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Age of Colossi (knightofthesun)(semi-closed, PM to join)


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The storm was much worse than when he had gone to bed... he could feel the rain falling down, and this "bed" was a lot less comfortable than it had been when he had laid down.


Once greymane had opened his eyes, one thing was certain, he had not laid down to sleep in a junkyard... and the storm clouds overhead, he'd be able to catch a few faint flashes of blue lightning, something wasn't right. a lot of the garbage around him also did not look normal, strange objects that he could never guess the use of, and the smell of dirty air from some city not far away.


A large shadow soon loomed over him, though, giving him a reprieve from the rain, but instead a massive airship was now hovering directly above him, and from that ship leapt what appeared to be 4 ponies in amazingly form-fitting shiney metal armor.  they landed on all four sides of him and one raised a metallic "boot" which irised open threateningly as it spoke in a voice like the robots on the radio shows about science gone awry




but before it could finish another voice was heard from a speaker somewhere else on the "armored pony"s body, a voice that likely sounded familiar to the paladin, but possibly not...


"Stop! I told you no violence! No! Violence! You hurt him and I'll turn you all into can-openers!" exclaimed a mare's voice.



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now this was just great,first Greymane was in someplace he wasn't familiar with and now there was somepony barking orders at him. This day kept on getting better and better.


"Listen 'ere,lassy...Ye could'a just bloody asked before Ye come busting in ere with yer constructs an the like:wot business am ah exactly gettin into if an come with Ye,eh?"


Truth be told,Morgan had no idea what was going on...but if it was better than being alone then he'll take it. Though this mare being all bossy and stuff did make him somewhat worried. He liked the mares with spirit but not so much as to come off as tyrannical.


"Well are Ye gonna answer meh,or are Ye just gonna stand there looking like yer gonna mug someone outta fancy?"

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"RESISTANCE DETECTED!" announced the robot as it moved to grab the stallion's tail


"I said no violence! Just how stupid are you?!" exclaimed the mare, though the sound of her voice made it clear that she was less angry and more upset, she didn't like violence it seemed and she didn't like those under her command being violent to others


The robot seemed to scowl, though it was very hard to tell.


"Its not safe to talk outside, please, come onto my ship and I'll explain everything. I need your help. Your an unknown, you dont have alliances, your the only one I can trust"

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funny thing was that this stallion had no tail...though he didn't really like people reaching for him. As he heard the mare talk however,he would think on it a bit. "Only one she could trust...this sounded like she was in big trouble." He though to himself. He would look to the mare and would trot over to her,his heavy armor making a clanking sound as he came close. 


"Alright then lass..let's git to yer ship then" he would say in a calm voice,though still having that signature foreign accent. 


He understood from her that that she wasn't meaning to be hostile...though he still didn't like it. His cutie mark was covered by armor so she wouldn't be able to see what his talent was but from his height and size,one could assume fighting. He would take a pause before saying...


"Ye mind tellin me yer name or are we goin the ahve te go on a date first?" He would joke,his helm hiding the gentle smile he was giving.

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"Once your on the ship where its safe. We're too close to dangerous ponies who can spy on us." responded the Mare


The robot lay down "PLEASE CLIMB ON MY BACK" it commanded, presumably it could either teleport or fly one, though it wasn't too clear which since it didn't seem to have a horn or wings.

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Morgans indeed would climb on the beings back. Albeit rather heavy,due to his rather knightly looking armor. It was like carrying another robot on the robots back. Though it could probably lift him due to it being...well,a robot


"So where to now,eh metal man?....Ye arent exactly planning on flyin,are Ye?" morgan would say,patting the metal thing with an iron hoof. The robot (and the mare piloting it) would be able to see that his weapon was indeed a metal sword...albeit a rather heavy one. He could probably use a lighter blade in this day and age of lasers and lights. Though the sword he currently wielded looked like it could cleave through a robot just fine through sheer weight,it looked more akin to a large slab of sharpened iron with a pointed tip and crossguard than a normal sword. Something an earth pony would definitely use.



