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Appy! *glomps appy*

And you should wait till your there?

I'll tolerate this "glomping" for now.

I'm still trying to convince her that a solo, six-hour trip is a good idea.

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Sammich what don't you like about raisins?

they are disgusting. even Garfield wont eat raisins. along with fruitcake and snails. but i doubt garfield would ever eat snails or fruitcake, so those are probably just fear based. but ill bet somewhere in his life, garfield decided to have a handful of trail mix. i know i did. it was a sad day. the MnMs looked wonderful. all the nuts tasted great. but there was a flavor in the back of my mouth that destroyed the rest of it. it was :( a raisin.

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that sounded like the larry boy cartoon theme song for a second. then it stopped and didn't sound as awesome anymore. IT DID IT AGAIN!!! it stopped. then it sounded like a Red song. it sounded like a baby crying. LARRY BOY!! then the build a lot 2 theme song. then clapping. then road to veridian. only screechy and slow. and ignoring a note. more than one note. then the other song.

a cathalos review.

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Maybe it's my avatar. I'm hideous.

Silver...I love you. I'd love to track what you eat in a day out of burning, morbid curiosity.

I'd be creeped out but I love you. So it's k. I'd love to see you track my food intake.

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if you're putting away pop in the fridge and you drop all the cans all over the floor and then you hide them for two weeks and put them away later, will they explode when you open them?

:l :l :l :l

because I may or may not have just done that

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Angie -- I did that with a work vehicle once. I might have accidentally knocked the side mirror off on a highway sign. Then I accidentally forgot about it, and accidentally parked it on the far side of the parking lot. Then I accidentally discovered it a week later. Accidentally.

I've also accidentally rammed the roof of the thing into the top of a parking garage. (in b4 lol woman driver)

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