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Compliment the User Above You

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You're always awesome. All the time. You never stop being awesome. You're like a Large Hadron Collider, but instead of testing the limits of the laws of physics, particles collide inside of you to form more and more awesomeness until you turn into a black hole and suck all the awesomeness out of every corner of the universe until they condense into one point: That point is you.

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He's so awesome, I wish he could buy me a tin cup for all these nickels. I wouuld cherish that cup forever, and pass it on to children for hundreds upon hundreds of generations. Not becaue the cup is good for holding nickels, but because of who it came from. And the name that generations of my family will praise for this cup, possibly until the end of time?

Conor. The most awesome of us all.

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