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Small slits on the side of the robot opened up and extended cylindrical shapes that spewed fire out the bottom, literally rocketing the robot and his occupant skyward. the other three followed suit. It took nearly a full minute to reach the airship, it was huge, it wasn't an exaggeration that a small town could be contained inside it. the ship itself was decorated in right colors, most of them pastel blue with quite a few small fountains that were releasing liquid rainbows into the bowls below.


As the robots lead morgan inside the walls were still following the same pattern, with the ceiling painted to resemble clouds and occasional pillars that were also cloud-like. There were numerous pictures on the wall, some of which were animated, all of them showing a certain cerulean pegasus with a rainbow mane and tail as she won race after race, or simply lounged around or flew. It wouldn't take much brainpower to figure out who the owner of the Prismatic was...


Indeed when they reached a central room, they would find the familiar sky-blue pony with rainbow mane and tail sitting on a large couch. the bizarre part though was that she seemed to be an earth pony with no wings!


She was watching what appeared to be a massive moving painting that also emitted words! It looked like it was showing scenes from some kind of war, but as soon as morgan entered, the mare on the couch picked up a remote and turned it off. the screen turning black.


"Thank you, you can all take your leave now"


the robots remained only a moment more before they left, leaving the two in the same room.


"Please forgive them, storms experiments tragically left them with barely enough intelligence to follow basic orders" she sighed sadly "I dont know if you know me, since your not from this world. My name is Rainbow Dash" she spoke very calmly and politely, a little quietly. In fact if morgan was familiar with the six 'heroes' he would likely feel that this pony was less like the rainbow dash of his world and in fact closer in demeanor to Fluttershy.

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Morgan was definitely familiar with it. However,he wasn’t exactly one to fan girl over something like others would. He would take note of the Pegasis lack of wings and would decide to speak.

”Aye,ahve heard of ye...ye were one of those elements o harmony that had been goin about equestria...an te be honest,ahve had the odd experience with golems before.” He would relax himself and would remove his helm,revealing a grey stallion with a trimmed beard and glorious golden eyes...it was like looking into molten gold orbs.



”Ahm Morgan Greymane...now,wot sort of bloody business would Ye want with a lone wanderin lad?”

he would say, straight to the point and not wanting to press her on the matter of her ‘missing limbs’....he lost his tail himself and he knows what pride can be lost from such things.



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Dash nodded politely "nice to meet you" she said, but then sighed "yes, 'was' is right... after things settled down we kinda all drifted apart..." she paused though, looking a little suprised and a little upset "those... they weren't golems..." she looked pained "They were once ponies... they were the wonderbolts... storm took them and slowly twisted them into his own private police force... some of them got off better than others... I have an alliance with Soaren still... Lightning Dust was saved by my sister and last I heard was recovering... Spitfire..." she sighed "Spitfire completely lost her mind... she became a psychotic pyromaniac... she almost k... k..." dash struggled with the word "...she almost ended me and my family... if not for Rad..."


She paused "I saw the way your looking at me. At my back. maybe this will better explain it to you..." she walked over to a small metal pedistol and pressed a series of buttons with her hoof.


The ceiling slid away and a pair of robotic arms extended, reaching down to her back where he wings should be and pulling off what would best be described as highly realistic dust-covers, revealing large electronic ports on her back. The arms retracted into the ceiling and a new pair came down carrying what looked at first like amputated wings, but at closer inspection these wings were noticeably larger than usual and they shined of metal, and where they would usually attach to a pony's back were the male electronic connectors.  the arms carefully positioned the wings and locked them in place, then retracted.


Dash flapped the wings a few times then folded them up along her back and side like a normal pegasus would. "I lost my natural wings in an accident years ago, flying over a garbage dump not unlike the one we're over now. While it saddens me, it turns out that this was a blessing in disguise... as the world progressed, more and more racers were using cybernetic wings, if I had still had my own wings, I'd have been left behind and unable to compete"


she spread the wings wide and glowing energy formed between the large metal 'feathers' turning into a forcefield. "This is the world your now in, Morgan. Your mind will soon be expanded" she paused dramatically, posing just as dramatically, before releasing the forcefield and letting the wings fold up again. 


