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Don't Start a Band (Las Pegasus, ATTN: Icy)


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Kahz knew he was a hard act to follow, and he admired the courage it must have taken for an amateur singer to do so.  He made sure to give an encouraging whisper, "Lay it on thick, girl.  Not like I was being subtle about it myself, we're no secret to each other or the world."  A quick peck to the cheek and he was watching her take the stage and the mic.


The song was a soft and sweet one to begin, loaded with sincerity uncut by irony.  Kahz knew the tune, and even before having heard Yù herself sing it he would have said that she had felt that way about him, it not being all that easy to keep emotions secret from a changeling.  But, like applause given freely, confessions and revelations of inner feelings hit different when the actual words were spoken.

He was sitting up straight, transfixed and smiling, letting more of the love wash over him than simply feasting on it.  It would be like drinking from a hose, there was just too much to take it, but that was OK.  Just by it being in the room, it acted as a kind of fertilizer for all relationships in the area, the confirmation of love helping others to make it themselves.  Sensing all that made Kahz feel elated, so much so that it was all he could do not to leap up on stage with  once she approached him at the end of the song.

Once concluded, he accepted her back into her seat with an embrace and a kiss, to no small amount of appluase from admirers of the happy couple.  "You were great up there."  He whispered in her ear.  "It was all I could do to not leap onstage to make the last chorus a duet, but you deserved better than to be upstaged by me."

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Yù had to admit a certain bit of elation at the feeling of the applause herself. The attention was certainly different from the one on one attention she... 'borrowed' from clients. Aside from it being a veritable buffet for him, she could easily understand why Kahz went for the rockstar role. The qilin doubted that she could handle it often though because as fantastic as it felt whooo golly was her heart racing. It was certainly worth it though.

As Yù returned to her seat, she would return the cuddle and kiss, nuzzling in against Kahz with a happy sigh. "Thank you, love. I'm glad I did well! I certainly wouldn't have minded a bit if you came up there with me. Probably would've kept my heart from trying to pound out of my chest... Or get it to do so more, even odds." she said with a little laugh. Even now Kahz could feel her heart pounding like a drum, though it was slowing down to a more steady even beat now that she was settled next to him once more. "I heard that song some time ago and found it lovely. It made me think of you more than once ahaha."

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Both 's and Kahz's hearts and hormones were running hot, the 'ling could tell.  He scootched over to let her sit by him once more, chuckling, "Not a day goes by that I don't hear a song that makes me think of you... but I'm a musician that sings a lot about love, so perhaps that's just a bias!"  Even as he felt the Qilin settle, he knew it wouldn't take long for either of them to rile the other up once more.  But this was a rhythm, and one to which they could dance.  Actually, that did bring up a thought, "You sing quite well, for all that... do you dance much?"  

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yù blinked and chuckled a softly, oh there really was now slowing him down was there? Well that was fine, that passion for life was something the mare adored about him. "Only when no one can see honestly. Living in Canterlot it feels like almost an obligation to know at least a little bit of ballroom dancing, so I've dabbled in that, and aerobic dance is a wonderful exercise when you don't really have time to do much else." she's say with a smile as she leaned on a hoof. "So a novice I would say, but most certainly willing to learn. It'll be fun."

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Yù understood what it was to adopt a skill out of obligation, which he supposed accounted for why she hadn't been public with her dancing.  "Honestly, I'm kind of the same when it comes to formal dance.  A lot of the stage moves I do I just made up, back when I wasn't playing for anypony but my hivemates.  There wasn't much pressure to fit in, so I could feel free to just be... me, I suppose.  Turns out, that helps a lot once you come out in public, gets all the jitters out beforehoof.  Nothing messes you up in dancing more than nervous jitters."

He chuckled, offering her arm.  "But seeing as we're both eager students, why don't we go out on the town a look for a teacher?  It's a lot more fun to learn with partner, after all!"

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The mare hummed thoughtfully for a moment. She had taken classes on ballroom dancing before so that was far from an issue. But it was different when it was someone you loved. That, however, she knew was just anxiety talking. Kahz didn't care whether she was a master of ballet or had four left hooves. So why should she? "I think that sounds like a wonderful idea. Knowing what little I do know of the city, I'm certain we'll find no shortage of options." she'd reply with a wink, taking the offered arm in hers.

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Casually tossing out the last bits needed to cover their bill and tips, Kahz took up Yu's arm and strolled out into the darkening street.  It was just getting to that time of the evening where the land was darkening, but the sky hadn't yet.  Of course, this being Las Pegasus, the sky never really got dark, as all the lights in the buildings above were coming on.

