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“Now old on a minute now,we just bloody met...no need fer ye to be all hostile all of a bloody sudden. Now could we at least talk before ye raise yer blaster because ye’d be bold to assume ah fear death...now wots this about a betrayal then, ahve no clue why that gave ye the impression” he would hold his hooves up...however he would make sure that he’d keep that call lightning power memorized...it’d be quite a shock for the Pegasus to see a lightning bolt strike. “First off,why don’t we talk...mah name is Morgan Greymane,wots yer name?” Hed seem to act pretty calm in a situation like this...it’s like Deja by or clockwork to be in situations like this “Id hate te not know the name of the mare who bloody killed me,Aye?”

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She paused "Orchid." she said plainly "And you claim you want a peaceful envoy with out queen, but you show up dressed for a war, complete with visible weapons! what else am I to think?" ther was the tiniest of quivers in her voice - she didn't want it to be true, she didn't want to fight or kill, but she also didn't want to risk her country and queen. 


Morgan would speak "Lassy...yer gonna ahve te trust me on this:Bein armed is somethin ah need to be given that these are dangerous times...I'm on a sort of...errand fer dash. Ah cannot say fer Ye that Ye should trust me but this is important...lives may be at stake if we delay like this...the life of someone supposedly dead...an whoever else may be involved" Morgan would say as he starts to approach "Now ye could try an kill me fer yer queen an country,ah won't hold it against Ye....but doin so may be the worst mistake in yer life. Now go on an choose..." Morgan would say,sitting in front of orchid,his yellow fur cloak seeming medievalist compared to the rest of his armor and weaponry (except for the sword). "Ahm ear on uncoverin this mystery that is dashes sister"


Orchid lowered her gun "so... thats what this is really about" she commented "Dash sent you to talk to Mid... and probably try to help her..." she holstered the weapon "She probably didn't tell you this, but I bet she's worried about her. I know dash hates Mid's brother, but I think she cares about mid a lot - if only because Mid and Rad were so close - I mean Mid's mate was Rads' daughter's father... I shouldn't have said it like that, it sounds bad, its a complicated relationship and has something to do with Star's past... like... the foal was old enough that she kinda chose who she wanted to be her father... like I said, its complicated, but because of it, Rad, Star, and Mid were really close and considered each other to be family, so by extension, they were part of Dash's family too." she sighed, mentally shifting gears "Your still going to be under suspicion from all the residents and probably most of the guards because of the armor, but... come on, I guess we should go then" she motioned to a craft nearby and started over towards it. The craft was large enough for two and was painted black with green accent lines.


“Aye,family can be a strange thing. As fer suspicion and the like,Ahm used to it” Morgan would say,giving a salute before following orchid to the craft,his metal armor clanking as if it were still his plate mail. He sort of admired orchid for being willing to serve her queen and country,even at the cost of her own life...something he would do himself. “So orchid....did ye really have explosives to blow me to kingdom come?” Hed say jokingly before patting orchid,his tall frame looking to her calmly like one would look to a friend. “Yer a good lil’ lass”


She sighed "I was bluffing" she admitted "all I had was that little blaster for defense against the wildlife. The Queen trusts Dash so she saw no need to send anypony heavily armed or armored to pick up one of Dash's friends" she explained.


When he touched her, she would tense up, her leathery wings twitching like she thought about slapping him for a split-second, but she relaxed again. What would interest him more though, was the fact that everywhere he touched her, he felt bones or even just tightly-stretched skin. This girl was so thin, that she probably was having to wear a weighted suit just not to be knocked over by a gentle breeze. 


Morgan looked a bit concerned about her thinness...though wouldn’t speak much of it specifically. He would however speak “Ye Alright lassy...ye look like ye could gain altitude just fer bein in the wind fer a few seconds” He’d look to her as if he was concerned for her...she would be able to notice the cutie mark on him,that being the signature sword wreathed in lightning. He was definitely a warrior....though why dash would employ a warrior to help her remained much a mystery. “Sorry fer touchin ye like that...if ye don’t like being touched ah ken if ye don’t....”


"I'm just... not used to it" she explained a little timidly. she did giggle as they mounted the vehicle and started out over the ocean "that's kind of you, but I'm a model, honestly, with what I've been doing for the queen I've slipped, I need to lose quite a bit more weight to be back in the light" she explained.


