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How much money have you invested on My Little Pony?


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Guest ElementOfLaughter

$110! Various donations and T-Shirts. Oooo not to mention my Carlton 2011 G4 Pinkie ornament! I'll probably buy lots and lots more, mostly t-shirts. Who doesn't love t-shirts? I'll probably make a donation here too! Bits for everypony!

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I estimate that I've spent around £200 on pony stuff.. it's really, really hard to tell though because I've been buying ponies since the G1s. I have around 30 ponies in total. Some store-bought, but mostly second-hand from eBay. Though having a load of G1 babies confuzzles the issue: some of them were quite expensive and at least over the average of £5 that store-bought ponies cost..

I haven't bought ANY FiM stuff yet though *sob*

I am going to though!

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None yet. My MLP figurines and T-Shirt were all presents. I may actually MAKE money off of MLP if I can design these stuffed animal patterns the way I want them to go and sell stuffed animals on Ebay. I'm going to donate to a MLP TF2 server sometime though, when I get a new graphics card to actually play it well enough.

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