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obvioulsy not, cuz i dont understand. why does nopony ever tell me anything? every time i ask a question, everypony gives a vague joking answer that tells me nothing. and pretty much weekly during the school year (not joking) i get something like

It's actually more funny that you don't get it! :lol:

directed at me.
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what a butthole of a doctor! look at that, shes not even looking, and why is she using a ketchup holder? that makes no sense! thats terrible! and now for more information needed to answer your question: what does platonic mean?
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Can you imagine our sammich children?

This conversation got really weird. And it's my fault. :scream:

I suppose I could tell you to Google it, buuuut, what the hay:



  • (of love or friendship) Intimate and affectionate but not sexual.

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Rosewind, your name reminds me of a summers day.

In a open field of flowers and huge hills, behind you, a forest. The sun is forgiving in its heat, the wind comes up in short bursts.

You are sitting under the shade of a tree, moving the loose strands of your mane out of your eyes.

No noise, no distraction to stop you from setting up your picnic.

With a huff you move the basket in front of you.

Opening it gently, you look around to see if your still in isolation.

There's no-pony to be seen.

The grounds stretch on for miles until the meet the edge of the blue sky.

The squeaking of the basket let you know its open and you gaze inside.

Sandwiches, tea and cupcakes. Two each. You're not having this alone.

You're waiting for somepony else.

But time is of the essence!

You must set up quickly.

Throw everything together.

And then you wait.

And Wait.


…. You hope they didn’t forget.


Sitting in the field alone. The sun doesn’t seem as bright anymore.

The emptiness is laughing at you.

You solitude is mocking and teasing.

You tap your hooves together.

What now?

The beauty of the hills shrink. The sky rejects them.

The air goes stale.




You see a silhouette in the distance.


The heat making fun of you?


You recognize it a mile off.

You don't mind that they’re late.

For them, you'd wait forever.

I got carried away didn’t I?



* Goes to look for nose or somthing.

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