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I'll see what i can do.




In the mean time would you like to see an unfinished Clelesti's al Ghul?

A more sensical question might be, "Oh, would you like to continue being alive?"

YES I would LOVE to~ :3

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okay okay okay

she makes sculptures and stuffs outta stone and suches ._.

and that is her thing that she does

and she's artsy because she's an artist who makes scupltures outta stone and suches ._.

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okay okay okay

she makes sculptures and stuffs outta stone and suches ._.

and that is her thing that she does

and she's artsy because she's an artist who makes scupltures outta stone and suches ._.

Mabel Marble :^D



  • Ivory
  • Stonesong
  • Earthshaper
  • Ivorysong
  • Jade

I'm liking the Ivory ones the best.

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Guest EoLPinkie

So I finally looked at the pony creator and did my best to make Winter Iris!post-1736-0-67440800-1328391084_thumb.pn

The mane and tail still feel a little off, and I wasn't able to get the glowing silver color I wanted :sad:

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I have not idea if you know what Ra's Al Ghul looks like buuuuuttt....


Ta da!

Its Celest's al Ghul!

I spent too long on her eye.

Very good.

Nice use of subtle colouring and air brushing.

I like the amount of effort in the eyes and the general face structure is wonderful.

The dark hair colouring is interesting to say the leasts and I like it. It gives them this kind of stuck in a prisoner vib off her. I kind of think she carving shivs in her spare time to survive. Although shes lacking a horn.

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I have not idea if you know what Ra's Al Ghul looks like buuuuuttt....


Ta da!

Its Celest's al Ghul!

I spent too long on her eye.


Ah yeah. The eye too~ :3

Tis aweomse, my dear sir~

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Very good.

Nice use of subtle colouring and air brushing.

I like the amount of effort in the eyes and the general face structure is wonderful.

The dark hair colouring is interesting to say the leasts and I like it. It gives them this kind of stuck in a prisoner vib off her. I kind of think she carving shivs in her spare time to survive. Although shes lacking a horn.

Thanks sulvussy

I'm working on it. There's still a few lines that need fixing, some shading that needs re-doing, a bunch of scribbles that need removing and some missed spots with coloring.

But to be perfectly honest, if you didn't mention the horn, I probably would have forgotten it. :kissy:

Prison is no place for the great Celesti's al Ghul!

She has to lead the league of assassins and convince batman to kill her!

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Thanks sulvussy

I'm working on it. There's still a few lines that need fixing, some shading that needs re-doing, a bunch of scribbles that need removing and some missed spots with coloring.

But to be perfectly honest, if you didn't mention the horn, I probably would have forgotten it. :kissy:

ROLF. You think thats bad. I drew all those ponies in willtravels request and only as I started to get to the final colouring details did I notice that I missed out ALL the horns.

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no, we all have to do this today or else it will never get done >:^l



ah, this character summery is really worrying me though D: like, what am I even gonna write for that?

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