She sighed and sat down "But the reason I need you..." she said, her eyes starting to redden a little as she forced back tears and steeled her emotions "I need somepony I can trust to find my sister."

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Morgan would seem to look saddened and somewhat....disorientated when they mention they were once good pony folk.


“A-ahm Sorry lassy...I didn’t know....”

...and the story she told would seem to make him clench a hoof....it was as if the story she told, the horrors she had explained...it was as if they lit a fire within the paladin. Dash could see that there was a spark of someone familiar to dash...a certain other element she had befriended through competition.


”Aye, me mind may need expandin...but the same evils still remain,ere or there” 


Morgan would unclench the hoof,a little crackle being heard from it...was that electricity?


”Aye,ah’ll help ye...though ahm gonna need te start someplace...any idea where she was last seen an wot she looked like?”


one could already tell he despised this storm person already.



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Dash reached over and picked up the remote and pointed it at the screen.


An image came up showing a group of four ponies, three of which would look familiar to Morgan. One was clearly another Rainbow Dash, but she had massive dragon wings and wore a red hooded cloak, the hood pulled back, that had her cutiemark on the back of it. Oddly enough her eyes were not magenta but blood red, and despite the fact she was smiling, those eyes told the story of a pony who had been through a very hard life and done things she regretted. The second pony was a small orange filly with purple hair and tail, lacking a cutiemark, her eyes though instead of their familiar color were a piercing blue seeming to glow they were so light, she seemed happy and excited. The third pony was black of fur, mane, and tail, but had a grey skunkstripe in it of gray, with batwings and a horn, she wore a black low-cut bodysuit and boots along with three small hoops in the other sides of her ears and a pair of silver studs, 'snakebites', under her lower lip, her smile showed a mouth of fangs instead of normal pony teeth. It wouldn't take much to realize this was some batpony form of Twilight Sparkle. The fourth pony though, she was a mystery. Dark grey fur and blacke mane and tail, bat wings, and military fatigues, though in a black-and-gray cammo. This pony was not smiling but did not seem particularly unhappy and was standing especially close to the bat-pony-twilight, clearly sompony special to her.


"This was a photo taken before they left on their mission" explained Dash, "As you see we have my sister, Rad, Scootaloo, Midnight Sparkle, and Dark Star, apparently now known as Nova and with some changes to her appearance, including now being a stallion" her voice cracked a little at first as she mentioned her sister "They were sent on a mission by that... by  Storm to another universe to retrieve something-or-other for him. However just as they were pulled back, the universe collapsed... They were all presumed... d... d..." she paused a moment "gone" she finally said "that was a month ago. Roughly a week ago Mid returned, babling almost incoherantly, and after Luna spoke to her and calmed her down... well their mission had been wild and ended badly..."


Dash sighed and closed her eyes "...Rad is still alive. She and I are linked in a way I cant explain... but I can feel her life essence... and... and dammit, she's a Rainbow Dash, we're the most awesome pegasai in any universe! If mid could make it back, I know rad could too!" This was the first time Dash swore, and the first time morgan would see that familiar fire in her eyes that was the signature of a Rainbow Dash. She might be more mild than he was used to but there was no question she was a true dash.


"I dont know what happened. I dont know if Storm has her... or the Ice Queen... or Luna... or that psycho Celestia... or hell maybe she's even somewhere else like Stalliongrad or in the Redline... but I know she's alive... and your the only one who has no alliance to any of them. So I can trust you to look for her without hiding anything from me to appease your masters... I cant trust the others... not even Luna or even my old friends... dont get me wrong, I still love my friends, I speak with Chairman Applejack every other week and the Ice Queen even more often... but Rad was important. She had found some way to save our dieing world... and because of that, any or all of them might be hiding her away somewhere."

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Morgan would think on it,his hoof stroking that's beard of his. This was definitely a step up from the usual adventure,definitely something more serious. However,as he would hear about celestia being a psycho he decided to ask. 


