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Everything posted by NorthernStar

  1. This is the last post now... Can somepony lock this one?
  2. Hello there Dovahshy! I'm NorthernStar and welcome to Canterlot! You said that youre a big fan of Skyrim, thats awesome! There are lots of skyrim fans around here! I hope you enjoy your stay!
  3. Thx ^^ Btw; @Front page; In the upper right corner there is a pony chat if you are interested!
  4. Hey there I'm NorthernStar and welcome to the forum!! I hope you enjoy your stay!
  5. I would advice you to be a cautious.... you don't need to tell everyone. I too have only told about the MLP to my closest friends.... but the thing is that a word spreads like a wildfire... and you can't stop it.... You are what you are and if someone can't accept you as you really are.... then its their problem, not yours.
  6. So.... This is the real lvl 3 "Unrelenting force" a.k.a Fus Ro Dah
  7. Now that you got the 3 posts in here you can start to post anywhere!! + @front page; there is a Pony chat in upper right corner!!
  8. Hey bro, I'm glad you are finally here!! : >
  9. AAAAWWWWW YYYEEEEAAAAHH!!! First episode of the year!! I dare to say that this was the best CMC episode to date!!
  10. About 3€ *Happy meal from Mc Donalds* Yup, I bought a happy meal to get a MLP figure! (Applejack) Got some pretty funny looks
  11. Ponies and Metal... Nothin' better : D A brony living in Germany? I've always wanted to visit "Deutschland!" Thanks for the advice! Thanks! I Luna!
  12. At first I didn't like them but now the CMC is okay... But really; They should throw them into the trash bin and make some more Luna episodes!!
  13. 5/5 Because I agree with You Dunno I mixed some Covenant lyrics together (Album: In times before light)
  14. Ancraophobia - Fear of (strong) Wind Pretty unique.... I know, dunno when I got it..... And I also fear that people judge me for something...... MLP for E.G
  15. Last post wins right? Guess I win!! Bwahahahah : D
  16. Hi! My name is NorthernStar and welcome to the forum! I hope you enjoy your stay!
  17. Needless to say but thank you all for the warm welcome : >
  18. I would definitely follow Queen Luna or Queen Nightmare Moon!! All hail the eternal nightfall!!!
  19. Fav bands: - AktiveHate - Burzum - Covenant - Centhron - Förgjord - Satanic Warmaster - Neurotech - Unsinn - Summoning
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