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*quickly slides up from the shadows and places his hooves around deathsong neck and face, hugging her tightly*

Hehe. Deathsong, your never leave me..your love me..I know you do..your not like the others...your just like Imagination...waiting to be filled with love.

You are..arn't you..*slowly turn the ponies head to look directly into deathsong's eyes*

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*slowly lets a big grin spread across his face and driftingly reaches his hoove up to a light swicth hanging from the celling, turning it off to leave them in the dark*

Oh..Don't worry. I'll teach you all about love....

*blitz of electrcity anf scraping metal is all that can be heard*


Have you heard any of the ponyvill music, Deathsong, it surprisingly high quality. Heres one of them:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zaQExX3toA4&list=LLYutADrYgYqtN3FdscQsWkQ&index=1&feature=plpp_video

In terms of that story: Right now I have a few options. I already have ideas on what to do about my own personal silent hill-I'm planning on doing an art symbolism project about my life and I wanted to do it all in silent hill style..even do a symbolic monster catalogue-or I can do a fictional character. Kind of trying to think of a reasonable but original one though.

I don't want to recycle main cast of characters so far or how they get to silent hill.

I was thinking of maybe starting off in everyday life then slowly he descend into silent hill, maybe through breif hallucination breaks before finally getting stuck there or travelling to silent hill itself.

i know he'll properly be a middle aged man though.

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No, I have not heard it yet, Will listen to it now!

Make it Original.

It's all about originality :D

I already some ideas for monsters in my head that should have decent difference from the ones in the games. Nope, not just zombies. One of my possible monsters is kind of zombieish but his symbolism kind of relies on it.

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I didn't really to make it ponies..I guess I could...

I was going to make it all human.

Heres an very old example I have locked away, I properly forgot most of the details since it like...3-4 years old.

The idea was that the zombie represent abusive father/mothers(dosen't exactly mean physical, even passive aggresive works here too).

They let out faint cries and tend to have broken legs or ruptured knees while carrying around a sledge hammer or something equally heavy sceeching behind them. Their eyes and general faces have been wrapped or, distorted or beaten to a bloody bulp while also being the weakest monster out of the lot.

The symbolism stands for: The face reperesent the permantly ruined view of their fathers/ mothers for their past and that its a image that will be never corrected, it also stands for lost humanity and as such the ability to longer respect them as a person but only as parent due to their choices.

The broken legs/ none functioning legs symbolize the forever crippled relationship and thus cannot move on without great pain, the hammer also stands for the weighing of guilt for the parent for the great pains it has caused, it also stands as a symbol for the pent up and forever grudged rage that parent had used to lash out at their child. The cries are the sign that this all very well known by the real life parent-out of silent hill-but despite this getting close will only resuilt in them attacking all over again.

The weakness of the creature is comemntary on the fact that the parent value is so low in the childs eyes all thats happenend that they can barely keep up to the higher manifestations.

Its a pretty old monster so I might of forgotton most of what it means.

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Reading it creeps me out already.

You sir, Are amazing.

Silent Hill had a massive impact on me. I even beleive that to this day it direct my art pattern and styles. I grew up loving symbolism thanks to it and the drawing of human figures becames my most beloved subject. Its only a few years ago that I started drawing more neutral/up beat stuff to try and diversify. I have a more creepy monster in mind..to me at least because its based entirely on my personality and problems-I don't know if that weird..to make monsters on your flaws and emotional issues but well..I do-

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