"Now look ere,lassy...ah may be not from round ere but ah can definitely tell something wrong ere...now if ahm goin te find yer sister" he decides to trot closer to dash,hoof up as if to shake hers or the like "Ahm goin te need to be told bout everything that has happened....as well as what tragedies occurred" Morgan didn't like this as much as anypony but he had to have some clue about the current world...otherwise he'd be making the wrong assumptions about people...he may not look to be a smart pony but he definitely knew he needed more information. As well as a lead...although some suspects he feared to be the culprit more than others....


"If ye tell me bout these possible suspects fer this hiding then it's gonna make it that much less of a monument te erect,if ye ken what ahm sayin...and once that is taken care of...ah'll help he find yer wee sis."

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Dash sighed "I'm just a racer, not some politics scientist" she said, sincerely "but I can give you some basic info on some of them, and I can get a pony who can tell you more about the specifics. I have a large staff, some of them are ponies with an education in politics and history" she paused "From what Rad and others said... the main divergence in our world started around fifty years ago when Storm found some way to create the magic liguid called Lay" she walked over to the same machine and pushed another series of buttons and it dispensed a capped vial of a glowing blue liquid, which she handed to morgan "from what I understand, this is related to the energy unicorns use to cast spells and it sparked a revolution in technology. Today all technology runs off it... from our smartphones and TVs to life-saving laytech hearts and other organs that keep a lot of ponies alive... well almost all the tech. Rad found some way to power our tech without lay... which is important because the lay is running out" she explained


"From there other points of divergence include the dark sea and Luna's island. Luna, or then Nightmare Moon did something horrible there - I dont really know the details, but she made what we call Dark Ponies - their like bat ponies but they can suck out a normal pony's soul, transforming that pony into a dark pony, and they use these souls to cheat death somehow. As you can guess some time after Nightmare Moon was banished, the dark ponies broke free of the secret island and started coming to the mainland, stealing souls... this lead to the shadow wars. That was why Luna was not welcome back to equestria when she finally escaped the moon, Even though now she's working hard to fix the mess she started. Somehow there was a piece of nightmare moon in every dark pony, and luna is now removing that. They're still Dark ponies and they still can chest death, but they cant steal souls anymore, and they arent as violent or evil... but its a slow process. Rad was working with Luna to try and find a way to cure all the dark ponies at once, since right now Luna can only cure them one at at time"


She paused again "Any questions so far?" she asked

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"Aye....what of celestia. From what ah can bloody tell,she's gone into a rabbit hole that the one ah know would never go in...what's more,we will need ah way te contact each other if we're gonna keep our progress up"


he seemed to look at the blue liquid intently:the very thing that ponies use for magic right here in his hoof. Here he was,learning secrets already that weren't known in his own realm. What a right and proper mess he's gotten himself into. He was going to have to adapt to the times ver quickly if he was to get himself 


"An it sounds te me already that there's a good enough reason fer one to kidnap her:maybe she found somethin there that somepony doesn't want to be known...."


he ponders a bit on the liquid before handing it back to dash,having done examining it as he says "Ah'll find yer sister...ah swear on me soul"


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Dash sighed "...celestia... I think it would be easier for me to show you..." she pointed the remote at the screen again.


This time the picture changed to a live broadcast, showing a mare sitting at a desk "Good evening equestria, I'm Manea Harding, and this is ENN" the camera shifted and she looked at it grimly "Our latest story is sure to tug at your heart strings, as the Dictator Celestia, the Sun Queen, oppresses her ponies even more. We go to our correspondent Daniel Hoofington for more. Daniel?"