"Better get a little further from the main strip..."  The changeling murmured to himself, trying to remember if there was anypony in his contacts from the casino resort he worked at that kept a teaching studio.  A name suddenly sprang to mind.  "Say... I was thinking, we should probably find someone who teaches a style of dance we're both equally unfamiliar with, right?"  The cheeky grin on his face would have tipped the mare off that her changeling coltfriend had something devious cooking under that chitin dome of his, but hopefully she would find it enjoyable!

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Yù Xīn hummed happily as the two made their way out into the still rather bustling streets of Las Pegasus. The mare leaned her head on Kahz' shoulder a little as they strolled. It was always fascinating, how vast the differences between cities could be. Canterlot was often bustling and bright, but Las Pegasus was on a whole different stage. Like someone turned the dial to 11 and just left it there. The same could be said for ponies and other creatures though. Even with their similarities they were different, different things made them tick.


The mare glanced up at Kazh as he pondered, squinting lightly at that cheeky grin of his. He was up to something. He wasn't trying to hide it a bit, which said to Yù that it would surely only be a little bit embarrassing. She could live with that. Chuckling a little she'd give the changeling a gentle nuzzle. "I suppose that would put us on equal ground, that sounds fair to me."

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Once he got Yù Xīn's approving nuzzle, Kahz began to direct her off the Main Strip out towards the residential district.  "Excellent!  I happen to know somepony from work who keeps a studio in town; he's brought in to choreograph a lot of the shows for the resorts here, but he did offer some private lessons after I cut a few tracks for his own shows."  Shows might have been Kahz's most visible form of work, but despite how esteemed he felt right now in his marefriend's presence, he wasn't a top-tier rock star.  So, that meant a lot of jobbing work, but he didn't mind so much; the sociable little lovebug loved meeting new ponies, and you didn't meet so many good ones once you rose too far up the fame pyramid.


After a few minutes, he found the house-studio out on the flats of the plateau.  "Hopefully Foxtrot doesn't mind the evening call..."  Kahz said, as he trotted up with Yù Xīn to knock on the door, buzzing his wings a bit in anticipation...

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  • 3 weeks later...

The mare happily followed along with Kahz down the Main Strip, listening with a smile. She was happy to hear that the changeling was making friends out here. She knew, not from experience of course but from seeing it all too often in stories and newspapers, that a musician's life could be a hard one. But Kahz was sensible, she couldn't see him trying to fly too close to the proverbial sun. "Oh? That's great. It always pays to have good connections. Especially when they're mutually beneficial." she would add with a little nod. As they arrived, Yù hummed thoughtfully at the rather spacious looking studio-home. It reminded her a bit of ones she had seen in Canterlot a time or two, she idly wondered if the same architect got around that much.




Foxtrot wasn't typically one to turn in early, not when the midnight oil could still be burnt. He usually worked evenings anyway so even on his days off he was up and about doing something or another. In this case he was dancing about doing a bit of clean up. The house was still relatively new, several months since he had saved up enough money at long last to move himself and Eden out of the loft apartment they had been in.

For a moment, the young stallion hadn't heard the knock, but when he realized that the thumping he had heard was neither the music he had playing or that of his own bouncing about, he came to a small skidding halt and made his way over to the door. Cracking it open, his polite smile turned into a friendly grin quickly as he spotted his evening visitor. "Heeey! Kahz, good to see you! What brings you by tonight?" the unicorn asked, smiling over at the qilin before looking back to Kahz. "This the gal you were telling me about before?"

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Glad to see his friend was open to keeping late hours, Kahz stepped aside to give Foxtrot a better view of Yu with all the presantory pride of a big winner at the local casinos astounded by his own good luck.  "Yes she is!  Drifted into town one day and caught a show of mine, as well as my eye.  Not quite sure how I caught her own, but hey!  A changeling ought to know as well as anyone the caprice of love, eh?"  He gave his marefriend a quick kiss, practically skipping inside with all the humble levity of one who has given up on ruminating upon the question of whether he deserves his good fortune, and only seeks to enjoy it to the full.


"Yu was interested in taking dancing lessons with me, and I wanted to start with a style we were both equally ignorant in, for fairness' sake.  I thought of you instantly; I figured it was about time I took up your offer on 'special private lessons', if you don't mind making it a couple's deal, eh?"  He gave a meaningful wink to the dance instructor, certain that he was already co-conspirator in his little surprise.  Equally as certain as he was that Yu would take it in good humor, though there was a little bit of doubt in the back of his mind that gave this enterprise an ever-greater thrill.  Kahz did have something of the risk junkie in him, after all...

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