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Don't Care About Nada (Closed: SteelEagle)


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Silverstream fluttered into the classroom and took a seat towards the front. She loved Professor Fluttershy as a teacher, as she always had the easiest to listen to lectures and fun games, as well as leniency when it came to homework and pop quizzes. Last semester, It took all of seven minutes for Silverstream to finish a week's worth of homework assigned from one of Professor Fluttershy's classes. All she had to do is write down the names of ten citizens from Ponyville that she hadn't met yet, and say something nice to them. The class was currently without its teacher, as Fluttershy seemed to be running late. While waiting for class to start, Silverstream started chatting it up with classmates that sat around her.



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  • Hippo changed the title to Don't Care About Nada



Moonlight Glitter trotted into Professor Fluttershy's class, brimming with energy and looking fine as tartarus. Her school uniform was on point, pressed and cleaned and making her look like woah. She felt like a brand new pony every day and today, like those days, she flaunted it! A swagger in her canter was exaggerated, her tail flicked to and fro to a beat only she knew, and her bright smile echoed up and down the halls with a crackling energy that said this pony's hooves were buffed, her tail fluffed, and her mane puffed. She looked like ten thousand bits, and wanted to be acknowledged as such.


"Hey there chickadee!" Moony said as she took her seat with energy, causing it to almost fall over. She looked worried for a second before it came crashing down back into position with a clank. "Woah, like, floor to Moony- stay on target," she giggled. "Whatcha been up to? Causin' any trouble or being your bitchin' best?"

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Silverstream turned to Moonlight's greeting. "Whoa! Look at you! You look extra sparkly today. Oh, today has been great so far! This morning, Ocellus and I walked down to the lake before class and fed the ducks that hang around the school. We did it for extra credit one time for Animal-Caring class, but now we do it all the time for fun! You should join us sometime." She looked down at Moonlight's well-maintained hooves. "You might need a good pair of boots though, it gets muddy down by the water some mornings. What about you!? What's got you lookin' so good?"


Fluttershy was running late to class. This wasn't the first time she was late, and her students would understand. Today, she was caught up having to cut Angel's lettuce leaves diagonally instead of straight, an ordeal that took an extra fifteen minutes of her morning routine. But everything was done now. She just hope she wasn't breaking too much of a sweat bursting into class. And she knew she needed to finish the class intro soon since she knew Applejack was going to work with her today.

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  • Hippo changed the title to Don't Care About Nada (Closed: SteelEagle)




Moonlight was not much of an outdoorsy pony by trade. She'd do it, how could she not? Applejack would drag her into the muck somehow, and she doubted her cousin would show mercy out there. For all that though she was sure as shine better bred for an indoor spa than lakeside, muddy dalliances. But you know what? Ducks were super cute and somecreature had to feed them right? Might as well be her. Unlike some ponies she knew, Moonlight cared about all creatures and how they felt and would never leave them starved for attention, love, or food as it was in the case of ducks. She doubted that they were in desperate need of the others, unlike more familiar critters. "Oooh, that sounds like sooo much fun! I love little ducks. Their little legs are sooo cute, like oh my Twilight," she said with a bright smile. "When does it start? Like, I have a strict morning routine," she added.


After all, you couldn't rush perfection.
Or however close she came to it, or wanted to appear to it. It turned out there was a lot a filly could do to mask herself and what she was feeling. The right clothes, the right pose, the right smile, the right accessories and a filly could be on fleek. It didn't matter if in the dark of the night if some thoughts started to creep in- not one bit. There was always a way to correct it, fight it, move it away. Attention sure helped. "Oh, I'm jammin' really sweet today. I mean, I always look really good- filly, like, you should see how long I spend in front of the mirror making sure my uniform is exactly right, totally embaaaaarasing- but last night as I was all, like, walking by the gym-" okay, less walking by and more made a stop in to make sure that she could get up close and personal with some adjustments for next season's uniforms, "-and the colts there were on fiiiiirrrreeee when they were looking at me. Like oh my Twilight, I have like four different proposals for the dance!" She giggled as she leaned back, more than a little proud. "Call me a venus flytrap 'cause I'm sweet, elite, and oh-so deadly!"

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  • 1 month later...