The screen faded and came back showing a huge almost-opaque magical barrier in some snow, stretching all the way to the horizon, with unicorn guards on top of it, looking angry and ready to attack. The camera then reversed the zoom, showing that it was a safe distance or close to a mile away from the wall "Thank you, Manea. Good evening, equestria, I'm Daniel Hoofington with the latest on what I'm calling, the littlest tragedy.  Report came in that last night, the foal called Orange slice, has died. Those of you who have been following this story will know that Orange was born with a defective heart, something that here in the civilized world can be fixed quickly and easily with a replacement laytech heart, but withe the sunlands absolute zero-tolerance ban on laytech, the parents pleas fell on deaf ears and tonight, after having only lived to see three sunrises, little orange died of complications from his malformed heart." the reporter paused to allow viewers to grasp the scope of what he said "...but I'm afraid it does not end there. I have just received word that the Sun Queen publicly admonished the grieving parents, telling her whole kingdom what so-called 'sin' they had committed by wanting to use laytech to save their only foal. ...and as one might expect in the sun kingdom, a lynch mob formed as soon as the Queen left, and now there is not just the one grave to fill, but three...." he hung his head a moment before somberly saying "back to you, Manea"


The screen switched back to the studio and the mare at the desk was shaking her head sadly "A true tragedy" the screens shifted and the anchor said "Now for a commercial break, and when we come back, another sighting of that mysterious blue lightning, this time near cloudsdale, and a special report on how you can retire early by investing in the right stocks!"


Dash turned the screen back off "Celestia is a radical dictator of the far-north who bans any and all use of laytech in her lands... and every day her dispicable wall is expanding, claiming another foot of land from the rest of us... she's so dedicated to her crady ideas that she lets her ponies suffer and die..." Dash paused "That... is what has become of celestia" she said dramatically.

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Morgan at this point has started to lose faith in this realms leaders....if this is what equestria has come to,all the better to cleanse it in holy light...dash could see that there was a bit of static electricity running across the stallions armor,a vein emerging on his brow as he grits his teeth....but then calms down as he would count up "One...two....three....four...five..." as he got to five,the lightning would vanish...though the smell of burnt ozone could still be faintly smelt.


"F-fergive me...ah lost mahself.....if this realm has become this polluted with tyranny,all the more reason these rulers ahre not worthy of being in power....a rulers duty is to their people,not to their ideas." He would slam his hoof down as he would look to dash. "Ah'll find yer sister alright...but this revelation ye gave me is....disturbing to say the least" he would look to dash with those golden eyes of his. "Alrighty then...Ive got no more questions...."

he picks up his helm and speaks once more "Ahm ready te go searchin...unless yeve got any gear I need or anything else to say,lassy?"

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Dash opened her moth to speak, but when she did, she stopped moving.


Everything stopped moving. Even morgan. He found himself completely unable to move himself and he would feel a immeasurably powerful, almost godly, presence behind him


My, My, My.... Who would have thought that a no-name pony that got sucked into the gate would prove such a wild card? I'm sorry, but I should warn you, there are still some of us who value this rock called Terra and would prefer to see it kept safe. There are ways to save it that the arrogant and foolish dont comprehend. The Alchemist understood, she tried to help me save this land... and now you... maybe... there is still hope...


With that everything was normal again, the world moved, Morgan could move, and the presence was gone.


"Yeah I have something that I think will help you" said dash as she walked over to a table and picked up a small rectangular device "This smartphone is fully charged, so it should last about a month before you need to add more lay to it. My number is already in the contact list. If you want an AI module for it, I think we have some spare ones floating around or I can send somepony with you to buy one" she offered, much more cheery and upbeat now that they had moved on to talking about other things. This rainbow really did seem to have a lot of fluttershy's personality in her...

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Morgan would seem to hold his breath while the godly presence was near him,seeming to make him feel weak and feeble...but as soon as it would leave,Morgan would return to his senses and would shake his head to clear himself.

"A-Aye,ah think an...an ai module would help me lot...saves me time fer learnin how the use it,"hehe!" He did have an idea of how to use it,as there were magic item he had encountered called speaking stones with a similar function...but they were built more like radios than anything and he didn't even know what a radio was. "Ye donna have te but me one of Ye already got one...however ah ahve beeen thinkin:ah may need a bit of an armory upgrade...ah did see that those there armored lads had the weirdest swords have ever seen...just the handlegrip an a button."

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Dash nodded "alright, I'll get Zebas to help you, he's my head butler and also the second in command of this ship" she explained "oh wait!" she grabbed a piece of paper and quickly scribbled two overlapping triangles, one pointing up and one pointing down, in a circle "Does this mean anything to you?"


