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Canterlot: How Amazing it can be [Open]


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Canterlot, The home of the magically gifted. The home of the Princess Celestia, Princess Luna. To those who move the heaven and earth have all seen the glory that Canterlot brings to those who stay in her safe haven kingdom. With the walls high and the courtyards empty. The setting sun gave a nice orange hue to the land the sun kissed. From the trees down the mountain, to the building roof touched with the light brown plates. Many ponies would make their way homes, the shifting of the guard for the Royal Guards who stood their post time and time again protecting those who cannot protect themselves from danger. But the wind gently blew across the land. For those who had started to make their way to their loved ones, homes, pets.


The walls of Canterlot stood guarded with the moon slowly rising into the sky.   The courtyard of the Kingdom was silent, say for a few hoofs hitting the smooth and polish marble which laid a path to the gates. The guards, cooks, and all in between started to change their ways. Yet the water off the mountain gave a gentle whisk of a fresh air, letting some of the mist carry within the gentle wind. Brushing against those who wore no protection from the wind and mist their coat would be gently sprayed. It would feel rather soothing to those who enjoyed the sea. Or even give a memory to those who grew up in those conditions. Canterlot was truly a place of peace now, through hardship the kingdom had stood the test of time. Giving thanks to those who called it their home with ceremonies, parties, and a gentle smile in the morning 

Though a young Stallion stood at the courtyard, his single eye shifted to watch the silver light from the moon bounce down and bless the lands in a shimmering glow. The mountains waters looking like liquid silver pouring from inside the mountain. Giving the courtyard itself an odd glow with the marble. Yet the young stallion kept his single golden eye on the moon before he stood up. His helmet stowed away within it's place in the armory and his armor no longer weighing him down. The silence of the courtyard was cut rather short while the young Stallion made his way out of the gates, onto a path leading into the town of Canterlot. 

The hoof steps echo'd through the empty streets. Giving notion that the Stallion was walking very very slowly. Enjoying the moon light after a rather long day of standing his post within the kingdom walls. Yes, Silver Armor was finally off work and took each and every moment he could to enjoy what he had. The smell of a breath air, the breeze, all of it made him feel at home. For a moment he paused to glance over. Taking a look at the kingdom with the moon fully within the sky. Giving the beauty it truly had. It was a shame most never took in the kingdom for how amazingly pretty it was. But Silver knew. It's why he loved protecting it. If not for the people, for moments like this is what drove him to hold his post. Day in and Day out. 

His thoughts were cut short as a soft hoo was heard from an owl. The golden eye shifted to look where it had come from, though he couldn't find the bird. But it was a good reminder that he should keep moving, slowly walking through the town. Giving a wave or two to those who noticed him. Holding that charming smile he never got to show on duty.. that was when no one was looking. Silver Armor hummed gently, keeping his face that stone cold look as he walked. Hearing the laughing of some pony who had a little too much to drink, and their friends laughing. 

Canterlot really was the perfect place to be.

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The sun was going down fast, maybe a little too fast. The sky was darkening quickly, which either meant pony's were just now getting off work, scurrying home, or just starting work. There were a couple ponies out there who took in night shifts. Most didn't know how they could do it, as sleep was important to most beings out there. They either slept all day, or were just night owls. Maybe they were secretly nocturnal, and they could only response in the dark. Whatever that may be, Street Art was actually none of the above.  


The sassy unicorn put her heart and soul into everything she did. Like everything. So, she worked literally all day and night. So, whether it was trying to get somepony to fall for her, or getting her marvelous work done on time without any fuss. She was talented in both of those regions. Arty used those things to her advantage. The purple mare was suave, confident, flirty, and had a huge, talented, artistic family that ranged across Equestria. Manehatten and Canterlot were really the main cities that Arty was known for. Canterlot had to be her favorite though. There was something about the cobble stone paths that struck out the beauty in the quaint city, or maybe all the richly built houses and shops that scattered down every street. There was so much potential, so much to take in. Arty never had a lack of inspiration here. 


