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The Sugar Family!

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Hey there everypony! We've got a few families going around here already, and I thought I'd join in on the fun with the GoLucky's, The Nuts, and the Apples! So I've got the Sugar family!

A little background for ya-

The Sugar family is from Stalliongrad. Maple Sugar, his sister (who I am playing), and their parents own the Pancake Stable Breakfast Restaurant and the Maple Tree orchard surrounding it. They could use some help from cousins and aunts and the like, and then there could be other members of the family living elsewhere! Have fun with it! We've got one cousin already who's sort of the black sheep, as he is a waffle fan instead of pancakes. There isn't a lot of family history yet, so you've pretty much got free range with your characters.

List of members

Maple Sugar and Sugar Crystal(character pending)- Blackjack

Powdered Sugar (character pending/cousin)- SunCanoe



VinylScratch-Fructose (character pending)



Help extend our family tree!

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Hmmm, this interests me... this interests me greatly... like, if there was a way to describe the interest I feel, it would be like a weird tingly feeling, like moving a sleeping foot. Yes, a sleepy foot feeling of interest. I just might have to make a memeber of this family. Because sugar is the greatest ingrediant of anything ever. I call dibs on either Brown Sugar, or maybe even Sweet Maple if we're including syrup in there as well, since you have Maple Sugar and the family owns a Maple Tree orchard. Or maybe even Maple Brown Sweetie Sugar. Yes. There. I shall now make a pony named Maple Brown Sweeite Sugar, and she shall be feared by all for her mapley-sugary wrath! BOW DOWN BEFORE YOUR NEW RULER FOOLS! OR SUFFER HER MAPLEY-SUGARY WRATH OF BROWN SUGAR!

In all seriousness, I actually kinda want to make a character part of this family. I'm in!

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Someone needs to have an old-timer named "Store Sugar" which is what some people used to call white sugar...because it came from the store instead of being made at home, or a hyperactive colt named Fructose, or Sucrose.

I call Fructose XD Hyperactive young colt who works in an artificial soda shop

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Not that I like to brag or nothing, but I already beat everyone to the punch:

Sugar Rush

Here's the fun news:

I have been looking forever for someone to be Sugar Rush's twin brother, because I'd rather not play both of them. His brother, Sugar Crash, is a sugar beet farmer. Besides the likenesses that make the brothers twins, Rush is much more energetic than Crash. Sugar Crash, in a way, illustrates in character the effects of sugar in a different way than his brother does.


If you want, you can PM me if you want more details. Here's a reference picture of the twins:


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So, yeah, twins. Sounds like a fun time. Double, in fact. I think it's safe to assume that the fun has, indeed, been doubled. Because doubling the fun is so much fun.

Altough I stil kinda want to make Maple Brown Sweetie Sugar, and her amazing Mapley-Sugary power of being awesome. (I'm probably not going to make Maple Brown Sweetie Sugar.)

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keep in mind that triplets also increases the difficulty that the people playing those characters will post in unison, which is really where the characters become a success.

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