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It's always awkward to make a title for a introduction


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About myself.: Well first off I'm American, I enjoy going to industrial clubs, and tabletop gaming, and I'm a military contractor.

How did you hear about Canterlot.com?: Actually... I don't remember

How did you became a fan of FiM?: My first exposure was snippets of the 'Party of One' Episode... kinda impossible to not be addicted after that one

My one favourite main cast pony?: Rainbow Dash

Oh crap... there's a text box down here, -cough cough- So uh yeah, In all honesty I found this web site after realizing countless other rp forums had gone belly up lately. I'm been doing forum based rp's for a few years now, and also turn based outpost ones in chats,... so if I ever get long winded feel free to slap me out of it. I'm actually currently working on the char for this log in... no you can't peek.... where'd that post topic button go... oh, there it is... um, thanks for your time and hope to see ya' around

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I'm MyLittlePonyTales, but I just go by Tales around here. I'm one of the many great staff here at Canterlot. Please feel free to message any of us with any questions or concerns you have, or you can just leave another comment here!

If you didn't already, please take a moment to check out the rules section, just so that you're up to speed! :RDash:

You'll also need to make at least 3 comments anywhere in the Introductions section before you can post on other parts of the board.

A good place to go if you're looking to meet a lot of new Bronies is the Chat Room & live roleplay.

Welcome to Canterlot!

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