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Fallout: Out into the world


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Jay was trying hard not to look but it was hard

Espesaly sence she didn't have anything to distract herself with

Then another gust of wing blew through and jay pulled her coat tighter around herself

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(Manticore? Manticore's equivalent to a yao guai, right?)


Xarame blinked. Even without a scope, she could see that. She looked back to Garon. 


"This is why you should always look before you leap," She whispered, with a hint of a smile. 

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Xarame winced at the sound of the gunshot, and looked around. 


She didn't want to, but she let go of Jay, and stood up. 


"We must move quickly," She said, with a sense of urgency. "That shot will have drawn unwanted attention, I am sure."


She looked across the clearing, and back at the building in the distance. 


"That building may be defendable, if any come to investigate; I suggest we take shelter there."

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Jays face went sad as xarame did that but got up and started to trot over there with her

She was still on the fence about the whole her and xarame thing but she was stuck on that fence an needed help

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Xarame had no real means of long-distance attack, instead relying on the element of surprise and her own hooves to take down enemies. If they had to fall back from the building, the maze of broken boulders and rocks behind it would be an excellent hunting ground for her...


For now though, she was hoping they could just hide in the building, and avoid any conflict. She lead the way into the building, slinking into the darkened rooms ahead of the others, making sure they were clear.


Once she was happy they were alone in the building, she turned to Darky once more.


"Could you set up your rifle, and watch the clearing?" She asked, "Please, tell us if you see anything, and do not fire unless you have no choice." 

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"Alright. I will." Darky said as he looked for an eagle nest to get. Once he found a tall part of the building with several walls down that made the area perfect for that, he laid down in there and watched over the clearing.

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Once Darky had left to set up, Xarame turned to Garon. 


"Could you check the perimeter; see if you can set up any barricades or traps, to aid our defence?" She asked, in a slightly friendlier tone that suggested she was actually asking, and not just ordering. 

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