Conference room, there was talking from outside before Hazel was let, "You guys! I heard what happened, but Blade just showed up at our doorstep, he's in the infirmary now." She said hugging them both .

The cell door was shut on Head as he was thrown in, after the Guards walked off, there was a small cracking sound before a small space in the wall froze over and crumbled. A second later, Black stuck his head through hole, "Sup bud, nice room, but I think you'll like a change. Ready to go?"

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Kane stumbled back from the kick before jumping and kicking Kasey hard in the chest before grabbing him and throwing him to the ground. 

Autumn and Silverthorn both hugged Hazel tightly. "At least he's alright. I can't believe it. They can't do this to people, no matter what they did. It's not right. And now Head's screwed for it." 

Headshot took a step back. "What the hell? You're supposed to be dead!"

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