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H.P. Lovecraft fans


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Very interested! 

Hp love craft was a master writer, it would be great to try to emulate his distinct style, and truly terrifying storys. 

My favorite is probably mountains of madness. Something weird, scary and at the same time just a good adventure. 

Also im from New England not far from providence his beloved home town. 

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Very well

name; Voltaire Altireerie 

specis; unicorn 

gender; stallion 

age; 29

apearance; a tall fairly slender (has muscle tone there just not that big) purple stallion. He has long white mane and tail kept brushed back.he has dark green eyes. Has a preference for tailor made suites. 

Cutie mark and special talent; his special talent is finding out what other ponies need and giving it to them. His cutie mark is a wooden crate in motion

bio; Voltaire was born to a wealthy family. However his parents and caretakers cared little about him and more about how others perceived him. Because of this he based his speech patterns and attitude of of actors in the plays he saw and characters in the books he loved. This gives him a rougher loud and charismatic persona but also makes him seem quite strange. 

at a very young age he discovered his special talent was helping others. Because of this as soon as he e as old enough he rejected his wealthy lifestyle and set fourth to aide others. He traed many places getting educated and trained by those he helped. Eventually he became a special requisition agent for the queens guard, making a career out of his life's choice. 

Voltaire is usually aiding others leading not him on strange sometimes dangerous missions. Despite being a kind, helpful stallion he does not have any close family besides his tamed pet fox Hunter 

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