Did you guys know that the Star of David with a circle around it ...

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"I cannae really say...though that does look like a magic circle,ah don't know much in terms of magic drawings. Well that's not exactly true,ah do know about runes but nothin like that" he'd shrug a bit,placing the cellphone in the pouch of his armor belt. It would fit snugly in there while Morgan would look to rainbow

"Why do ye ask...because ah have a feelin that's got some sort of meanin to Ye" 

now that he was closer,one could see that on his cloak seemed to be his cutie mark...though one would have to stand straight up to see otherwise his height would hide it:a sword surrounded in yellow lightning,as if I tried were wreathed in it.

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Dash sighed "Its related to Rad" she explained "she could use symbols like that to do strange and wondrous magic... I keep hoping that... in case she really is...." dash sighed "...well... if nothing else I keep hoping another pony will show up from her world that understands that magic... we have some of her notes and things but even our greatest wizards and engineers cant make heads or tails of them"


She crumbled up the paper and tapped a button on her remote


Moments later a white stallion showed up at the door with grey mane and tail and a very well-kept bear and mustache, wearing a suit. He bowed "How can I be of Service, Ma'am?"


"Zebas, this is Morgan, he is a friend of the family, I need you to help him in any way you can"


Zebas nodded "Of course, it will be my pleasure" he stood and looked at the other stallion "Come, sir, we shall take our leave of Miss Dash and see about your... equipment..."


Dash smiled a little "Thank you, Zebas" she then looked at the other pony "Morgan, thank you too" she said hugging him and finishing off with a huge kiss on the lips. Afterwards she pulled away, giggling a little.


Zebas shook his head but smiled at Dash's antics "Come, Master Morgan, let us be off"

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Morgan blushes hard when he was given such a huge kiss,sort of staring off into space all dreamylike before shaking his head to get back in the game

"hey ho what no- oh right Ye...the equipment. Aight,let's git goin" he still blushes and sort of daydreams while following zebas and following the butler. Anybody could see that Morgan was...charmed by the double rainbow.

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Zebas took note of this as they left and once the door was close he smiled "Dont get too excited, the mistress is an unashamed flirt, but she only has eyes for one pony and you are not her" he cleared his throat "Now then, besides getting you fitted with some armor and weapons that dont belong in a museum, what else can I do for you?" he asked as they walked down a carpeted hallway looking like it belonged in a 5-star hotel, towards an elevator

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"Well...maybe somethin that will help me with breaking my fall. Is there any sort of boots or something that'll cushion me fall"

when he says that his armor and sword belong in a museum he would say "Ah know ah know,they are old...but the sword I cannae ever part with...its a lot stronger than ye think. But I can use some better armor and shite,If Ye know wot I'm saying" he would chuckle a bit,then speaking once more as he trotted on down the hall


"Well,I really don't wanna lose me phone if I were to fight...would it be possible if I were to get one of those...weird things that goes over yer eye?" He seemed to be talking about the visor helm or scanners. It would probably have some variant that allowed ai interface. 

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"Well, it depends on how big of a fall your planning to take" said Zebes "there are some large boots that can handle quite long falls, but they are also extremely bulky, if your only planning on jumping out of windows, then I believe we have something for you, though for greater falls you might consider simply upgrading to a pair of wings similar to the mistress's" he pressed the call button on the lift and it began ascending


"Yes, a heads-up display, I'm not sure we have one of those on the ship given their fragile nature but if not we can take you to a shop where you can purchase one, all expenses being billed to the mistress, of course" he paused "As for the AI... are you looking for a casual companion, a battle-centric AI, or more of a research AI? Their abilities are slightly limited in terms of scope, the companion is more amicable and friendly but not too good on the battlefield or gathering information, while the battle AIs can be somewhat... aggressive... and the more research skewed AIs are a bit cold and distant, focusing more on information gathering and organization than their emotional core" he explained as the doors opened and he walked in, motioning for morgan to enter a well

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