So, the three legged mare was stuck painting on a large wall in an alley way, a commission somepony asked her to do. She was getting big bucks for this one, so of course she accepted the offer. He wanted something breathtaking, something that represented the gorgeous city in itself. He wanted something bright and colorful, yet busy and a perfect representation of the famously known capital. Arty had a light bulb, striking some inspiration immediately as the sun came up that morning. The sun. The blissful, most inspiring star in the whole world. She noted the moon as well, and the picture in her head made her smile immensely. 


The beanie wearing artist took the liberty to paint the wall according to her own plans, which meant not stopping until it was finished. The young mare was at it for almost 11 hours. She was covered in paint, her eyes hurt, and it was already dark. The only light she got was from Luna's moon, but she wasn't complaining. That was what made Canterlot so special. They had the rulers of Equestria taking their time to take care of their subjects below. Arty had to thank Luna for the little light, or she wouldn't be able to see at all. 


She was probably a 3rd of the way done, which satisfied the artist. Though she was at a dark part in her painting, it was harder to see. Arty stood up, put her paint down, and looked at her painting closely. It was way too hard to see at this point, and a little too quiet for her taste to be working. Maybe it was time for a little break, get a quick snack and maybe find a light. She thought to herself, and decided it was a good idea. The mare put a little black cloak on, not really wanting to be bombarded with questions from fans as she was already kind of tired. I mean, it wouldn't bother her, she liked the attention. She just wanted her work done. 


She moved into the open, paint all over her body, and she trotted, or more like limped, down the street. She was moving slow, kind of humming to herself. Canterlot's night was soothing and quiet, even when she heard an owl talking in the distance. Then somepony humming. Some friends laughing. She was on the move now, though, limping with her black cloak around her head and body, not really noticeable in the darkness of the breathtaking sight of Canterlot. 





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Silver's golden eye by habit kept an eye on those around the kingdom, wherever he walked he was keeping his eye out. Literally in that fact. If it wasn't for the rather loud ponies, enjoying their cider. He almost wouldn't have caught the cloaked figure moving from an ally way. In Silver's head it was nothing but red alarms. His pace stopped for a moment near a fountain. Giving that cool breeze that brush against his muzzle, he started to make his turn around. The silvery light bouncing off the clear blue water as it shined for a moment his own reflection. That alone caught the Stallion off guard as he took a good look at himself.  His hoof gently going to the brown patch against his face. A huff left his chest shaking his head moving back to look for the oddily cloaked being who moved through the streets. As he peered around the fountain he saw as if the being was now wounded. 

From the harsh and stone expression he once held across his face had softened into a bashful and foolish blush across his muzzle. Lifting his hoof to smack against his nose. "Smooth, you were about to yell at somepony who is hurt, who is most likely needing some help. But no, no, Silver. Just go all serious and guard duty.. by the sun above.." He mumbled to himself as he slowly approached the cloak, putting on his most soothing voice, with a hint of charm. His hoofsteps stopping just behind the cloak, clearing his throat. 

"I can't help but notice your limp. Are you okay? Are you in need of any help? We can easily get you to the kingdoms aid ward. Get you all patched up and on your way in no time." The Stallion's face was still that stone cold serious look, a bad habit he picked up from being in the guard for many years. Though the curious glint in his eye wandered about the cloak, if there was somepony under there in need he was sure to be the one to give them aid. It was his duty. "I can assure you I mean no harm, I am one of the Royal Guards. It is my sworn oath and duty to keep all of the ponies of Canterlot safe under the watch of the Guard."

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Arty kept her pink eyes down the street, making sure she knew her surroundings. Sure, she'd walked these parts many of times, but it looked a little different in the dark. A little strange. Maybe a little spooky, but the moon gave her enough light to make her way around. That was a feat in itself, as she had to adapt to the paths made of different materials. On gravel, she had to watch the ground. If she stepped wrong with her one front hoof, her face would be on the ground. On the streets, she could keep her sight ahead, but she had to be wary of small stones and sticks that could've fallen from trees. That could end in the same fate. 


So, the purple unicorn watched the roads as she neared a light post next to a small bar. The bar seemed to be packed with a lot of different ponies, having the times of their lives. Their drunken laughs and giggles escaped the window cracks. The artist was glad ponies were having fun on this gorgeous night. Maybe she needed to loosen up a bit, have some fun once and a while, stop working for a little bit. Of course, that would never happen. She knew how it felt to be overworked, and she knew when it was a good time to take a break. 


