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Official Discussion Thread - S09E05 - The Point of No Return


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In this episode, Twilight Sparkle realizes she never returned a book to the Canterlot Library and may have caused her favorite librarian Dusty Pages to lose her job.
This thread is dedicated to discussing the episode before, during, and afterwards. As the thread is now open it may indeed contain spoilers. I ask that potential spoilers talked about or shown before the episode airs stay within the spoiler tags please, after the episode you no longer have to use the spoiler tags, but warning, if you haven't seen the episode yet after it airs, this thread no doubt will have all sorts of spoilers in reviews, images, etc. So tread at your own risk
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Fun little episode. We see Twilight do her usual freak out. We see a few old characters pop up. Derpy speaks. And I really like that little sea-town Twilight and Spike visit. The 'Young Six' also are there staying at a little rented house..Probably a short vacation. <3

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  • 4 weeks later...

It was cute enough I suppose. I still find the concept of such episodes hard to stomach with Twi being a Princess, and a Princess who is soon to rule Equestria, but it was still cute if nothing highly memorable.

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