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I think a lot of people learned something new about Thalos today :sad:

oooh! ooh!

dear winter assuming a lot of people learned something about thalos today:

you were right! today, i learned that running after drinking soda is not always a good thing to do, i learned that i can type with winter, i learned that i hate formal clothes even more than i thought i would, you CAN just sweep everything under the couch and get away with it, and Bin Laden (the name i gave to my chair) is mean to my brother a little too. but not as mean as it is to me. Bad Bin Laden!! oh, and that my warrior bear that most of my attacks work around in LotRO is a pacifist :(

your faithful student:


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oh ah

I had a hashbrown this morning

and I just ate a granola bar

and I ate a few crumbs of bacon left over from my sister's lunch that mom made

meh, it's already past midnight. I'll eat tomorrow :\

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