The confident young mare walked slow, taking in her environment, which was quite cheerful. She couldn't help but keep a smile on her face when she suddenly heard something from behind her. Somepony talking to themselves? Her ear twitched, forcing her to curiously turn around. Pink eyes were met with one gold eye, and Arty cracked a little smirk. The first thing she noted in her head was the eye patch, something she rather rarely sees. It probably wasn't as rare as she thought though, there were many brave ponies here. Like the royal guards. 


His voice sounded so sweet to her, soothing, something that made her cock an eyebrow. He was confident, yet kind of subtle. "I'm perfectly fine, baby." Her voice matched his in confidence and smoothness, but hers had a little more tease. Arty thought for a quick second. Her horn lit up and her cloak lifted off of her, revealing her painted body. Most importantly, her missing leg. "Nothing to be fretting about." The mare was looking forward to seeing his reaction, and couldn't help but notice his curious look, so she kept her smirk. With the flick of her tongue, she responded smoothly, "A guard you presume? That explains your patch, honey." She looked at him with soft eyes, which could really melt anypony who was soft enough. "From what I heard, it takes a lot of hard work and dedication to protect all these citizens, hm? I'm exceptionally grateful to have you take the time and keep us safe." 


Arty was pretty much flirting with him now, which was kind of instinct on her part. He was handsome, kind to check if she was okay, and had a nice feel to him. The only thing putting her off was his serious look. She was mostly curious by him. 

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Silver was truly caught off guard. Not only was it a mare under the cloak but her voice was soothing to the ear. It took all of his power to look down at her gaze with his own stone cold look, almost breaking within that sweet caring look. To combat it, he let out a gentle cough looking towards one of the buildings. His eye now out of sight. A soft sigh was heard as he collected his thoughts. Attempting to sooth his own mind. The fact that she had a missing leg made himself feel.. rather good about himself. He wasn't alone now. His missing eye had caused him a lot of internal turmoil. Beating himself up for looking so odd, Unable to look at those he cared about with his own two eyes. Yet this was a gentle reminder to him that not all ponies were made the same. He was lucky.

He smiled softly, as he turned his head to flash that charming smile of his, a rarely shown trait he had. Before he spoke he adjusted the white scarf on his neck, keeping himself comfortable. "You are very sweet, and for you missing leg, I am very sorry. Whatever happened I wish I could have helped. I know the price of losing something you vaule closely." Silver brought a hoof to tap at his brown patch, giving a wink that was only a second long. "May I ask why you would be walking so alone at this hour, not saying you can't hold your own. By all means you have magic. Something that.. I could never dream of even close to controling. Always thought that kind of stuff.. hurt. Use it too much and you'll go mad. At least, that's what the books I've read have said." 

Slowly he stared to pace around the mare, giving another glance over with a curious glint into his golden eye. Which had a flare of the silver moon to shine off it, his face was no longer the soft smile but back to the stone cold. Stopping as he made a ful circle around her laughing gently about her guard comment. "It may be hard work but ponies like you always make it worth the trouble. I mean, getting thanks is really all I need, Standing there. Watching over this town day in and day out you get to learn a lot about yourself, and about those around you. It's.. funny to see the same ponies everyday. Doing their job and yet from afar they will never know you're watching." He hummed softly, Sitting close to the fountain, Closing his eye as he glanced to the moon. Enjoying the small soothing moment he had made.

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Arty watched has her charm interrupted the stallion's stone cold demeanor. There it was, that smile she was looking for. She had a feeling he wasn't all solid with one emotion. He had to have something else to bring to the table, and he sure did. The young mare couldn't help but smile again back, or, keep her smirk but make it a little wider. She watched as he adjusted his scarf, which looked rather attractive on him. "My leg was a simple birth effect, honey. The only thing rather frustrating was learning to walk." She raised her eyebrow curiously, as her gaze was locked on his eye patch. 


She couldn't help but stare at the stallion, not creepily, just trying to absorb anything that struck out to her. His eye, the way he looked, his job. She normally did this with everypony she meets, rather it be a fan or just a friend. Arty was weird like that, but she was too curious to not. She had to answer her own questions, or else her itch would never be scratched. The mare had enough confidence to get anything she needed, whether it be doing something embarrassing or awkward. She never really thought ponies could hate her, she had enough charm to take over anypony's brain. As such, she wondered if she was in his mind, and if he was there with her. 


