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So, This is Equestria? (Open, PM me)


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Closed for the time being. I've recently discovered that when my classes start, I may not have internet access. I wouldn't want someone to join only for me to have to abandon my own RP 3 posts into it.

Startled from a restless sleep, Solana jumped to her hooves.  "Oh, it's just the bell..." she says to herself, realizing that her airship was signaling it's approach to the docks.

This ship was very old, creaking and moaning, dusty, and in desperate need of fresh paint.   It's surprising it manages to stay afloat, and given the termite damage it should have fallen apart long ago, but those with few bits can hardly afford to travel first class.  This old cargo ship was the only one she could find leaving Roam anyway, and counts herself lucky that the captain allowed her on board. 


With the sounds of old planks creaking with every step, she made her way to the upper deck, and approached the port-side railing.

"So, This is Equestria?" Solana asks herself.  "It's quite beautiful.  Maybe spending three weeks in the galley was worth it after all." she says as she admires the scenery.  There was just something about seeing this city on the side of a mountain during twilight, giving everything an orange glow, that was just breathtaking from up here.


Soon enough, the ship came to a halt and she made her way off, carefully placing one hoof in front of the other on the unsteady plank leading to the dock, wondering how the crew expects to unload their cargo without something a little more secure.

"Oh well, not my problem I suppose.  Now... Where should I go from here?"  Solana thinks to herself.   She has never been to Equestria before, and knows nothing of this strange land.  It's nothing like Maretonia.  She walks along the docks, the sound of hooves thudding against solid oak planks a welcome change to the creaks of the ship. 


After a few minutes of walking, she finds a fairly secluded area of the docks so she can sit and think about her next move.  She eases her old, dusty, and worn saddlebag off and gently places it on the wooden planks, taking care not to tear it any more than it already is.  Gingerly, she worked with the buckles, opening it, and retrieves a pair of fresh apples.  "Might as well have a meal, These apples will not eat themselves."


This RP is her introduction into Equestria, and is intended to be a "Slice of life" style RP, though whatever happens will happen.

If you think you have a character that would mix well with her, and would like to participate, PM me.

In order to keep things simple, I only need one other participant.  Don't want to over complicate things with more players than that.

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