As they moved towards the island, the water would start to grow darker, due to the speed they were traveling, it wasn't long until it was pure black, and from that blackness, a vile feeling was coming, a feeling that it was just... wrong... on a very deep level. Morgan would also begin to feel sick as the vile magic started effecting him, at first it was like allergies, then a cold, then he would feel like he was coming down with the flu... and it only kept getting worse. there was no doubt that Nightmare Moon had infused this water with the most vile of magics, the way it clung to the ship and seemed to be trying to reach up and grab morgan... he would quickly realize that wasn't his imagination, the water really was trying to grab him and drag him under. Thankfully the craft had large hydrofoils on the sides that kept the water from reaching him, that it did try...


Morgan started to nod...but would seem to react almost fearfully to the black substance,as if he were in incredible fear of it....he started to back away from the edge as his heart beat increased. People would notice that he would instinctively have his hoof glow with a ball of light,as if to calm himself down....the sick feeling in his stomach only made things worse as he seemed to react violently,curling up a bit as he would not expect such foul magic here...he had not felt anything like this in a long time...and it wasn’t making him react fearfully...it took a few seconds for him to stop (shorter if his companions helped calm him down) but he would speak saying “I....I’m sorry Ah didn’t mean to get so nervous Ah....the darkness scared me”


"I'm sorry, I should have warned you. The black water does that, it makes you sick" she reached into a compartment and pulled out a silver amulet with numerous runes etched into it and handed it to Morgan "put this on, it will negate the effects of the black magic temporarily" she paused "It should give you about 2-3 days before its overwhelmed, but if you stay long after that it will kill you... or worse..."


“Aye...thanks...”Morgan would say as he would put the amulet around his neck,looking out from the boat towards where their destination might be. “Matilda,could ye be a darling an patch me up some info on the locale ere?” He would say out loud,taking out his phone as he would let the ai come out. He needed some info on the history as well as currently political climate for the area...he was going to need it for any talking he was going to do.


The goat appeared standing on orchid's head "Oh so now you ask me, maybe you shoulda thought about it before you left?" she paused but contiued in a less snarky tone "The Island now known as the darklands was first discovered back in...." and from there Morgan would be given a long history lesson that no bouty parallelled his own world's history of the island for many thousand years... and considering the detail that Matilda was going into, this was going to take hours and hours before he even reached the nightmare wars....


“Hold it hold it,time out....first of all,wot ah bloody meant was the current political climate not some bloody essay...ah need a small synopsis of the nightmare wars, ye call it....though during our little travels,Ah want ye to search up anything on rainbow dashes sister rad on her involvement with any so called projects...though ah would rather ye not say them out loud an just send me the bloody findings please...we’ve got plenty oh time as it seems”


Matilda frowned slightly "The nightmare wars were a period when Nightmare moon fought Equestria prior to her banishment to the moon" she paused "That short enough for you? if not I can say say 'it was a war' or even just 'war' thats as basic as I can go" Now she was just being a smartflank


"You wont find anything about Rad on the internet" said Orchid "not anything important - her own stuff she wrote down on paper, not in her phone, and even the stuff she talk to it about was lost when her AI was destroyed. The rest of it would be locked away in private archives. I dont think even the queen knows the full extent of what Rad was doing... you'll probably have to piece it together by talking to Rad's friends and family" 


Matilda again frowned "she's not wrong, all I'm getting is a few purchases she made, some places she was seen, and one registration for a hoverbike - I'm not breaking into secured archives, I'm not some kind of criminal"


"your AI's not been modified" commented Orchid "she can do it, but right now her code wont let her"


"hey dont you go talkin' about me like that, I know plenty about YOU that you dont want to hear" snarked MAtilda, looking at Orchid.


which indeed made the bat-pony go silent. Clearly she was well aware of some things in her past she didn't want to think about and didn't want other to know about...


“Hey easy on the little lass,Matilda.”He would sort of look to Matilda with a “really bro?” Sort of look. He’d proceed to look at his large sword to sharpen it,passing the time as he would talk to orchid “So,whots yer big connection with the queen other than servin her?” He would say,sharpening the sword with a whetstone as he would talk.


"I used to be one of the Elements of Chaos" explained Orchid with a sigh, clearly this was one of the things she didn't really want to tell people "We were ment to be a counter to the elements of harmony, but by the very nature of being a team that had to work together, we were kidna doomed from the start. We never really saw any action, except Mid, who went on to become Nightmare Moon's -and now luna's- Warlock. Her powers are so great that I think now even Luna herself fears Mid... or atleast fears what she could do, anypony that knows mid wouldn't be scared of her since even when she's angry she holds back" she paused "After Luna's return and banishment o the darklands I've been one of her main special agents, since my work as a model lets me travel all around equestria without suspicion"


Morgan sort of nods in understanding of orchids situation...though not really being able to fully grasp her situation during that time,he knew what it was like to hold a dark secret. He would sort of stop smiling when he heard the term warlock....it was as if the very word sent a shudder down his spine. He would shrug it off and say “Well that all makes some bloody sense...ah can take a gander an say that Luna is still tryin te make up fer some of her mistakes.” He gives orchid a pat before looking towards where they were going,trying to see if he could spot any structures up ahead “Orchid, will we Ahve to go a ways or will we just pull up to Luna’s wee hovel an talk?”