The purple mare let out a rather attractive chuckle when he winked, which she just barely caught. "Curious to get to know me, aren't 'ya?" Her voice was 100% teasing at this point. She liked to play her little games. "Ha, I'm just out getting a snack, maybe a candle or two. Just to finish my work." He began to ramble, and she just looked at him cutely. "Baby, I got magic, but I don't study it. Levitation is 'bout the only thing I know." As so, she picked up her shady cloak with her magic, her horn glowing a bright pinkish-purple. In the Canterlot's darkness, her magic could be seen from a mile away. It was an astonishing color, and matched her suave personality easily. 


What he said about the books got her mind in a jumble. Books? "What literature do you got your nose in?" It was a simple question, and she really wanted to know. She felt him pace around her, which didn't really phase her at all. Most ponies did that to her when she was in a conversation. Arty kind of giggled at his answer, but not like a childish one. Quite the opposite. "Well, sir, I'm glad we have ponies like you around this quaint city. You seem to have a level head and loyal companionship. We can all truly trust you." She smiled politely. "I'm usually off in my own world, so I don't find myself acknowledging others, unless I want to." 


She watched him look up at moon, which made her trot towards the fountain, with the customers from the bar laughing in the distance. 

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Silver hummed softly as he turned his head to look at the Mare trotting towards him, laughing softly as he shook his head. Keeping it low for a moment with is mane covering his face before he looked back up to her, sighing ever so softly, blowing some of the blue mane out of his eye. He paused, opening his mouth to say something but closed it as he shrugged his shoulders, glancing to the ponies laughing. Then back to her. His tone was soft once more, but it seemed to be cheerful, well as cheerful as a guard could muster really. It wasn't fully dry, but easy enough to read.

"I read a lot of books, some speak of the stars, others speak of the kingdom and how it came to be. Others I enjoy reading are of those who can have simply what I want. Guilty pleasure books really. Though since the loss of my eye, I can't say reading has been the easiest kind of task at hoof. Though if you don't mind I have a few questions for you." Silver paused for a moment, keeping that golden eye fixed onto her face, Humming in thought as if he was pondering how to word it. "As much as I like to get to know those who simply talk to me, what is your drive to get to know a guard. I know that we have this.. stigma about us. Harsh. Cold. Commanding. All of that is true to a point, but you seem to be a free soul, one who has a smile that could make anypony smile around. And why do you sneak in the night? Do you not wish to be seen in the day? I may be a little bias. But the day time, in the early morning. I think is the most amazing view. Seeing the sun rays lighting up the land in a soft golden color." 

Silver stopped himself, rubbing at his cheek with a frown, he knew he had rambled again. Yet it was more so that he never got to talk much. And the mare before him had seemed to make him calm and soothed his very being. But he turned his head once more, focused on one of the smooth stone blocks that made the roads within the town. "Forgive me, I know that I ramble a lot, most are putt off by that. But trust me, once a guard has somepony to talk to. All that is on their mind, from standing on guard, will spill over. There is so much you see that most never have a second thought about. The simple movements of somepony having a bad day, or sometimes it's the ones you see that are just skipping for joy. You see.. so much, but your duty comes first. Standing. Forever watching. Don't get me wrong I love it. But it's a very lonely job."

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Burning Aegis was usually working at night, but he managed to get a day off tonight. He was planning to play a show later with the band, but it wasn’t time for that yet. For now, the bat pony was taking a leisurely flight through the city, enjoying the sights and sounds of his city at night. Being a lunar guard meant he didn’t get to enjoy the city like this very often, but he didn’t mind. He enjoyed his work. 


When he caught a conversation on the wind nearby, he slowed, landing on a rooftop gently. He wasn’t all that stealthy, especially with his mostly red mane on display, but he wasn’t really trying to hide either. It seemed he had found a conversation between an off-duty guard and a mare. Well, no point in eavesdropping when he could join in!


”Yo! How’s it hanging? Canterlot sure is pretty at night, huh?” He smiled as he flew down and landed nearby, trotting up the rest of the way. “Name’s Burning Aegis, Guard/singer at your service.” Aegis added, giving a playful bow with a wink as he introduced himself. 

