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Fallout: Out into the world


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(I thought Darky charged in with a sword earlier? x3)


Xarame clung to the griffin's head feathers, trying not to get thrown off. When she saw they were nearing Jay, she looped her hooves around the griffin's neck, swung herself off her back, and used the momentum to deliver a sharp strike just below the griffin's temple. 


The griffin was knocked out immediately, and collapsed, skidding to a halt with Xarame under her. Xarame lay there and gasped for breath, winded and a little bruised. 

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A look of panic entered Xarame's eyes briefly as Garon approached with knife drawn, but it quickly passed as he sunk it into the griffin lying on top of her. She did give him a slightly annoyed look though, as she remained trapped, and was now being slowly covered in the dead griffin's blood. 


"A little help would be appreciated," She managed to say, struggling to move the corpse. 

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Xarame struggled to her hooves, nodded weakly, and then limped over to where Jay was lying. She collapsed next to her, before rummaging through her bags and producing the antidote. She brought the small vial to Jay's lips, pouring it into her mouth, then leaned against her, watching her face and waiting for her to wake. 

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Jays heart rate quickened to a steady pace as her beathing was able to be heard again

After a few seconds jay opened her eyes

Once her eyes focused she pulled xarame close to her and started to cry

What she had experienced she had actualy thought she had died

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Xarame winced a little as Jay pressed against her bruised ribs, but closed her eyes and hugged back, putting Jay's head on her shoulder and stroking her mane. 


She had taken the potion before herself, and knew what Jay was going though. She cuddled her and let her cry, trusting Garon and Darky to keep them safe, now that the worst of the danger had passed. 

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".....I...I thought I had died!" Jay almost yelled as she hit xarames shoulder, obviously mad at her at the same time she was thankful

She then pulled back

Her eyes all puffy

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Jay kept looking at her

"Thank you" she said

Still mad but xarame had a point

"You could have told me what I was getting into" jay said as she stood up and began t-

She froze as she saw all the blood and dead ponies and griffons

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"Jay..." Xarame said, weakly, struggling to stand up but collapsing to the floor again, wincing in pain as she clutched her ribs with her hoof; the griffin falling on her must have done more damage than she'd thought, as a large part of her chest was starting to bruise badly, and it was getting harder for her to breathe. 


She attempted to stand again, this time managing to get shakily to her hooves. She limped over to Jay, and put a hoof on her shoulder, gently trying to turned her  away from the sight of the bodies. 


"I believe I may require your assistance..." She murmured, leaning her light frame heavily against Jay. 

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Xarame reached up and stroked Jay's cheek as she healed her, grimacing slightly as she felt her ribs knit back together. 


"Are you alright, Jay?" She asked, noticing how queasy she looked. She hadn't realised the sight of the bodies would have this much of an effect on her...

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"Too much blood" she said simply anyone with a nose could smell the blood with the amout that was around them

Jay then stoppe healing xarame for a second as she convulsed a bit before throwing up into a trash can that was right next to them

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Xarame wasn't fully healed, but she was well enough to stand and move again. She pulled her bag over, and pulled out a blue bottle and a small glass. She carefully poured some sweet-smelling green liquid out of the bottle into the glass, then offered it to Jay, standing beside her and rubbing her back gently. 


"Here, this will help," She said, smiling reassuringly. 

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