"Not too long, we're on a high-speed lay-ski, then we just need to walk to the castle and take a teleporter up... unless you need something - I can slow down a little and take us on a more scenic rout if you need me to" she explained


As they neared He would begin to make out the shape of buildings, most were constructed of contrasting white and black stone, with a lot of metal accents. The architecture was extremely Gothic and, honestly more than a little dangerous looking. Every building had sharp edges and spikes on it, it was clear that the original architects were trying to build a city that screamed "this place is EVIL with a capital E!" but as much was to be expected from nightmare moon. There were some more modern and less vicious looking structures though, as the island was either trying to move away from the past association or was simply evolving with and catching upto the modern times. He couldn't make out too much specifically yet though, despite the speed they were traveling at, the island was still a long ways off.


“Nah nah,lets git this over with...though ah do wonder wot it’s gonna be like fer the princ-Ah mean queen in this place of tech gone far....” he’d stop talking before he begins again. “So,anything Ah need te expect from the place:do Ah need to make any bows in respect or do ah just continue on up an talk te her like ah would with any pony....ah may be a bit on the fergetful side but ah can definitely remember her fabled “royal voice”. He remembered one time as a young guard that he had made a big mistake...he voice made his ears ring for a week. Orchid would be able to notice he was without a tail...though with ponies of battle,limbs were likely to be missing.


"She has adjusted quite well, much better than her sister did" commented Orchid "She has one of the largest super-computers in the world, known as Artemis. Though what she uses it for is anypony's guess... though I'm told its used in part for offloading some of Mid's data-crunching that her AI does" she paused "Over the years she's also... I suppose the term one could use is 'mellowed out' and is a lot less agressive than she used to be, I think having to work so hard to clean up her own mess has humbled her a bit... but dont take her lightly, she's still the queen of the land after all" she paused "Just show her respect she deserves and you should be fine. Remember she is a queen, so of course keep a little distance, bow, address ehr regally, all the normal formality. If you miss something she wont vaporize you or anything, but try to be appropriate"


Morgan would nod,checking his breath and fixing up his mane a bit before he would then say “Aye,ah’ll show her some respect...maybe more so now that ah know what sort of hardships she’s had te go through. From wot ah can tell,she’s worthy of that at least” he’d take out some rations he had in his pack (a cheap oatcake or two) and would eat one so as to soothe his hunger. A big silly pony like him needed food “Ye need a wee bite?....this stuff may not be no gourmet meal but it gits the job done”


"If your that hungry we'll grab you a burger or something as soon as we land, its only going to be about 20 minutes" said Orchid "or a pizza or, well, whatever you want, I dont want yo see you starve yourself and eat Styrofoam" it was clear that even if she was a little harsh, she really did care a lot about other ponies


Morgan would chuckle a bit,seeming to like that she was a caring little pony "Ah'll be alright,lassy. Ah think ah can stand eating a ration fer a snack" he pats orchid with a hoof before looking on towards the castle...he had wondered what he'd see there....and what dangers there were to behold. He would sit down in the boat and decided to take a quick nap...though he was easy to awaken if they were to reach land.


"I dont suggest trying to nap... this isn't normal water, this is the Dark Sea... you fall in here you will drown over and over and over, experiencing death for a full week straight before its over... even if you managed to climb back aboard you'd still drown, once you touch the dark sea, it doesn't let go of you..." warned orchid as they cut through the black water


Morgan would nod,standing back up as he decided to pass the time another way. Might as well look at that laserlance he had recently acquired...he would activate his laserlance and would look puzzled "Now now now,this wee green blade wilna do fer a warrior...this color doesn't agree with meh....let's change that" he would proceed to hold his hoof over the light,seeming to manipulate it and turn the short and thin green blade into brighter yellow color,elongating the blade an making it much more of a thick blade like projection rather than a beam saber like projection. The light felt slightly warm even from the good few feet away from it that orchid was. "Aye now that's a lot better...ahm gonna call dis wee thing a sun saber" he chuckles a bit,examining the blade before turning it off...looks like he was already making adjustments to his palate "So orchid,ahve got a wee question:Ahve ye ever talked to rad yerself....an I feel ye did,wot was she like?"

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