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Click to Listen to what went through Silver's Head
And as soon as the gentle moment between two Ponies had arisen. It had ended far too quickly. The once dawning sappy mood of understanding, caring and perhaps even the hint of flirting with one another was cut very short. But was expected with Silver he never really did have the best of luck when it came to romance, this was just no other time than the rest. For a moment he let his head hang low as he sucked in a deep breath. Glancing towards the new comer. Overhearing that there was another guard his ears perked up. Then went back down as soon as he saw the red mane. With the expression of confusion that spread across his muzzle, his single eye glanced around the face of the Lunar Guard. It was as if you could see the questions flowing through his mind though he kept silent for a few moments. 

"A guard who.. is also in a band. How you pull that off I may never understand. I for one know I am too busy with my work to even attempt to go see a band, let alone.. be.. er.. in.. one..None the less should you not be at your post. You are of the Lunar Guard. With the moon so high, I would assume that all of Luna's guards would have been at their post. Forgive me if.. I am.. confused. I mean no insults. Just.. confused.. with.. all of this."

The stallion blinked a few times as he shifted slightly, his wings ruffled slightly but his eye remained focused on the lunar guard. His head though tilted to the side. It was like a puppy really, confused why it wasn't getting a treat. But why would Silver understand. He was a stubborn guard of the day. In this moment.. he longed for the dawning sun to get him out of this.. now rather awkward conversation 


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Arty was starting to like this guy. Like- really like this guy. He wasn't stale like most guards, he was handsome, had a very sweet tone to him, and was rather charming, like a prince. How odd it was that she happened to stumble upon him. It just happened she needed a small break from her painting, and boom, he was right there in the flesh. A guard, who she presumed was quite the lady's man. How was there not a million mares standing in line for him? The artist could strongly relate to that though. She just had that vibe, a really attractive vibe. She wasn't no stranger to romantic encounters, or anything more than that. 


The sad thing was, she wasn't the type to stick around. 


The purple unicorn watched his movements, as she raised her eyebrows slightly in amazement. "I dab in a little reading too. Nothing really extraordinary, but nothing bland either." She watched him think for a second, as she stood softly to the side. "I simply talk to everypony, about everything. Whether it's about why the night sky is so gorgeous, or about a little earthworm that crawls in the dirt. Really, everything." Arty paused, thinking for a second about the second question. "Oh- you must have been mistakin', baby. I work throughout the daylight and into the moonlight. I don't stop until my work is to be finished." 


She finally sat down, looking up at the night. It was quiet for a moment, but it wasn't awkward. It was sweet silence, the kind that was comfortable and just. Just slightly there were crickets in the background, humming and chirping. The sound relaxed the unicorn, and made her smile gently. The she heard the stallion talk again, and she perked up to listen. "I completely understand, sweetheart. It's hard work. Poor handsome stallions like you deserve somepony to talk to." She couldn't help but flirt with him. "Most need social interactions to survive. A couple out there can find a way to be introverts and live, but there's something about talking to somepony that makes their hearts seem full." 


Suddenly, she heard a pony fly on over to them. The sudden change of atmosphere startled the mare, and she swiftly got up. "Cantorlot is rather astonishing at night." Arty watched as her new friend confronted the other stallion, which made her step back. She then opened her mouth to speak, "No need to be confused. He just wanted to drop in and greet us." She walked over to him with a friendly smile. "Pleased to meet you, baby. I'm Street Art, but you can call me whatever your heart desires." There was a small wink at the end of her sentence, as she confidently stood. "And this here is.." she stopped, realizing she actually never met this fine stallion's name. 

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"And normally I would be, but today is my day off, so here I am." Aegis chuckled to himself at the look of confusion on the other stallion's face before continuing. "As far as being part of a band goes, guess you could call it more of a hobby, something I do when I don't have guard work to do." He nodded, looking from his fellow guard to the mare as she began speaking. He listened to her words, chuckling at her flirting line.


"Well, you certainly look like a work of art, so let's stick with that, huh?" He responded, returning her wink. "I'm actually playing a show later if you wanted to stop by, it's at a club a bit over there. We play all sorts of stuff, but I'd say mostly types of rock." He added, pointing down the road towards the club in question. 

