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Cthulhu-Pony says hello.


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About myself.: Is this thing goin to override anything I already made to my profile?

I think it might.

Going to look silly. But that's normal.

And I'm assuming the red star after the text means I gotta fill this area too. Cool.

Oh, what?


Being me, I suppose? Cause I am awesome.

Land of the Midnight Sun. (There is only one, others are hax and infringing on copyrighted material. Not. Cool.)

Passions? *CENSORED*

Interested in? Lotsa stuff, mostly everything. (Sci-Fi)

How did you hear about Canterlot.com?: Friend of an friend of an friend I hate.

How did you became a fan of FiM?: It happened. :derp:

My one favourite main cast pony?: Twilight Sparkle

You are not illegally bound to read this Introduction. Doing so might result in mental trauma. Surgeon General.

(I'm forced to put that in my intros. It's the [Judge Dredd Face])

Ohh, here we go again. Brony-net.

Third account and forum on this nonsense fanbase. AYPABTM. (Fourth? Lost count.)

I'm random. Savvy?

Also very internet.

[insert trollface]

A legit medicul condishun. Permaderp.

It affects me doing stuff.

Like posting reasonably and sensibly. I think it's called streaming.

Writing whatever comes to mind.

(I did not read the rules before posting. Is this Bad? And The google ads are causing me to want to purchase forklifts. This need to go here too. Parentheses. Parenthesis... Parennntheesees. prnthssss prhtsssss ssssssSSSSssssss)

English is not my native language. It might cause some issues too if you are Grammar 5-0.

And why I decided to join up? Pony sees, pony posts. It's a Forum.

Oh, and new friends and all that. Highly underrated. Overrated? Could never tell...

But hey, me is here.

Question? I will answer. Either via that "quote" button or via PM.

I do that. So-ci-a-li-ze. A lot.

Razzum Fazzum. I joined up to this fanbase via some really nasty cultists at terrariaonline.

(I'm allowed to say that, you are not.)

Followed them around some half a year around multitude of Places That Bind around the Lines That Connect.

Good ponies. As good as they get.

Here? Because I decided to broaden my ponydom.

And friends/foes joined, wonderous thing that peer pressure, eh?

(You are now all subjugated by force of arms. Submit or Wuws.)

So hi you all. Have some hugs.

Hobbies, hobbies. Internet. Annoying people there by posting stuff. Sometimes it's even constructive. (Wuu.)

Games. All of it mainly. Mostly on Xbox on recent releases, I will always have something solid to say about a xbox game if it got over 80 on metascore and Golden Oldies at PC. (You will like Dig, or you will be ignored. MoO2 too.)

MienCrft and Terraria.

Magic the Gathering. Recently took up on that. Mono White Control/Rush deck. Iz goodies.

Herpa derp. B33r. That's an legit hobbies.

Being snob about stuff. (Even when I know diddly squat about the subject.)

Somewhere at the back of my head there is a voice telling me to keep this short.

It's probably the Feds, so ef them.

Verbose. That's the ticket. More is more.

Oh, assertative. That too. That's like a fancy word for poking noses into everyponys bussiness all the time, I'm told.

I tend to be that too.

It smee again. Took a break from writing. (You ain't done yet.)

And just to make this inb4 Tl;Dr.

I think I covered all the bases. 8fvTxv46ano

If I missed something, ask. I will return you a one incomprehensible answer 70% of the time, a completely off-topic one 20% of the time and that last ten? EPIC STUFF.

Oh, and I don't RP at all. Everything is just me. Smee, Libby.

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I'm MyLittlePonyTales, but I just go by Tales around here. I'm one of the many great staff here at Canterlot. Please feel free to message any of us with any questions or concerns you have, or you can just leave another comment here!

If you didn't already, please take a moment to check out the rules section, just so that you're up to speed! :RDash:

You'll also need to make at least 3 comments anywhere in the Introductions section before you can post on other parts of the board.

A good place to go if you're looking to meet a lot of new Bronies is the Chat Room & live roleplay.

Welcome to Canterlot!

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lol at instant copypaste from Mod.

Worry not, will only mess up things when you are looking.

(or not at all.)

Que manical laughter.

I think I have seen you at GE. At least in TO. Kudos for doing the Job.

expressions of loathing

Same to you buddy. Same to you.


No, seriously.

Good to see you. We haven't talked like in two minutes. That's ages bro. AGES.

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Hi Libertina! Good to see ya here! I wonder if everyone here will think that three new members, all joining at relatively the same time, all from the same place, and all sharing the same favorite pony is a bit suspicious. Doesn't matter though! We'll all have fun, right? ^^

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Cthulhu? Hey, you ... ... ... I'm so mildly confused.


I wuw ya buddy.

Yeah, the same Cthulhu-Pony from TO/GE here.

"All is Dust, and Weathers not, the Passage of Time."

Or something.

Hi Libertina! Good to see ya here! I wonder if everyone here will think that three new members, all joining at relatively the same time, all from the same place, and all sharing the same favorite pony is a bit suspicious. Doesn't matter though! We'll all have fun, right? ^^

Yon Yon again. Hugs to ya.

They'd be wrong not to be suspicious.

We ARE here to take over the place after all. F.U.N. plan activated.

Greetings from the depths.

No, I did not hijack that from you!

Yes you did, Lurkfire. :D

Good to see you.

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Welcome to canterlot, i'm sure you'll have a wonderful time I'm sure you'll find everypony to be very nice here and don't hesitate to ask for help with anything! as others may have, or will say there is an irc in the top right. it's the most active i've ever been on and suggest going there.

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Welcome to Canterlot! :)

K'thanks. You too, since I cannot be arsed to look for your Intro.

Where is my b33r?

Have a Dreamcatcher.

(This one really works so you might not wanna set it up.)

Welcome to Canterlot, hope you enjoy your time here! :D

Welcome implies saying hello. Suspicious.

TIme is only relevant if it is wasted, I don't plan on that to happen.

There must be something behind that.

You are a spy.

Gretings and salutations. Have a Cake.

Welcome to canterlot, i'm sure you'll have a wonderful time I'm sure you'll find everypony to be very nice here and don't hesitate to ask for help with anything! as others may have, or will say there is an irc in the top right. it's the most active i've ever been on and suggest going there.

Brony-Net. Always with the helping...

Oh hi dere, did not see you. Have a collateral hug.

IRC you say? "You IRC pnies are strange, greetings, Forum pnies."

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