Silverstream had no idea what kind of engagement Moonlight had had recently, she could only go off of her story and what she previously knew about her. The pony's story about her strut had her entertained. "Wow, that's really neat. But there's only one colt that could score that dance with you, right?" Silverstream stated with a wink. "Was he one of them?" Silverstream only had a minor acquaintance with the pegasus colt, mostly remembering his performance at the school uniform reveal that Moonlight probably roped him into.


Before more conversation could be had at normal volume, Fluttershy zoomed into the classroom, her mane slightly bedraggled from the quick flight to the school. She panted as she address the class in her normal teaching voice. "Good morning, heh, class. How is everyone doing, heh?" She paused for a classroom response and also to help catch her own breath. "Today I have a special activity today, that I know you are all going to love. But first, who remembers what we learned last time about having friends for a long time?"

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Moonlight's perpetually sunny face took on a darker, gloomier shade when the prospect came up. "Oh, him?" She said, her facer still trying to keep the cheer but her tone hiding the indignation and slight shame not well in the slightest. "Well, I guess he has better things to do than, like, give me the time of day. Well," she scoffed, "Well! Like, whatever, his loss. I have lots of other totally rad suitors. Or he'll come around. Think he'll totally come around?" She asked, trying to feign only mild interest but comimg off more accurate to how she felt- an unhealthy mix of angry, hopeful, and deeply confused. 


Fluttershy offered a distraction from her own emotions. The Professor looked a bit bedraggled. There was the open rumor that her and Discord were pretty close and she could guess as to what a messy mane like hers could mean- but more likely considering she ran an animal sanctuary she was just being kept busy by all the obligations inherent. When she was finished speaking, Moonlight shot her hoof up. For all her flippant feminine charm and energetic expressive flirting, she was a very well engaged student and made sure no Professor would consider her deficient. It helped that they knew more about her than most and had been such good help.

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Silverstream was about to give Moonlight her typical positive words of encouragement that rung in the tone of everything working itself out, something she learned in one of Professor Pinkie Pie's classes. Although, she probably had more reps in that area of friendly encouragement by just being friends with Ocellus, the most worrisome creature she had ever met. Before Silverstream could give her outburst of uplifting commentary to the unicorn, Fluttershy spoke her classroom instruction with soft sternness. Fluttershy's participation check of the last lesson about long term friendship, made Silverstream shoot her talon in the air. "Ooo! Oh!" However, Moonlight appeared to beat her to it.


Fluttershy smiled at her class when all of the students volunteered their answers to her question. "Oh, haha. Um. How about...    Moonlight."

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Moonlight beamed. Her life had gone in many different directions and had taken on new, better forms as she had gotten older, but she had always remained studious (ignore the speech patterns!) and attenttive to studies and teacher alike. "Sometimes friends fight, even longtime ones! Good friends always work through their differences, even if it takes a little help," she said with a tremendous amount of pep, her tail wagging energetically. She was totally with it today. "Two creatures don't have to love the same things, or agree on those things, in order to have respect and care for one another," she said, having memorized a lesson she had read recently. She turned to Silverstream and winked, whispering, "chapter eight, lesson 17," she then tittered and looked back to Fluttershy. Question answered, question about to be asked. "Are you, like, gonna be okay teach? You can totally take a rest."

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  • 10 months later...

Fluttershy was only halfway caught up on breath when the studious Moonlight Glitter finished refreshing the lessons that were taught last time. "Very good, Moonlight, and um. Unfortunately, no. We don't have time to take a break. Because today I have a very special prize for you."


Silverstream began buzzing in her desk. She knew those words well. Anytime Professor Fluttershy said she had a treat it was always really special, like a field trip, or an animal petting session, or an actual treat that the class could eat. She turned to Moonlight, who was fresh off from showing off her good memory to the class. "Do you think she's gonna take us to feeding the wild ducks again?"

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Oooh, she liked this idea! Fluttershy had some of the best ideas ever. If she brought some cute critters along to play with or pet then Moonlight would just DIE. She could really get some awesome cuddling with some cute cats or bond epically with boisterous beavers, and it might just help her chase away the feelings a little bit. “Oh, wow. We’re gonna get a prize? Like, I haven’t won in anything in, like, soooo long!” She asked excitedly, tail flicking happily.


When Silverstream shared her theory, Moonlight immediately bought into it. “Oh my Twilight- all those cute ducks are just so bombin’ right now. Ohh! Maybe some tigers! I could get get some choice tiger time,” she laughed as she leaned in closer to Silverstream. Rawwr, show them this cat’s got some claws too.”

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