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The Kingdoms Crime Investigation Division: Broken Bonds (Private)


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"I was with the KCI many years ago. Went after criminals of all kinds. Stepped down after a while, me and some mates decided to put our skills to better use." The man said, thinking of fond memories. "Ol' Trax still in charge? Haven't seen that old dog in a minute."

Blade and Silverthorn soon arrived, and Silverthorn immediately embraced Hazel, happy that she was unharmed. "Oh Hazzy, I was so afraid of what happened to you. I'm so glad you're alright." Headshot sighed and looked at Blade. "She had to kill him in defense. That's the end of it I guess." He said.

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"Well your looking at half of him, what is your name Sir?" Oakly asked with a serious tone, wanting to make sure this man wasnt trying to impersonate one of them.


"Then let the police clean up, we're done here, plane leaves in an hour." Trax said popping up behind them with Kane, a couple officers followed them and went to fetch the body. Trax gave Hazel a long stare before she nodded to him, "Kane, your phone is out of battery and you couldnt charge it, Copy?" Trax asked looking at him intensively, meaning for him not to send another message to Oakly.


Flint walked through the halls of the castle, upon passing a room with Tavi giggling with Twilight, paused and slowly stepped back. Flint adjusted his collar and walked in, "Evening Tavi, Your Grace, Flint Dragneal at your service." He said formally introducing himself and kissing Twilight's hand gently. Tavi smiled deviously winking at Twilight, "Flint is an old friend of Trax and Souls, he served with them back in the day, they were on the same Spec Ops team. He's also a big Pyro." She teased.

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Before the man could answer, he suddenly got up from his seat and grabbed Oakly, pulling him down to the ground. As he did, a throwing knife just barely grazed over Oakly's head. Three masked men stood up from the back of the room and suddenly drew weapons. The other passengers in the train panicked and scrambled out into the next train car, leaving them alone. "Looks like they followed you in, kid. Recognize them?" The man said as he drew a pistol.

Kane got he message and nodded, turning his phone off. He took Autumn's hand and kissed her on the cheek as they followed the others to leave.

Twilight blushed from the gesture from Flint and from the wink from Tavi. "Oh...its, uh, wonderful to meet you, Flint. Please, you don't have to be formal with me, Twilight is fine." She said, trying not to sound awkward.

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Oakly exhaled with frustration, "Yeah, I've killed dozens of their friends." He loaded his glock and popped up to fire two rounds into the one of the masked men, one to the heart and one to the head, he got back down quickly. "Don't call me kid, with what I've been through, I could be my old man." He said coldly.


"Your Husband was great man, incredible Soldier, and an honorable Friend. Know that if you need anything, please dont hesitate to ask. I already spoke with Kane, great boy." Flint said as he pulled up a chair to sit with them.

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"You certainly have his attitude." The man said as he quickly shot the other two between the eyes with perfect precision. The pistol he was using was the exact same sidearm Soul used. Another three masked men came in from behind and opened fire. The man once again let a perfect shot go into one of them before he nodded to Oakly to finish off the last two.

Twilight smiled at Flint. "Thank you, Flint. That means a lot. Soul definitely spoke highly of you." Twilight said, feeling a sense of relief despite talking about a painful subject. "I would ask a favor of you though."

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Oakly shot the light above them and used the distraction to roll up close shoving a five inch knife under ones chin and up killing him instantly, Oakly took the same knife out and jabbed into the other before pushing them both into a seat and taking their automatic weapon and unloading the clip into them both. Oakly dropped the weapon then aimed his weapon at the strange man, "You didnt answer my question, Who are you?" He asked with more warning.


"Anything, say it and I will do it." Flint told her looking her into the eyes, his glowed a brilliant green.

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The man looked at the bodies around him, and his suspicions wre confirmed. "My name is Moonshield. You are in great danger. These men were sent by Slipknof, were they not?"

Twilight stopped for a moment before continuing. "Kane's a great soldier and a great son, but I often worry for him. He tends to let his emotions get the better of him. I fear it will get worse without his father. Just....take care of him, you know? I know he'll listen to you."

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Oakly recognized the name from case files he studdied in college, "Am I supposed to be scared? Slipknot is an annoying bug, and imhus lackys are up but the gum under the seats." He said putting his glock back in its holster, "I'm already back to KCI now, care to join me since you seem to know so much about our mutual friend."

Flint nodded, "I will look after him as if he is my own Son." As he finished, his phone buzzed merely once before he put it to his ear still looking at Twilight, a moment later he hung up. "Excuse me, Till we meet again, Twilight." He said before kissing her hand and leaving in a hurry. Tavi looked at Twilight with a sly look.

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"You underestimate him. He's more dangerous than you know, and he has allies just as bad as him. I know this more than anybody, he was once one of us." Moonshield said as he sighed. "I guess it's time to greet Trax again. Maybe now he'll listen to me."

