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Braeburn [Ready]

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Name: Braeburn

Gender: Male

Age: Stallion

Species: Earth pony

Pelt Color: Golden

Mane/Tail Color & Style: Peach and golden/tan in large swaths in his mane and tail. Being a rough and tumble kind of pony has lead to his mane and tail being somewhat of a huge mess. Mostly he can hide the mane do under his Stetson but his tail is left to tangle in the breeze.

Eye Color: A gradient of granny apple green.

Cutie Mark: A red and ripe braeburn apple a'course!

Physique: He's a bit on the lean side but muscled well enough to get the job done! He's determined and tough to the core which makes up for the fact that he might be a bit more willowy than some ponies with his occupation. 

Residence: Braeburn lives in the same farm house that he did when his parents first brought him to Appaloosa. He keeps it up as his parents retired and moved to Ponyville for a more clement environment. 

Occupation: Braeburn works on one of the oldest apple farms around. An original fixture from which Appaloosa sprung.


Braeburn came with his family to AAAaaaapaloosa when he was just a little colt. His ma and pa brought him with them when they took the offer to help settle the lands out west. They were offered a sum of bits and their pick of land on which to farm. Since both his parents had been struggling to make ends meet they quickly jumped on the train as soon as the tracks were laid to this new settlement!


Little Brae was soooo excited to get to his new home! He loved the dust, and the cactus, and the ranges and plains. So much more room than the little apartment he had been raised in in Vanhoover! This was going to be such an amazing adventure. He took to his new life like a duck to water as did his parents. 


Brae worked the apple farm with his parents, planting trees from seedlings of the first apple trees planted out west. He worked hard and became quite strong in the physical sense and in his nature. His pride for his work grew as their farm grew and soon they were exporting far and wide with the the sweet braeburn variety their farm was known for!


His parents are now retired and Braeburn is the full heir to the farm! He hires ponies when needed to care for the modest orchards. Braeburn loves his family and his farm and hopes to someday have a family of his own! He's been known to give various ponies the eye but so far he hasn't found the stallion of his dreams...


Character Personality:

Brae is a fairly laid back pony unless e's crossed on anything to do with family or farm in that order. He's is loyal and true once his loyalty is won. His is an Apple so family ties run deep and true. He is fiercely protective of his farm and his way of life and can get rather ornery if anypony disagrees with him on pertaining issues. Brae loves to have a good time and can often be found at the cider saloon in his home town. He also has something of a singing voice and is a regular at song and dance nights. This stallion is not afraid to be up front of a crowd or to champion a good cause. He's up for adventures and though he'd hate to be gone for too long he does wonder what it would be like to get away from Appaloosa jut for a while and explore a bit more of Equestria.


Character Summary: 

Loyal and true to the core Brae is a good son and a good friend. He puts others before himself and at the same time has great pride in his accomplishments as an apple farmer and resident of Appaloosa! He's got that wild west spirit inside and in most situations he's ready to willing to do his part to make his friends and family proud!



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