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It Happens to the Best of Us (Closed:Lunar)


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"Come on now girly, git yerself together will ya?" Applejack eyed herself in her bedroom mirror. She blew a stray forelock out of her eye and looked herself over once more. "Yer jumpier than a cricket at a toad convention..." She mumbled to herself and let a breath escape her muzzle.


The farmpony's heart was beating double time! She couldn't really understand why. She had spend lots and lots of time with her friend over the years. There was really no reason why she should feel the way she did inside now. True feelings for Rarity had grown deep within AJ's heart as time went by but the fact was she had just invited the unicorn over for a visit and nothing more. Well, possibly more... possibly tonight she would tell Rarity how she felt. 


"No!" She reached for her trademark stetson and crammed it down between her ears. She had been thinking of possibly trying to do herself up a bit but she just couldn't bring herself to even do that, much less bare her heart to her friend. The gnawing fact deep within was that Rarity might not feel the way she felt. If that was the case AJ would rather keep their relationship as friends. If she said too much...well, she could loose the special connection she already had with the lovely unicorn. 


"Nope. We're just gonna go for a nice stroll through the orchards, at sunset, with a basket of special treats to share, with candlelight, and..." She shook her head. "No no no! That's not gonna happen. It's gonna be jus' like always with us. Friends til the end! That's right!" She sucked in one more breath and headed for the door. She was going to meet Rarity as she made her way down the path that lead to the farm house.


Being outside helped. Winona ran along beside her as she trotted down the dirt path. Sweet Apple Acres was particularly nice this time of year. The fragrance of harvested apples mixed with the oncoming night smells of the farm. The gentle lowing of cattle and the happy panting of her dog made her heart settle down. "See...everything is gonna be...gulp...fine."


Her heart took up its trip hammer pace again as she spotted her friend making her way down the path...

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The beautiful unicorn peered at her reflection, her newly applied mascara and eyeshadow were starting to set in. ”This is going to be a simply marvelous evening with Applejack. Perhaps I should bring a gift?” Rarity asked herself. She checked her hair in the mirror one more time before leaving.


On her way through Ponyville, Rarity could hardly contain her excitement. A romantic walk- no a simply platonic walk through the Sweet Apple Acres. When did she get like this? It had only been a few years since Rarity had befriended the orange mare. Simply friends then, simply friends now. It had taken some time to adjust to Applejack's standards of comfortability, but she did. Maybe that was when? She had been so oblivious to her own feelings before now, and by the time she had realized it, it had been far too late. She was pulled from her thoughts by the smell of pastries. That would be good for this evening.


Once Rarity had retrieved a pie, it was blueberry, she carried on her merry way towards the orchard. The citizens of Ponyville waved to her and bid her good evening, she enjoyed the cheery air about them. Her violet hair bounced along as she walked, nearing the beginning of the path to the orchard. ”Here’s to a lovely evening, Rarity.” Despite her own feelings, Rarity was determined to keep their friendship the same. Better safe than sorry. As she continued, she was able to make out Applejack, and she slightly picked up her trot.


”Good evening, darling. I hope you don’t mind, but I picked up a pie.” Rarity levitated the basket that was carrying the pie in front of the other mare.

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Applejack sucked in a breath and went forward to meet her friend. She had to get all these romantic notions out of her head! It was going to make her act odd and that was not what she wanted. AJ wanted to give her friend a nice evening on the farm and maybe impress her a little bit. That was all!


"Well howdy Rarity! Glad you could make it! I'm jus' itchin' to show you the new trees on the south end of the orchard!" She nodded off in the direction the new trees were in. Her words came in a rush. She took another breath, willing herself to calm down. "Anyway, yep glad you could visit!"


The farmpony eyed the pie as the unicorn levitated it in front of her. "A'course I don't mind. Was mighty kind o' you to bring a pie along," She felt herself relaxing now. This wasn't any different than things had ever been. 


"Come on this way," She nodded towards the path that lead out to the south orchard. The sunset was beginning to set already, turning the surroundings a lovely muted golden color. It was AJ's favorite time of day and she was more than happy to share it with Rarity. "Nice evenin' we're fit to have," She looked towards her friend, the golden light playing along Rarity's coat. "Sure is pretty out," She looked a little too long, a small smile playing on her muzzle. 


Then she noticed Rarity still had the pie in her levitation field. "Oh! Uh here, let me carry that for yah," She offered her back as a resting place for the pastry. As long as she walked carefully she'd be able to carry it out to the orchard without trouble. 

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The orange mare in front of her gave an enthusiastic greeting, which wasn’t odd for an Apple, but Rarity felt a warmth inside of her, she beamed. ”I hadn’t realized there was an addition to the orchard. I simply cannot wait to see it!” Her friend seemed to be a bit hyper, but she calmed herself. ”I’m always delighted to visit yo- the orchard. I simply love the orchard.” What an amazing save, she totally pulled that off. She decided to brush it off and ignore the pounding of her heart.


Rarity smiled as she followed Applejack, her eyes tracing the pony beside her. The way to the southern end of the orchard seemed familiar, but then again, it was an orchard. There are apple trees everywhere, they are bound to look alike. Perhaps Rarity had been focused on the trees or simply ignoring the obvious, but she managed to miss the warm smile Applejack was displaying.


Rarity didn’t turn from the sunset until she was spoken to. While it was rude of her to ignore her friend, it was easier this way. ”That’s very kind of you dear.” She moved the pie onto Applejack’s back careful to keep it balanced before dropping her spell.


”Shall we continue?"

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Rarity didn't respond to what AJ had hoped would be an undercover compliment but that was ok. Just another mark on the list for why she needed to treat the unicorn as a friend. That was all she was of course...a friend. The thought made her heart drop a tiny bit.  Though she had forced herself to think about having a nice evening with her friend her heart had gone to whole other levels. She had imagined what it would be like to sit near Rarity, to brush her lovely forelocks to the side and look deep into her eyes and...


"Yep! Let's continue on Sugarcube," She shook her head to clear it.




"Winona!" The farm mare started as her dog ran up from behind. The pie nearly took a fall from her back to the ground but she was able to save it. "Ya scared me girl!" She chuckled lightly, her nerves getting the better of her. "You comin' with us? The more the merrier I guess!"


She walked along with Rarity at her side. The sun began to slip below the horizon as they reached the south orchard. The whole area was bathed in the last of the light of the day, dust motes sparkling as they fell towards the earth. Soft grass grew underneath apple trees that stood tall and proud in their new berths.


"Well, what do ya think? Jus' got all these saplings planted. Had em' shipped in from Appaloosa, Braeburn is fixin' to make a tree swap every couple'a years..." She walked forwards and nodded.


"I set this up for us earlier today," 


There was a fire ring, some comfortable chairs and a small table with a keg of cider resting in the shade and two mugs not far away. "I figured we could heat up the cider over the fire in the kettle and have some time to chat," She smiled, happy things looked as nice as she had hoped. 


The first fireflies were beginning to wink their light as AJ dropped the pie off on the table. She was happy to spend a fun evening with her friend but her heart longed for so much more...

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