((Moonshield, Bloodline and Devildriver are part of a group called Bloodmoon. They're all former KCI agents who left the force when terrorism began to break out in Equestria and they felt the KCI were being too conservative in handling it. Basically they're a vigilante anti-terrorist group. Soul was the only member of Bloodmoon to stay with KCI because he felt it was better for his family, but few know that he was a member.))

Twilight blushed harder as Flint left before turning to Tavi. She groaned and buried her face in her hands. "Tavi you she-devil!" She said annoyed with her sudden feelings.

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"My Father no longer has control over the case, that would be me and Special Agent Flint Dragneal. We know how dangerous Slipknot is and take every precaution when chasing him." Oakly told him as he sat back down. A thought had occurred to him as he memorized another time he'd seen Moonshields name, in fact he'd heard it.....

"The members of the Bloodmoon consist of; Moonshield, Devildriver, and my dear brother Bloodline. Soulscream has been suspected of but never confirmed. For now they're only after terrorist, lets keep it that way. Make no move against them, for they have not moved against us. If they do, eliminate them all, and bring my brother to me. " Oakly stood amongst hundreds of black hooded archers and swordsmen, they all stood like statues as they listened to their Leader anounce to them a new rule. "And now for our ceremony, " Alzzll Al'azraq, come forward, it is time for you to step ahead of your comrades to answer a higher calling....."

The deep and scary voice trailed off as Oakly looked at Moonshield, hoping he wouldnt do anything against the League, He didnt want to take the of someone who is close to someone he cares about.

Kaveck and Stryker went through a box of files consisting of Lucifers work on the Feather Case. Both of the victims were slit across the neck as the cause of death, both had 9mm gunshot wounds to their knees, the weapon was silenced according to no one in the neighborhood hearing any gunshots. Kaveck had deduced it was an execution, as both were probably disarmed and told to get on their knees before the Killer took their lives with a slash across the neck with a blade. Stryker then noticed the alignment of the slashes from both victims matched up perfectly, meaning the blade was long, and the Killer murdered the father then mother with one swing. It wasnt till Kaveck noticed something off as he listened to the recording of the phone call between the father and Hazel just when the Killer entered the house through the window. "Hold on," he paused taking the recording to a laptop and running it through a sound board, in the initial case no one had run the recording through a sound board. As they took out the main voices and just listened to the background noise, they picked up a single phrase said by the mother, " ..... Who are you?.... What are you.... Oakly...?" Kaveck and Stryker both stood up knocking their chairs back, they stood starring at the laptop with shocked faces, "Sensei, now I know why you retired, you found out the truth and couldnt understand it." Kaveck said as he went to sit on a soafa, "What should we do?" Stryker asked as he pulled up a chair. Kaveck glanced at the laptop, "We'll wait another week, in the meantime we'll visit with Sensei again, theres so much to this thats missing. I fear that what we have is only a third of the real truth."

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"It doesn't matter who is on the case or not, you all need to take heed." Moonshield said stepping off the train car once it stopped. Two other men were waiting for him. "Look like you ran into trouble." Bloodline said. Moonshield shrugged. "I had help." He said looking to Oakly. "Blood, Devil, this is Oakly. He's Trax's son." Bloodline and Devildriver looked over Oakly and found him resembling Trax very closely. "Well I'll be damned."

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Oakly rolled his eyes, he heard everything already about how people always commented on his striking resemblance to his father. "Yeah yeah, like an exact copy." He said coldly before walking up to Moonshield, "If you know something we dont, then you need to speak up, or do you need reminding what happens when you withhold information about a Felon? I could arrest you right now based off what you've already told me."


"Kids got a point Gentlemen, I'd just come with us willingly, I'd rather not make a scene." Flint said as he turned folding his arms, he stood behind Bloodline and Devildriver. Suddenly over a dozen KCI Agents appeared out from their disguises, each pointing an M9 at the three Vigilantes. Flint waved them down, "Since I personally dont mind your work, the Board doesnt see the same way, I'll strike ya deal. Come with us and share any and all info pertaining to Slipknot, as well as assist us in catching him, and we'll drop the 23 charges of halting a federal investigation. What you think you'd get away scot free with all the Anti-Terrorism missions you three have been doing?" Flint explained to them before tossing Oakly his phone, "Got a txt from your pal Kane." Oakly caught his phone and looked at it long before freezing, his eyes widened before his hand began to shiver then all at once he stopped and walked off. Flint shrugged and kept looking at Moondshield and his accomplishes.

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"You've already made a scene..." Devil said before Blood elbowed him to be quiet. Moonshield eyed Flint for a moment before speaking. "Flint Dragneal. It's been a long time since I've seen your face or heard your name. Mephisto said he would have liked you to come with us, but he knew you were too loyal." Moonshield said. He looked around at the agents surrounding them. "Seems we don't have much of an option. Giving you information isn't the issue, the issue is will you listen to us for once?"

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"Well it will be a first for me, shall we?" Flint began gesturing with his hand towards a black SUV.

Hazel sat down in her seat on their plane, she let out a long sigh as she snuggled up with her blanket. Trax boarded after waving to the Chief, he glanced at Hazel before sitting in his usual spot.