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The mood has changed! So has the music!

The stallion slowly stood back up onto his hoofs and paused, standing there for a moment as his single golden eye shifted slightly, glazing over the mare then to the Batpony. A gentle breath was sucked in. Before he spoke he shifted slightly on his hoofs. Attempting to make himself as comfortable as possible. His face showed that serious guard expression once more. No longer was he the faded warm stallion he was before. It seemed he had shifted back into his normal state of being. His tone was soothing, slow, but it had power behind what he said. Taking great pride in what his job and his name sake was. 

"I am Silver Armor, Royal Guard, Soon to be the Captain of the Solar guard. It is a pleasure to meet you both. Burning Aegis, and you Street Art. Forgive me for not giving my intro sooner. I have had a lot on my mind."

He gave it a few moments to settle in, before sighing softly once more shifting his fluffy blue mane from covering the eyepatch. Silver wasn't one often to flaunt around, nor did he enjoy telling his name. Though the two before him had given him nothing more than trust, kindness. It would have been rude for him not to say anything. But that expression that held upon his face softened for a split second. Hoping he had not ruined the soft kind mood that was placed out before them. As he heard about the Club, his head turned to glance at it. Silver wasn't much of a party pony. Yet he had made a promise to get out more.

"I didn't know there was a club like that. I guess I really do need to leave the kingdom walls more to explore." 

Silver turned his head back with a huff. The air now felt heavy, colder even. The mist of the small fountain they stood before aided in the cool wind blowing across them all. Out of habit Silver lifted his hoof to his scarf and shifted it around. Tugging it slightly tighter. Now he knew that he wasn't the best at being social. Give the Stallion a break, he was just out for a walk before this had changed into a small group gathering. But he kept his gaze away from the two. Looking towards the sky now, the moon kissing his coat with that silvery glow. 

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Gosh, this new stallion who showed up was quite the looker. Arty just got this feeling around him, this deep, flirty vibe that made her smile. Her smile could really blow anypony away, not because she was the prettiest mare ever, because she wasn't, but because her saucy attitude took control of her confidence. That's what ponies found most attractive about her. She wasn't insecure, or nervous about anything, but she sure was a heart breaker. A big, fat, selfish heart breaker. She didn't ever settle down, but like she cared. 


She slightly raised her eyebrow, giving him a secure look of certainty and interest. "Yeah? I'd loved to go see your band, baby. I'm quite intrigued by that idea." She flicked her tongue, looking at him up and down. Not really checking him out, but she totally was at the same time. At this point in her life, she honestly didn't care if she was covered in paint and smelled like chemicals, she always seemed to grab attention. 


The purple unicorn looked back at the guard, looking at him with her enduring pink eyes. "Nice to meet you formally, darling. No need for the apology, there is no need for one." The artist gave him a devious smirk. She was having fun on her little break time, even though she needed to go eat and finish her artwork. Maybe she could take a little longer of a break, mingle a little bit. She knew she needed some time talking with other ponies. Not like she could use anymore friends, but hey, the more the merrier. 


Arty paid close attention to Silver's face, as it seemed to soften a little. He seemed to be more relaxed, more gentle. She was glad to see his stubborn face release itself. It was good he felt comfortable, to Arty at least. She could go somewhere with comfortable. He seemed to go into his shell though, as the air got cooler and the mood seemed to change from playful to awkward. Arty didn't like that feeling, and she didn't feel like Canterlot's beauty should be left at an odd stance. 


The mare trotted, or limped, over to Silver and sat by him, purposely brushing up close by him. "Hey now, why don't we all go to that bar? I'm famished, and I think some socialization will do all of us justice." 



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Aegis smiled as he saw Art start checking him out, responding by giving her another wink and return the favor. She may have been covered in paint, but hey, it worked for her. He thought it actually kinda made her look better. Definitely fit her personality, went with her hat too. The bat smiled before turning back to Silver as he introduced himself, nodding to his fellow guard with a simple smile. 


"The bar? Sounds great to me, I still got some time to kill before the show." Aegis nodded to Art's suggestion, looking to see what Silver would say to the idea. Silver looked like he could really use something to loosen up, he was off work after all.

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