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Wildflower (ready!)


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"Look there, scoundrels! Each ribbon that flies with my ensign is a ship I've reduced to scrap! Surrender, or decorate my mast!"


Name: Wildflower


Alias: Captain Broadside


Sex: Female


Age: Mare


Species: Unicorn


Eye colour: Green


Coat: White


Mane/Tail: Even when a manestylist isn't practical to have out at sea, it's clear she takes care of herself, grooming her soft pink mane and tail as elegantly and as long as Navy standards will allow for females


Physique: Lithe, average-sized pony. Prefers to rely on magic as opposed to raw strength. Magic can grip a wet line much better than a hoof!


Residence: Military housing on Corralwood Corral, though she more likely can be found on her ship


Occupation: Royal Equestrian Navy Officer - Captain of HMS Endurance

Uniform reference


Cutie Mark: A cluster of Lemonade Berry Flowers, symbolizing her wild nature and perseverance at sea.


On one particular journey with her father aboard his small merchant vessel, she was wandering about the desk enjoying the salty breeze. Though, the salty breeze was getting a bit strong. It soon got to the point where it was staggering her a bit, finally taking a moment to fully take in her surroundings and looking to the bow of the boat. They were sailing into a storm! She quickly ran into the small cabin and woke her father, who wanted some much needed shut-eye during the trip. But, not wanting that nap to continue in the black depths of the sea, he rushed out with his daughter in time for the rain to start. 


A rogue wave was heading toward the boat, her father's back to it and working the rigging of the sail to slow them down so they could turn around. Wildflower quickly took hold of the ship's wheel and turned it with the bow facing the wave, just like her father taught her. He didn't realize what she was doing until the deck was flooded, nearly knocking him overboard. He took over the wheel and told his daughter to work the sail. She had magic, he didn't.


After a grueling half an hour, they managed to sail out of the storm, very very VERY lucky that they had only caught the tip of the storm pattern. Getting their bearings, the shaken father-daughter crew just started to laugh it off. But, two things had happened for Wildflower that trip: That she certainly WAS ready to sail with her father, and wasn't just extra baggage, AND that she got her cutie mark! She recognized the flower at once as being those lovely shrubs that can grow in soil practically devoid on nutrients near coasts.




Wildflower was born and raised in Seaddle to an aspiring merchant couple. Her father was a stubborn old Earth Pony and had some recreational sailing experience, her mother was the smarts of the family, a Unicorn working as a bookkeeper for a major fruit export company. When they had actually started making shipments, her father would be gone for months at a time. Her mother, unable to deal with the stress of practically raising Wildflower by herself and not getting to see her husband eventually left home when she was very young, leaving Wildflower in the care of her father. 


Her father couldn't give up sailing, as it was the only stake in anything he had, and he didn't think he could hack any other work. Unfortunately, this meant having to leave Wildflower in the care of some close friends while he was away on trips. In the early years of her life, she really had no parental figure save for family friends, though she cherished what time she could have with her father.


Eventually, when she was old enough, she convinced her father to let her go sailing with him. Growing up in port towns and around docks, she learned everything she knew about sailing by watching and listening... and bothering sailors with questions, who usually answered 'beat it, kid, I have work to do'. She had good times and bad times with her father, growing into a fine sailor and even earning her cutie mark on a rather hairy trip with him. She learned the ins and outs of sailing, bartering, and how to deal with issues at sea, the most debilitating of which being boredom and loneliness. Loneliness was usually easy to fix, they had each other! Boredom, not so much when all you have to stare at was a horizon. They had a small boat to sail with, and only crewed by the two of them. It was bigger, but her father had to let the lads go to save money. So, most of the time they sang shanties to each other, and eventually she taught herself the violin. It wasn't much, but music was a great way to pass the time. She also played chess a lot, her father being a big fan of the old strategy game.


Time passed, sailing being her hum-drum day-to-day, but as she grew into an adult, she wanted more. Her father was getting old and tired, and had to hang up his captain's cap for more steady work. She still had a passion for the sea, but she wanted to move forward in life. It took some time, but she applied herself physically and academically, pushing herself until at last she was accepted into the Naval Officer Corps of the Royal Equestrian Guard. Her father didn't like the idea of his precious flower going out to sea with the Navy, but she assured him it was what she wanted.