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"I guess we shall." Moonshield said, nodding to the others to enter the vehicle.

Kane sat back in his seat with Autumn curled up next to him. Kane looked at the ceiling of the plane, wishing he had a chance to join Flint and Oak in the hunt for Slipknot.

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30 Minutes later...


Flint sat down with the Bloodmoons inside a conference room, "Your welcome by the way, had I not spoke up you'd all be in cuffs and your firearms confiscated. Most here dont mind what you are doing but the Higher-ups dont quite like it when an unauthorized organization starts interfering with KCI investigations. 23 charges of interfering with a federal investigation between the three of you, and here I thought Mephisto taught you better. So, tell me everything you know about our mutual friend?"


Oakly sat in the teams conference room driving himself made as he starred at his phone waiting for a text from Kane about Hazels whereabouts, everytime he tried to call it'd go straight to voicemail. "We trusted her to you and you let us down Oakly!" Oakly stood up spinning around and aiming his glock at the empty wall, the voice was so real, and scary familiar. "Why did you let us down Oakly?" This time it was a female, Oakly swung around but saw no one except filing cabinets. Oakly relaxed and turned around only to see Mr. and Mrs. Feather standing before him with their throats slashed open, "You promised us Oakly!" They screamed in his face before moving at him like phantoms. The next second he blinked his eyes open, he lay on the floor feeling the back of his head throb, he began to remember bits n pieces of what happened. After standing up he noticed Azure starring at him, Oakly cleared his throat and straightened out his jacket, "If you like moving all ten of your fingers you'll never speak of this, ever." Azure raised a hand to say something but Oakly shook his head, "Nah ah dont say anything just...shut up. Have you heard anything back on their case yet?" Oakly asked him, Azure raised an eyebrow, "But I thought  you said-"

"Ah dat I know what I said just answer the frickin question Doc." Oakly said walking around to sit down in his chair. Azure nodded, "Trax hasnt given me any new info since they reported Hazel missing..." Azure trailed on looking up from his computer, Oakly looked up and narrowed his eyes daring him to say anything, Azure looked down again shutting his mouth.


Hazel smirked as she looked out the window, "Oaklys gonna have a barrel of laughs over this, dogging on me because I let myself get kidnapped by a sick man. I can him now, 'Should've kept yours eyes open and your mouth shut idiot', yeah he'd probably say something worse but ya get the point."

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Moonshield looked at his two comrades before looking back at Flint. "I'm sure you already know that one of your former agents works for him now. Slipknot is using him to build something. We believe it's some sort of weapon of mass destruction."

Kane woke from his sleep as he felt the plane begin to descend. "Guess we're home." Blade said stretching as Headshot snored loudly. Autumn remained curled up to Kane while Silverthorn woke and stretched as well.

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Flint smirked and pressed on his tablet, their table lit up showing a 3D hologram of a box with spikes coming out of it in random places, "To be precise, Black is building a 3 ton Hydrogen Bomb. Currently, Oakly and I have something in place already so our focus is on locate and capture. Question is now, are you up for a joint effort? You know quite a bit about Slipknot, and I'm never a stranger to turn down valuable help when it presents itself." Flint explained interlocking his fingers and leaning back.

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Moonshield leaned back in his chair. "I have to give it to you, you have more ambition than Trax does. I'm glad to see somebody is taking this seriously. However, there is one thing that desperate a us from you. There will be no capture for us, we're here to kill. Slipknot must die."

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Flint smiled, "Appreciate the complement but up until now its been Traxs plan, it was he who gave us the Intel. As well as the unofficial order, to kill. Covertly He's still pulling the strings, after all, Slipknot did kill his best Friend and was betrayed by a trusted colleague. Lets just say things for him are far past Personal."

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"Now that you mention it, there is something you should know." Moonshield said. He looked to Blood and Devil who both had a somber look. Moon pulled out a crescent moon pendant, the one that belonged to Soul. "This was his, was it not?"

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Moonshield slid the pendant across the table to Flint. "I'd ask that you return it to Princess Twilight. It rightfully belongs to her. But you do know why we have it don't you?"

The team got off the plane once it landed. A KCI employee immediately approached Trax and Blade. "Sir, we have guests. You'll want to see them."

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Flint picked it up, "Soul was an honorable man, he'd never abandon his comrades. Trax and I knew he was still part of the Bloodmoon."

Trax nodded, "Blade, have the team settle back in before they start their case reports." He told him before walking off.

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"Know that he never did anything dishonorable and always kept us in check morally. He was the best of us in that regard." Moonshield said with a sigh. "No matter, if you want to make a joint attack, I can talk to Mephisto and arrange it. There are a lot more of us now, although only four of the original seven remain." 


Blade nodded and headed off. Kane raised an eyebrow at hearing that there were people here. Blade saw the curiosity on his face. "Not everything is about Slipknot, Kane. It's probably nothing." Kane sighed and turned to follow the others. 


"So I guess Oakly's due for some harassment, eh Hazzy?" Silverthorn teased with a sly smirk as they returned to their living quarters. 

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