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Amber Skies


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Name: Amber Skies

Sex: Female

Age: Filly

Species: Pegasi

Coat Color: Yellow/Beige

Mane/Tail Color: Pink/Purple

Eye Color: Purple

Cutie Mark: None

Physique: Slender

Origin: Cloudsdale

Roleplay Type: Mane

Occupation: School?

Motivation: To bring a smile to her fathers face


Amber skies is a pure breed pegasi, both of her parents hail from Cloudsdale. Her father, Gale Force, is a Loving father who cares for Amber a bit TOO much and Amber sometimes find herself wanting to get away from all the smoochiness that he has to offer. Her mother, Rain Fall, is the complete opposite, she believes in hard, cold, justice. If Amber ever does anything wrong it is usually met with harsh punishment, or at least her mother tries to punish her, it is because of these clashes of personalities that eventually drove Amber’s parents apart, she now currently lives in Manehatten with her father who continues to work at the Cloudsdale weather factory producing clouds, not only has this actually made Gale a lot happier as he now gets to spend a lot more time with Amber, he also received a much deserved raise as he is currently the only pony who makes clouds and is willing to take them all the way back to Manehatten, it is because of this that Gale has been pushing himself further and further each day trying to keep up with the workload and the excessive amounts of flying. This means that not only is he entirely exhausted by the time he gets home, he has been starting to neglect Amber, whenever he gets home, all he will do is cook dinner, exchange pleasantries and then go straight to bed to be able to get up early for the long day of work, this has upsetted Amber as she wants nothing more than to spend time with her father and as he’s taking less and less interest in her she is beginning to think that maybe, just maybe, Gale might not love her anymore. But being as young as she is she doesn’t notice as to what may be making her father so different, so grumpy, one day she eventually takes it upon herself to find out whats upsetting her father so she secretly follows him on day to the cloud factory where he works, what she saw stunned her, she had seen her father rocket into the distance apparently back towards their hometown of cloudsdale, this made her wonder but before she could delve to deep into thought she saw a blur in the horizon eventually forming into a coherent shape, that shape being her father pulling a cloud in tow and before she could wave him down he was off again. Eventually the gears in Amber's head began to turn as she realized that this was what was making her father so upset and exhausted. Right there on that spot she silently vowed that when she grew up she was going to learn to fly just as fast as her father so she could help him with his workload, that was all that mattered to her, and that’s all that would ever matter to her. Her fathers happiness. From that day forth she began to train, in secret, with a fellow pegasus filly who was a couple years older than herself so she obviously had the advantage of flight already, after weeks of rigorous training and exercises she eventually learnt how to fly, reasonably well that is. That was the day she would ask her father if she could help him, but to her dismay, he declined, he apologized for neglecting her and said that his work was really getting to him but she should just leave it to him. This of course had no effect on Amber as she continued to train, continued to strive to be the best she could ever be, strive to be able to see her fathers smile again


Amber is still in her filly years which means she goes to school and generally has a lot of energy to spend doing pretty much anything, surprisingly, her wings are pretty developed compared to others her age, she is only able to fly rather short distances but she still tries. She always strives to do her best in anything she does, as she believes, no matter how hard you try to do something, the ends ALWAYS justify the means. Everything she ever does is always focused on two things; Making ponies smile, and being better than what she already is.

And as always theres a picture for reference:


This is an application for my second character "Amber Skies". She is currently a WIP as i want to add more to her but i don't think there is much more I can add to a filly of such a young age, criticism, pointers and any other comments are greatly appreciated :D

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not only has this actually made Gale a lot happier as he now gets to spend a lot more time with Amber,

This means that not only is he entirely exhausted by the time he gets home, he has been starting to neglect Amber, this has upsetted Amber as she wants nothing more than to be loved by her father and as he’s taking less and less interest in her she is beginning to think that maybe, just maybe, Gale might not love her anymore.

These two statements contradict. Perhaps you could put the former in past tense. In fact, tweaking the tenses here would go a long way toward making this read more cleanly. The above sentence has a few redundancies as well you might want to look at.

Kite made a good point too. Just because she's a blank flank doesn't mean there's no story to be told there. Hopes and dreams are good fodder for some words there. And if she doesn't have ANY discernible direction, that could be noteworthy too.

What's Amber's current relationship with her mother? Does she still visit? In what ways does she take after her mother, if at all?

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