Once she graduated and earned her commission, she had a long and distinguished career. Starting out as a navigator, she had saved her post from storms numerous times, as well as saving time during escorts and rescue efforts by knowing her craft with a map. As she rose in rank, and added more gold to her frock coat, she held many positions: quartermaster, watch commander, helmsmare, armorer, as well as leading shore parties while overseas. She had also gained a reputation as a ruthless pirate-hunter in the middle of her career, hitting buccaneers with everything she had when they refused to surrender. Her favoritism toward the particular maneuver earned her the nickname 'Broadside' among the admiralty, though she didn't mind it one bit. In fact, it had a charming ring to it. She further added to her legacy by collecting a scrap of cloth from any pirate ship's flag she sunk, flying it in a bundle on the mast with her national ensign.


Even though she grew up a merchant and sailor, the Navy taught her class and elegance, gaining the grace of a proper lady to compliment her jolly nature. She attended many military balls, parties, and other functions where she had to learn to blend in with the elite of Equestrian society. She's changed so much that some even go so far as to call her 'pompous'. But she's anything but, as she has a very caring attitude toward those in her charge and values humility. When she finally made the rank of Captain and was given her own ship, she made sure her crew was welcome, cared for, and happy. She made sure to almost overstock on food and clean water, stocked a small library in the crew's quarters, and had a very strict open door policy... the only strict part being that her crew needed to be reminded that they could come to her at any time. She encourages her sailors to sing shanties, as she and her father did, to pass time and build camaraderie. It's not unusual for her to emerge from her quarters and call for a song. She's also been known to throw parties at sea when things seem to be getting particularly monotonous. Cider and fruit salad for all! Singing, dancing, and the Captain herself playing the violin. 


Of course, this behavior is incredibly unorthodox for a lady, let alone a ship's commanding officer. She didn't subscribe to the idea of an 'iron hoof', and felt that building friendships at sea would count the most in stressful situations. Of course, she by no means skipped on training, maintenance, and making sure that their duties were being fulfilled. She and her crew have earned piles of medals and citations for their efforts at sea, including several rescues, fighting gruesome sea monsters, and single-hoofedly taking down a fleet's worth of pirate and smuggler vessels. She is responsible for Changelings no longer attempting to build hives by the sea, else they face a naval bombardment, and finds herself well at home leading a shore party on foreign beaches. 


She is incredibly happy where she is, and looks forward to the rest of her rewarding career in the Navy.



Character summary

Wildflower is a very well-rounded and upbeat officer with strong appreciation for friendship, justice, and living life happily. She feels that in the Navy is the happiest she had ever seen anypony, and challenges others to be their best. She always gives credit when it's due, and has recommended those who serve with her for promotions or awards whenever the opportunity presents itself. On land and at sea, she's very formal and polite, even posh, though she can find a way to fit right at home in a dockside cider bar just as well as she can a luxurious palace. She never forgets where she came from, and sees herself as a humble success story.


The only downside is that her reputation can at times be rather sour with other members of the officer corps. They feel she is arrogant, insubordinate and unprofessional. But, all she has to do is ask who's ship has the most gleaming service record. More often than not, it's the Endurance. But the Captain herself is far from perfect. She's been knocked overboard three times, nearly lost the ensign once, and understocked cannonballs once resulting in having to board a smuggler vessel after taking heavy damage.


Family is incredibly important to her, and she writes to her father often. She's made a note to meet as many families of her crew as she can, as she understands that it's stressful to have a loved one away at sea. Having the comfort of knowing that there's someone who will care for them and do what's best for them is a wonderful thing.


When she's away from the ocean is really the only time she's out of her element. She often confuses land ponies with things like 'Oh my, the deck is so clean!' or 'Can we open the porthole? It's rather stuffy in here' or 'Close the hatch! We can't heat the whole neighborhood!' and a slew of other otherwise unheard nautical terms. But, they'll just have to deal. Most of the time, they know what she's talking about.


She loves music, storytelling, and singing. Self-expression is one of the best ways to keep a pony happy, and she always always always encourages it. Whenever she finds herself far from her beloved ship in a city, the outgoing mare can very often be found in theaters, or participating in karaoke. But her heart will always be with her crew and her ship, and is always ecstatic to return to them and have them sing for her.


She looks forward to continuing her career, and is always ready to fight for her country. As of right now, she is 'hunting for her star', as her crew puts it, but she's doing her very best to try and earn it.

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