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Solo Show [Ready]


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"Strange, ain't it?"

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Roleplay Type: World Of Equestria RP

Full Name: Solo Show

Sex: Female

Age: Young Mare

Species: Pegasus

Eye Colour: Yellow

Coat: Dusty brown with black and light splotches on her legs. She got stripes dyed onto her hind legs because she enjoyed the edge it gave. She re-does it regularly.

Mane/Tail: Her mane is usually kept straight, and it's long and black. Her tail is the same.

Physique: Her body is slender, and she's pretty tall.

Residence: Fillydelphia

Occupation: Model


Cutie Mark:   n5MAv0Z.png Solo's cutie mark is a makeup capsule. It is often used to touch-up already done appearances, which is what she lives for. She always keeps one with her.


History: Solo Show grew up in a single parent household. Her father, Mountain Dust, took care of her since her mother passed away when she was young. To Solo, her mother was absolutely breathtaking, and so she decided to do something with her life that was beauty-oriented. Luckily, she had the looks that ponies were looking for. Her father had a friend, and his friend had a wife that was highly respected in the modeling industry. Knowing his daughter wanted to get into modeling, he called in a favor and thus began her model training. She was happy she had the looks, and all that was left was the technique and brains. She studied hard, perfected her walk and eventually landed her first big show when she had just matured into a young mare. She got into modeling young and earned her cutie mark during first 'cat walk' in her pre-teen years.


After earning her cutie mark, she began to take her career much more seriously. She has over 200 photos inside her modeling portfolio and holds her head high. Many of her peers perceive her as stuck up, but she is more-so just aware of what she wants in life. Under all her ambition, she's very soft and would enjoy the company of others if they gave her a chance. Her father raised her to be proud, compassionate and ambitious so she tries to live by that as much as possible. She does live on her own now, as her father is a perfectly healthy and lively middle-aged colt.



Recently, she does modeling for a modern clothing line. She is very good at her job. The only thing is that she is not an incredibly approachable person. She always dresses her best and is usually just focused on her next show. Though she might not be approachable at first, she always smiles when someone speaks to her unless she's incredibly irritated.

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