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*prods absent mindedly at the bowl of sugar on the tea tray on Pegasus' head*

*the sugar cubes giggle hysterically*

We have tea.

We have eclairs.

We have cupcakes minus the cup.

We have a Penumbra.

I just don't know...

We may need to... evacuate.

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That IS the question, isn't it?

Where COULD we possibly go?

What place would be safe?

How could we survive like that?

There isn't a large enough infrastructure left anywhere on the board to support so many ponies...

And transporting them all... we'll need to put together rations for the trip.

We'll need to ration out enough fuel in order to make it back to the main board too...

But once there, where will we go?

There's only one option I can think of...

We'd need to separate into smaller groups.

Stay off the radar.

Stay small.


And scatter everywhere.

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So long as we remember what we had together... our friendships... we will stay strong.

We can still keep in contact via PM, so long as the system uplink remains stable.

We will begin by making numerous scouting trips to the main board.

Scope out viable areas for our groups to dig in.

Places near lakes, defendable areas, places with SOME remaining infrastructure...

Possibly near enough to camps of The Left-Behind... friendly camps at least... for trade and such.

We will divide our defensive forces and our fleets.

A squad of Madmen will be garrisoned with each group.

A squadron of Blackbird choppers will be allotted to each group for defense.

And yes, we will move at night at first.

And we just might make it. We just might pull through.

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We must make a stand.

A final effort.

Here. At Last Post.

Together we must hold the line.

Two have already slipped past.


Who once grasped this thread by it's throat and threatened to choke the life from it.

We just barely escaped from total annihilation...

Ancre has only just arrived.

Who KNOWS what kind of havoc he will wreak upon our poor, helpless ponies...

The next IRC to set hoof in this thread...

We must maul into lifelessness.

We must collectively set our revving chainsaws to him or her.


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20 years old i think

Lives Australia. Probably around Sydney or Melbourne

Has short hair.

Probably brown

Used to be down to the base of his spine, until someone mistook him for a woman.

Wears glasses.

Works with computers.

IT probably

Like's English humor.

Likes English shows in general.

Was the voice of reason between us.

Helped new comers to the tread find their feet before we corrupted them.

Suspicions of Penumbra's motives. Thought he was a serial killer at some point.

That's all of the top of Penumbra's head.


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