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Friends on the Horizon!


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About myself.: United States. Love animations and music. I enjoy talking to people and being in some RP.

How did you hear about Canterlot.com?: Word of mouth.

How did you became a fan of FiM?: Terraria Online Forums

My one favourite main cast pony?: Rainbow Dash

I live in the United States. Introduced to this site by someone I know. The other MLP site I am from I was a Moderator.

Converted to MLP:

While lurking around the Terraria Online forums, I noticed a certain group of people ... all of them with pony avatars. I then found the MLP thread there and began to lurk there. More and more often I found myself going solely to that thread and not very much else. Eventually, I decided "what the hay" and gave MLP a try ... I mean if the fan base is this darn nice, it has to be good, right? And like a classic addiction, ponies became me and I became ponies.


Music, animation, and drawings are what I love to watch and listen to. I don't have the skill for any of that (sadly), so I observe the beauty that others have created. Writing is what I do instead, albeit badly. Still browsing this site, so if there is a spot for it, I shall post some of my stuff. Most of my stuff (but not all) is posted on my Deviant Art page [ http://lorem-spitfire.deviantart.com/ ] while the MLP-only content resides [ http://www.fimfiction.net/user/Strife ]. Any and all feedback would be great!

Roleplaying is something I love to do. My most common character was none other than Spitfire (which is my favorite pony).


Always willing to get to know people, and I look forward to meeting those here. I can be contacted on Steam [ http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198031925111 ], Skype [ blazingspitfyre ], and email [ tigerofeq2@gmail.com ] if you ever get the urge to chat.

Happy Posting!

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I'm MyLittlePonyTales, but I just go by Tales around here. I'm one of the many great staff here at Canterlot. Please feel free to message any of us with any questions or concerns you have, or you can just leave another comment here!

If you didn't already, please take a moment to check out the rules section, just so that you're up to speed! :RDash:

You'll also need to make at least 3 comments anywhere in the Introductions section before you can post on other parts of the board.

A good place to go if you're looking to meet a lot of new Bronies is the Chat Room & live roleplay.

Welcome to Canterlot!

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Welcome to canterlot, i'm sure you'll have a wonderful time I'm sure you'll find everypony to be very nice here and don't hesitate to ask for help with anything! as others may have, or will say there is an irc in the top right. it's the most active i've ever been on and suggest going there.

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